Be interesting to see how this goes today. Will this be the end of it or do you foresee another long drawn out battle in the European Courts?
A major, D day for this today.
Banks IMO need to be fair.
If you were faced with a possible "loss" of several billions if you lost a case, and possibly not losing it if you appealed ?
Whatever happens banks are going to be charging for a lot more in the near future.
Favourite newbies:
ATM charges
Increased/new charges for overdrafts.
But it is what they get when they turn-out to have been crooks for decades.
My partner just received a letter from her insurance company (car) informing her that the FSA had told them they had to tell her that they MAY, POSSIBLY have been selling her inappropriate and useless PPI for years ( told her that myself....years ago) and that she MAY, POSSIBLY have a claim against them. (if found, they pay the LOT back plus 8% interest for the term of the PPI)
MY bank told me that if I claimed they would close my account !
Trouble is they will no doubt use the money given to them by the tax payer to refund the tax payer then get another hand out from the Goverment (via the taxpayer) to keep them going :lol2:
I was surprised the decision went the way of the banks... but they are saying that it was more of a point not on whether the charges were fair, but on whether the charges were part of the core service.....
its not over yet...... the OFT may go down other avenues......
The charges are NOT fair at all.
Three years ago I got charged the usual fees for going a tad over my overdraft. I disputed it with the bank ( LLoyds btw ). I refused to pay the additional charges as the over draft was for a measly £35, and was for three days.
Subsequently after months of wrangling those charges escalated to £640. All this for a Direct debit for 35 quid. I was one of those that was hoping to have those charges refunded, but I KNOW the banks can and have done exactky what they wanted too. They have conned and stole from millions of customers, and then used their money to fund dodgy loans, and third world countries which they had no chance of ever getting the money back.
I was praying that LLoyds would go under, or at least one of the other major bankls, to teach all those greedy fuckers a lesson but....they steal our money, they con us, they charge fees that are out of all proportion, and then when they have been so irresponsible that they lose billions of pounds, the Government step in with more of OUR money and bail them out.
All we have in this country now is financial institutions to keep this country afloat, everything else major has gone.
The banks are greedy...manipulative....crooks, who deserve everything they SHOULD have got, but once again they have got away with it at the expense of all of us who pay or have paid tax of any sort. Would any of us get that help?
I still have LLoyds hounding me for those charges, and I just say " take it out of MY stake in your company ". This ruling will cost me dear...all for a poxy 35 quid. Fees? They can stick them up their greedy arses!!!
Despite 2 earlier rulings ffs!
I know there's an argument that says "you signed up for the T's&C's" but these charges are typically disproportionate, punitive and downright profiteering. There should be legislated maximum charges for the common things like reminder letters, exceeding overdraft by up to £x amount for £y days etc. Then Banks can set out their scale of charges and penalties and customers can vote with their feet.
the only way you get money from the banks is by robbing them at gun point.
ok if you can cope with 20 years inside.
Oh there are ways around banks if you are lucky. I set up a child saving account in 2005 and its taken me until a month ago to get the bank to change account so that no tax is paid. About every 3 months I would go in to the bank get the woman to send off the relevant tax form to their head office and it would get lost in the internal post. Every time this happened I would complain about this and every time they have credited £50 to my daughters account as I told them I have to keep getting taxis into town to fill out a new form and just how inconvient its been for me. So far I've done that 15 times times that by £50 = £750. Shame now that they have actually changed the account as it was turning into a nice little nest egg for my daughter when shes older.
did anyone really think the banks would have to repay fees to the public.
they have had our money from the government to keep them afloat so does anyone think they would then repay billions of pounds?
they would only go back to the goverment for more money. yours and my money.
of course they were going to win.
The case wasn't about whether the charges are fair.
Honestly it wasn't at all.
It was about whether the OFT are allowed to make judgements about the charges.
The basis of that call is that the OFT can only judge on activities that are part of the Core Business activities of the company.
The Judge (I don't know if it was just one or a bench full) decided that charges for unapproved overdrafts does NOT form part of the core business.
It was NEVER going to decide that people who feel they have been overcharged can make claims.
It might have opened the way for the OFT to decide that some charges were unreasonable. Thus opening the way for customers to make claims for unfair charging.
The Judge decided against the OFT's position. He also left the OFT open to make a further attempt to tackle charges using other legal directions.
So PLEASE can we stop going on about how the Banks won the right to keep overcharging - they weren't going to lose that right in this court case. They would have appealed, probably for years, and those people paying high charges would still be paying them.
I agree, btw, that most of the charges are unfair. If they don't want to let you have the money - they can put you on a non-overdraft account. So they are totally complicit in people going over their limits. Just like door-step loan sharks.
I'm in the lucky position of being able to keep my head just about above water, so I would have suffered if the charges had been cut - my charges for running an in-credit account (does 0 cound as positive? LOL) would have gone through the roof.
there is a simple answer to all this DON'T go overdrawn lol
True John.
I do not mind additional charges for going overdrawn...that is fair enough is the AMMOUNT of charges that is the issue.
How can they get away with 35 quid charges and then 15 quid per DAY until it is repaid?
The smug ones who say " don't go overdrawn then"..I hope that you never find yourself going overdrawn by a few quid, and then in a blink of an eye, have charges easily beyond 100 quid.
They charge you 35 quid charges and then 25 quid to write to you to tell you are overdrawn.
It is a rip off and it pisses me off that the banks have been bailed out with OUR money.
They are worse than the greedy money grabbing scum bags, that are our politicians.
I just wish Lloyds would have been allowed, like any other business would have done, and gone under!
They are still even now at it, with their big fat bonuses. Greedy shits!!!
What happens to people who had their bank charges repaid before this case went to court?!