Well I cannot understand why with the charges banks make,how it has come to this.
Astonishing.....we as a nation will be paying for this for generations.
What the financial " expert " on Talk Sport was saying this morning, is that any recovery will stem from the financial markets.
Not paying them their fat bonuses will just force the best ones to go abroad, and as we are the financial capital of the world, without these people our own financial structure would crumble, hence any recovery will be a much longer drawn out affair.
Funny how this guy works in the city, with a plum in his mouth! I am not suprised he would say this.
The bankers like the politicians have taken the British public for mugs for years. The politicians have now got to tow the line, and the same should apply to the bankers.
Because the bankers are now moaning that they might not get bonuses and are issueing all kinds of threats, IF they want bonuses for doing well, are they prepared to give their money back for doing so shit over the last five years?
Because of the banks lending structures which were shite and irresponsible to say the least, are ALL of these tossers going to give anything back to the taxpayer, seeing as it was THEM who got us into this mess?
Will they heck as fuck.....take and take some more, and when they are told no more bonuses for five years, they then cry and want to go abroad....greedy feckers.
Having just taken financial advice about savings and investments you are covered for maximum £50000 in total with any one banking group/building society group. So doesnt matter if you have more than one account or the group own more than one bank/building society the most you are covered by the Financial Services Authority compensation scheme is £50000 in total. So spread your money about between different banks/building societies that are not connected if you are lucky enough to have more than £50000.
Forgot to say that the maximum £50000 is per name so if you are a couple and have seperate accounts in your own name you are each covered for £50000.
i also took financial advice but i was told different !!
iv actually got it in writing (just need to find where i put it lol)
It used to be £35000 but they increased it too £50000 about 12 months ago but the rest I said is right so spread ur money between different banking groups so that you dont end up with more than £50000 in one banking group. If you have it in writing different and he told you recently go back and complain cos they are wrong.
*The cow kisses the monkey*
the banks are insolvent, they must be if the private central bank, the B.o.E. has had to create £175 to £200 billion by Q.E. securitised to future taxation revenue @ interest to lend to them @ .5% or less so they can cover the liabilities on their balance sheets and pay themselves bonuses.
the process of Q.E. (creating credit out of thin air) from the Bo.E. has always taken place but securitised by individual and corporate dept (banks) not the tax payer. government dept for the financing of war's (corporate profits) and maintaining infrastructure, services and interest on previous dept is securitised and paid for by the tax payers. the banking trick is that the exponential increase in dept (interest on interest on fictitious credit created out of thin air (fractional reserve lending)) has created a condition whereby the amount of interest required to service the accumalation of dept is greater than world G.D.P. THEREFORE, IF US IDIOT DEPT SLAVES DONT COMMIT TO SAVING THEM (to big to fail) THE WHOLE BANKING SYSTEM AND WORLD TRADE WILL COLLAPSE !
i say, arrest them and bring back banking regulation (glass steagal). only by regulating the creation of credit (money) will the banking system be able to survive and normal human developement and activity continue. the previous banking shocks and the dubai collapse is only a murmer compared to the coronary thats coming if we dont recall our elected (sick) politicians and hold them to account. they have given our souls up to an international banking cartel (mafia) for a few pieces of silver (gravy train expenses)! oh, in my opinion.
latest letter ........
After the disappointment of last months Supreme Court ruling, the momentum to ignite the recovery of bank charges is about to be unleashed. We are now waiting on the OFT to announce how they themselves intend to proceed (either way it will not affect whether we can claim or not), where they are in discussions with the FSA and banks. A decision will be made regarding this within the next two weeks.
The OFT are still pressing the banks to resolve claims where they have quoted the following in relation to the Supreme Court ruling:
‘Today the Supreme Court ruled that unarranged overdraft charging terms were still assessable for fairness under regulation 5, but certain types of assessment are not possible. It found that the terms are exempt from certain types of assessment since they are part of the price paid in exchange for the package of banking services supplied.
However the Supreme Court stated that the OFT may be able to assess the terms for fairness under regulation 5 on a different basis.
Both the High Court and Court of Appeal had earlier ruled that unarranged overdraft charging terms could be fully assessed for fairness under regulation 5 of the UTCCR's and that the exemption in regulation 6(2) did not apply to the
This fight is far from over, where most of the media coverage has been largely inaccurate. If, after the next 2 weeks the banks do not wish to conclude claims fairly as we are pressing them to do, then they will be pursued until the claim is resolved, using our knowledge in resolving complaints, through the complaint process and by all other means at our disposal.
It does - seriously
And my previous post should have read "several thousand pounds" - it was about £5k they stood to get reimbursed - they would have got it all - especially applying at that time when the banks were just settling out of court pretty quickly, in the hope they could keep a lid on it