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Bitish jobs for British workers?

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Remember old Brown declaring this at some speech or another?
Well it seems it was not only bollocks but actually total bollocks.

The figures are quite shocking and with the new laws being brought into place about getting people off of benefits and into work, where the feck are these jobs going to appear from?
We are going through tough times....much tougher times ahead, yet over the last eight years or so the old Labour tossers, just opened the floodgates to all and sundry.
Now British people will bare the brunt of no jobs as so many have gone to overseas workers.
Where are these new found jobs going to come from, so people can come off of benefits?
Any ideas?
I get what you're saying and I agree with you ... there are not enough jobs for British people and yes the floodgates were opened.
The thing is though, lots of the British people on benefits (and I'm not saying all of them) don't want the jobs. At least the overseas workers are willing to work!!
This country has made it too easy for people to be unemployed and claim benefits. The welfare state attitude is going to be a tough one to break!!
OK I've said my bit .... I'm out of here!! bolt
Yes Fun you are correct.
There are many families where two generations have never worked, and yes it will be a hard nut to crack.
The ammount of people on Incapacity benefit has risen dramatically over the last decade, but hopefully the new legislation will bring about a change.
The jobs are just not out there though to give to people on benefits.
It is the price we will pay for allowing too many immigrants in, and Labour knew the state of the economy yet continued with the influx.
Never have I known a Government to have smashed the British way of life as much as the last one did, with no regard to anyone other than their own greedy selves.
Quote by kentswingers777
Yes Fun you are correct.

OMG!!!! I might come here more often!! lol
How many of these jobs are going to immigrants and how many to people from the EU.
I know that where I live it is mainly Polish.
Because of EU laws a country can not control the number of workers the have from inside the EU.. You really have to think of the EU as one big country, ruled by Germany
Quote by AtomCom2001
How many of these jobs are going to immigrants and how many to people from the EU.
I know that where I live it is mainly Polish.
Because of EU laws a country can not control the number of workers the have from inside the EU.. You really have to think of the EU as one big country, ruled by Germany

Officially, yes - of course.
Unofficially - if you don't speak good and fluent French when applying for a job here you often miss the nuances of the polite refusal and the demand to find the door and close it quietly on the way out...
...and French healthcare is generally restricted to those who pay cotisations and have contributed to the State welfare system or those who pay for their own healthcare.
Healthcare is not free at the point of delivery - you have to pay up and then claim it back from the Government or your insurer later.
This kinda restricts the number of immigrants legally entitled to remain here (well, there). :grin:
The "bloody foreigners" taking our shit jobs whinge is as old as when ug turned to og and said those bastards in cave 27 have eaten all the mammoths.
I have a solution that will double the employment opportunites, we simply limit personal earning to 30,000 pa per household. Easily done with a tax system restructure including a 95% top rate and 100% inheritance tax. What do you think?
Quote by Ben_welshminx
The "bloody foreigners" taking our shit jobs whinge is as old as when ug turned to og and said those bastards in cave 27 have eaten all the mammoths.
I have a solution that will double the employment opportunites, we simply limit personal earning to 30,000 pa per household. Easily done with a tax system restructure including a 95% top rate and 100% inheritance tax. What do you think?

Ben, I'd rather die first...
Quote by Ben_welshminx
The "bloody foreigners" taking our shit jobs whinge is as old as when ug turned to og and said those bastards in cave 27 have eaten all the mammoths.
I have a solution that will double the employment opportunites, we simply limit personal earning to 30,000 pa per household. Easily done with a tax system restructure including a 95% top rate and 100% inheritance tax. What do you think?

Sounds like you have been reading Carl Marx again .. hehe
Quote by Ben_welshminx
The "bloody foreigners" taking our shit jobs whinge is as old as when ug turned to og and said those bastards in cave 27 have eaten all the mammoths.
I have a solution that will double the employment opportunites, we simply limit personal earning to 30,000 pa per household. Easily done with a tax system restructure including a 95% top rate and 100% inheritance tax. What do you think?

