Was appaalled to see that a beggar who sponges off the state and earns nearly 25K a year begging(Paying zero taxes) is given a slapped wrist when fined.
I have a son seving in Afghanistan who will be over the moon to hear a beggar gets more than him. Yes our servicemen do pay taxes.
It's time this country woke up and started to smell the is an under class who think it is a god given right to drain our overstretched resources. They use the time honoured line....."but I 'm entitled".
The pot of gold is not limitless. It's made up of our taxmoney.
With defense and police spending facing a 20% cut , maybe it's time the idle suffer a similar fate.
But silly me....."They are enitled!!!"
Welcome to the forum and thanks for the pm.
You will find though that not a lot of people will necessarily agree with your comments above on this forum, but I am in 100% in agreement with you.
Ok 23 grand then, as a rough estimate.
I think the posters points were clear here, a beggar can earn 23 grand a year, more than his Son fighting in Afghanistan.
I will let people decide for themselves if that is an acceptable policy.
I wonder out of interest though.....did he declare he was working and earning money to be able to claim his benefits???
He says.... "At least I never turned to shoplifting or burgling people's homes."
Oh that's alright then. What about doing what millions of us have to do every day, and get up and go to work? That is proper work where you pay tax!
Sometimes I admit people do make things up just to make a point. :twisted:
So how was Thailand ? :rascal:
He can onlk earn that money begging because people are stupid enough to give him money!
Well he has made a few bob for himself...
Are you possibly saying that Doctors are always right and are never hoodwinked?
I refer you to the classic case of a DOCTOR, you know a medical professional, who failed to spot a broken back in a child in the baby P case.
I really do not want to do a Google and find pages of Doctors who have been useless or hoodwinked....there are many.
This is rather interesting I feel...