Well I never had YOU down as the " sensitive " type!! :shock:
The comment " There are too many East Europeans coming to this country " is a fact...check the figures where they said and over came here...is that not too many then according to their figures?? :shock:
The other comment " All East Europeans coming to this country drop sprogs every five minutes ", is also what many think as they do tend to have larger families than the UK do on average. I may not have said it in the non " sensitive " way you would have liked, but ya got me drift.
YOUR interpretation of " racist " is certainly not mine. None of my comments were ever removed from a thread, because of their content.
The bottom line here is IF people like you had not screamed the race card so often, the BNP would never have grown as they have. Trying to shut people up from saying things about immigration which YOU have towards me many times here, has only fuelled the BNP's popularity amonst many people.
It was only a year ago when no politician would dare utter the immigration word for fear that the " sensitive " ones amongst us would be offended, and then use the " your a racist crap " to try and shut people up.
The BNP have grown and become more populare BECAUSE of people like you, who are quick to scream " racist or bigot ", or maybe it was just aimed at me? :shock:
Still I have been proved right where now everyone all of a sudden wants to talk about it, and the " sensitive " ones seem to all have gone into hibernation for the winter.
It is the white Liberal middle classes that have made the BNP grow, and now we all may well pay the price IF Griffin becomes an elected member of Parliament next year....and it's possible now!
Maybe Griffin will also become " sensitive " in time ??
Who said that one Steve?
Was it me?
If it was yes whites can be lazy, blimey I had a few here last year. Blacks can be lazy, so can yellows and in my book is not racist at all.
Why are people so touchy?
The " white trash " comment in Coronation Street was not removed a few years ago, I did not find that offensive at all....but then again maybe I do not offend easily and see a comment like that as not even worth bothering about.
There has to be the same rules for all, and not different ones because you are black or Asian or white.
Racism will always be here...black to white and white to black etc....it is a damn sight better than it was 20 or 30 years ago in the UK, and that is a great thing....but there is still a long way to go.
The very natural instinct that is often described as "racism" has been around ever since humans of different races discovered each other, and it will be here until the end of days. I'm not on about racial hatred, just the basic human fact that we know that people from other racial groups are different and cannot help treating them as such. You don't have to be nasty or disrespectful to treat someone different, some people are so blatant in the way they offer preferential treatment that it is embarrassing. Obviously there are still some people who abuse those who are of a different race, and that of course is unacceptable and ignorant. There really has to be a balance but unfortunately there is not and much of the blame for this lies with ridiculous political correctness enforced by hand wringing idiots ever since the mid 1980's and pushed to the extremes by so called "New Labour".
You tell someone they can't do or say something they are more likely to think about doing it, come out in favour of one group at a cost to another and you are going to see resentment. As Kenty pointed out earlier, a black man and an Asian woman told the QT panel it was not "racist" to discuss immigration. This worked out well for everyone because it appears to have opened up the debate. But had it been two white people who said that they would have been criticised and ignored. Is it not "racist" that the opinions of two people were only acceptable because of their skin colour or ethnicity?
That to me was proof that liberals in glass houses are throwing stones and getting away with it. And yes, nearly all the people responsible for the mess this country is in are white British lefty liberals, and that includes the immigration problems.
That is very true Brighton.
Black people that I know well, hate it when people are banned from selling a Golly in their shop window, like what happened a while back. He said he did not know one black person who found it offensive, and said that by making an issue of something like that, makes the race issue even worse.
An engineer we use is a Jamaican who hes been over here for 40 years, and he thinks the white Liberals are the main source of problems, that exist today.
Now that is coming from a black guy, who says " did they ask me as a black man if I find so and so offensive "? No they did not....
I think it was Steve who said me saying that whites are lazy was offensive. I cannot understand that one at all. I am white and I can be a lazy bugger at times, but if someone called me a lazy white git, I would find it rather funny, and certainly not offensive, and certainly not racist in any way.
I have said it before and I will say it again.....treat EVERYONE as an equal, and do not base anything on the colour of a persons skin. But IF I was to go into a police station and say I had been racially abused say by some black guy, they would laugh me out of the station. But if the shoe was on the other foot, the whole of the station would be there to see who would be the first one to arrest me. Now how is that right and fair?
It should not matter one jot what your colour is. It is just as feasible to be racist whether you are black or white, but it seems not to be the case.
The BNP have been very clever in their manipulation of things like this, and many people believe it, so will vote for them.
Treat people the same, with the same laws and the same rules, and maybe just maybe the race issue will improve to such a degree, that the likes of the BNP will cease to be anything.
Just a thought.
my history teacher misled me, he said that the name "great" britain derived from the bretons from brittany who's plantagenet families ruled "grand" large bretagne and refered to it this way as the europeans still do. just goes to show what professors of history know dunnit !