Ah you really think that will help?
So if there are two people earning, that is 15 grand a year each? What planet are you on?
Very easy for people sitting on the benefit gravy train as a few of them earn over 30 grand a year with all the housing benefit and the council tax benefit, and any other benefit they can grab.
In the real world where people work fecking hard, I wonder how they will feel to be earning that ammount of crap money for a household?
I know full well that that arguement can be used by people who hate others for having nice expensive items. Most like me work damn hard earning the money I do, whereby others doss around all day on the internet, getting paid by the likes of me.
The more a person earns is relevant to the job they do. If you are a skilled worker why should you earn the same as a packer in a factory?
Maybe Russia would benefit your ideals! Oh sorry they already is called Communism.
I wish to confirm that I am none of the things that you quote in your post. I would be affected by the change too. Im sure our community has many many members who would be delighted to be earning 30 grand a year or even have the opportunity to get jobs that would.
Because of the statement I made in a pervious reply may the title of this Post should be
EU Jobs for EU Workers ?
Quote by Ben_welshminx
I wish to confirm that I am none of the things that you quote in your post. I would be affected by the change too. Im sure our community has many many members who would be delighted to be earning 30 grand a year or even have the opportunity to get jobs that would.

Seeing as you made the comment about 30 grand a year households....can you enlighten me as to how this would affect you?
Your above comment is your original statement you say about 30 grand a year households, and the one above implies 30 grand per person...which is it?
IF it is a household where there are two people earning ( which the majority do ), that equates to 15 grand a year per person and you think that is good money then?
I might as well do what a lot of lazy feckers do and give up work and spend all day on the internet....superb.
The suggestion of 30 grand per household. As a meber of a household with "earnt" income of more than 30k such a change would affect me my partner and our kids.
There are families round my way who would shovel shit for 12 hours a day 5 days a week for 30 grand a year household income in fact many many many of them do.
I hope that has cleared things up.
Quote by Ben_welshminx
The suggestion of 30 grand per household. As a meber of a household with "earnt" income of more than 30k such a change would affect me my partner and our kids.
There are families round my way who would shovel shit for 12 hours a day 5 days a week for 30 grand a year household income in fact many many many of them do.
I hope that has cleared things up.

2 people working full time on minimum wage ( ) would earn about £25k a year. So basically you want everyone to work on about the min wage ?
Quote by Ben_welshminx
The suggestion of 30 grand per household. As a meber of a household with "earnt" income of more than 30k such a change would affect me my partner and our kids.
There are families round my way who would shovel shit for 12 hours a day 5 days a week for 30 grand a year household income in fact many many many of them do.
I hope that has cleared things up.

Not really as I knew funnily enough what your answer was going to be before you even wrote it.
Why would you possibly ( IF )want to drop what your household brings in?
If you do earn over 30 grand a year as a household, then whatever you earn over that then give it to your local charity. As you think 30 grand a year is ample for a household you will not have any trouble giving what you have over that figure away............will you?
Lefty Socialism.....don't ya just love it?
Quote by Ben_welshminx
The suggestion of 30 grand per household. As a meber of a household with "earnt" income of more than 30k such a change would affect me my partner and our kids.
There are families round my way who would shovel shit for 12 hours a day 5 days a week for 30 grand a year household income in fact many many many of them do.
I hope that has cleared things up.

With the amount of shit that is generated daily in Wales, I should hope that 12 hours a day 5 days a week should be enough innocent
Quote by GnV
The suggestion of 30 grand per household. As a meber of a household with "earnt" income of more than 30k such a change would affect me my partner and our kids.
There are families round my way who would shovel shit for 12 hours a day 5 days a week for 30 grand a year household income in fact many many many of them do.
I hope that has cleared things up.

With the amount of shit that is generated daily in Wales, I should hope that 12 hours a day 5 days a week should be enough innocent
Quote by GnV
The suggestion of 30 grand per household. As a meber of a household with "earnt" income of more than 30k such a change would affect me my partner and our kids.
There are families round my way who would shovel shit for 12 hours a day 5 days a week for 30 grand a year household income in fact many many many of them do.
I hope that has cleared things up.

With the amount of shit that is generated daily in Wales, I should hope that 12 hours a day 5 days a week should be enough innocent
Hold on. I thought you was in France? Shit capitial of the world... lol
Quote by kentswingers777
I wish to confirm that I am none of the things that you quote in your post. I would be affected by the change too. Im sure our community has many many members who would be delighted to be earning 30 grand a year or even have the opportunity to get jobs that would.

Seeing as you made the comment about 30 grand a year households....can you enlighten me as to how this would affect you?
Your above comment is your original statement you say about 30 grand a year households, and the one above implies 30 grand per person...which is it?
IF it is a household where there are two people earning ( which the majority do ), that equates to 15 grand a year per person and you think that is good money then?
I might as well do what a lot of lazy feckers do and give up work and spend all day on the internet....superb.
Posted at 3:22pm oh the irony....get back to work
Kent I also think we should drive on the right but surely my doing so on my own wouldnt be sensible either or achieve anything worthwhile or preclude me from voicing an opinion as to its obvious advantages.
GnV lol
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
oh the irony....get back to work

I have been in work since is light then ya know now.
Getting the work ready for my staff to earn me lots of money...
See it's lovely getting others to do the work whilst I sit on my lazy arse all day doing nothing.....still I would rather that than be a wage slave...ya know where I am coming from? lol
Quote by Ben_welshminx
Kent I also think we should drive on the right but surely my doing so on my own wouldnt be sensible either or achieve anything worthwhile or preclude me from voicing an opinion as to its obvious advantages.
GnV lol

Maybe you should try driving on the left to Dover, and then hopping on a ferry and head North....for months. Then you will be on the right side of the road! lol
Latvia should suit you luvverly, and a bit warmer than Wales sheep either I hear.
Quote by Ben_welshminx
The "bloody foreigners" taking our shit jobs whinge is as old as when ug turned to og and said those bastards in cave 27 have eaten all the mammoths.
I have a solution that will double the employment opportunites, we simply limit personal earning to 30,000 pa per household. Easily done with a tax system restructure including a 95% top rate and 100% inheritance tax. What do you think?

I have to say Ben, I am not keen. One big point would be, where would the government get there tax from. Would doubling the employment cover what would be lost through reducing many household earnings. 95% top tax rate would put anyone of earning money at all, why wood one bother working bloody hard to fund some one Else's life style. As for inheritance tax, it has to be the tax I most dislike!
Quote by AtomCom2001
The "bloody foreigners" taking our shit jobs whinge is as old as when ug turned to og and said those bastards in cave 27 have eaten all the mammoths.
I have a solution that will double the employment opportunites, we simply limit personal earning to 30,000 pa per household. Easily done with a tax system restructure including a 95% top rate and 100% inheritance tax. What do you think?

Sounds like you have been reading Carl Marx again .. hehe
More like Zeppo or Harpo - no wait - even they weren't that stupid smile
Ok, so you cap earnings - no-one takes the risk of starting a business, no-one goes into science/medecine/engineering etc etc, as they may as well just goof around at school and then just mow the grass in the park for the same money, and start earning it 4 or 5 years sooner.
Come on Ben really !
Fair points blue, why would folk work hard to earn money if those earnings were limited. Why do my neighbours work hard physical shifts for 11 grand a year? The answer to the second question is because they have no choice, well they do, many prefer to stay on benefits. Frankly who can blame them. My suggestion would give such people a more realistic choice and would solve all the foreigner/benefit scum whinge issues. The cost of course is that the rich would be less rich.
Tax can always be juggled to ensure there is enough coming in and imagine the saving on the benefits bill.
Quote by Ben_welshminx
Fair points blue, why would folk work hard to earn money if those earnings were limited. Why do my neighbours work hard physical shifts for 11 grand a year? The answer to the second question is because they have no choice, well they do, many prefer to stay on benefits. Frankly who can blame them. My suggestion would give such people a more realistic choice and would solve all the foreigner/benefit scum whinge issues. The cost of course is that the rich would be less rich.
Tax can always be juggled to ensure there is enough coming in and imagine the saving on the benefits bill.

Ben have you ever thought of moving to Cuba? lol
Quote by Ben_welshminx
Fair points blue, why would folk work hard to earn money if those earnings were limited. Why do my neighbours work hard physical shifts for 11 grand a year? The answer to the second question is because they have no choice, well they do, many prefer to stay on benefits. Frankly who can blame them. My suggestion would give such people a more realistic choice and would solve all the foreigner/benefit scum whinge issues. The cost of course is that the rich would be less rich.
Tax can always be juggled to ensure there is enough coming in and imagine the saving on the benefits bill.

It is a wonderful suggestion, and I like it, but can not see how it would work. The problem arises for me with; "The cost of course is that the rich would be less rich",many people have made them selves rich through hard work and would object to giving it away. Before tax I earned £10, last year, I also worked bloody hard for it. I am self employed and over the next few years I intend to make sure my wage increases a great deal.
Benny is like many on here...he hates success and wealth.
People who usually are like that, are like that because they could not achieve those things themselves.
Not talking about anyone in particular there.
So Benny...........are you going to give that extra ammount over the 30 grand you SAY your household earns to charity, or are you going to be a hypocrite snd keep it all??
Well it's only fair that you can start the ball rolling by only having the 30 grand coming in....come on be a hero.