Have you ever checked?
I recently renewed my subscription for a year with a promise of achieving 12MB speed!
I had 4mb - now I'm achieving 5163 kps download and Upload is 463 kps - Some improvement huh?
I've been on to my service provider and stated the facts, this new service is not what was promised and I want to cancel, seemingly I'm tied in until Jan 2013! Then I mentioned the contract, your not providing me with the service I was guaranteed !
I should anticipate a call from Customer Services tomorrow - I was told.
I ran a speed test, the Irish Regulator use as a benchmark:
I'm not sure if it will work in the UK - but it's worth a try.
we pay for 2 meg and get 10 meg download 2 meg upload
all good here
I'm with Virginmedia and get a little over the promised 30Mbps, as witnessed by
In fact, at the end of this year Mr Branson (aka Bolt) will be doubling that to 60Mbps! :smug:
Download speed of
Upload speed of
Not bad :-)
I don't care, as long as it works.
Mind you, I was happy with dial up.
I had ( apparently ) 50 meg broadband speed with Virgin Media, which doubled to 100 meg in August ( apparently ). We struggled to get 20 meg when we was supposed to be getting closer to 50, and now struggle to get past 60 meg when we are supposed to have 100 meg speeds.
I have had Virgin Media down on numerous occasions, and every month since September my bills have been reduced, as they cannot seem to get my speeds up to what they should be. Now they are saying it could possibly be my internet security's firewall, or my actual computer itself. I spoke with Norton security who took control of my pc remotely and they found nothing wrong, and said that it would seem Virgin was looking at ways of blaming others. I have had my pc looked at quickly and they found nothing in particularly wrong with it.
The pc runs fine in the day but with 100 meg speeds I should be getting no buffeting at all but of an evening it is dreadful. Where I go from here I do not know. Virgin have admitted a fault in my area but seem incapable of fixing it, so the promised jump from 50 meg to 100 meg for 'free' is just yet another con it would seem to try and secure more business.
Star, are you using wireless or do you connect by ethernet cable direct to the hub? My wireless is stubbornly sticking at just below 30Mb/s because that's all it can seem to manage, but when I plug directly into the hub I get the 60Mb/s+ speeds.
That said, as I mentioned before, it's a bit moot if the server you're accessing can't send you those sort of speeds. ;)
Hi all, I feel like the very poor relation!!!!
For quite a while now the speed that my computer will operate at has been a sore point. There may be some issues with the speed of my computer which is being looked into by a local computer shop.
However after reading the above it seems that my download speeds are absolute crap compared to some. I've just done a 'Speedtest' and the results are taken at on Tuesday 4th December; Download mb/s and upload
I have done a test with Talktalk and they tell me that the line is capable of handling approx They say that 70% of that capacity is satisfactory. Apparently I am about 4km from the nearest exchange and that is part of the slow speed. Frequently all I seem to be doing is waiting for the computer to do something, not to mention trying to change a page or going to another site and being told "this page cannot be displayed". Click immediately again and no problem.
I have been offered a fibre upgrade at a cost of £50 and I think it was an extra £10 a month after.
So the final question is whether I should put up with it or go to another provider if they can guarantee a faster speed? I'm not looking for a whizz bang speed but it would be wonderful not to sit here twiddling my thumbs for anywhere up to a minute while it sorts itself out.
What would be an average speed? All opinions will be very much appreciated.
Smooth1, Bridgend, South Wales
Forgot to memtion that I do have a cable connection from the router.
Download Speed: 28815 kbps (3601.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 8321 kbps (1040.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
so is that any good.....I am with BT the fibre optic infinity thing
If you're on ADSL and would like to know what speeds your lines can actually get you can visit . It's a connection to the BT wholesale database. This is where you'll find out if you can actually reach those promised numbers or not.
My connection should be able to handle a whopping but this is what I actually get instead;
Count yourselves lucky!
In all fairness I know there is a problem local to the area (in between my property and the cabinet). It's possibly a REIN issue. The biggest beef I have is that I have to pay full price for over 2 months of this speed with really poor support from now three ISPs.
well we're with virgin and it's crap!
I'm with Virgin Cable
I pay for 50 and get 50. But how each website deals with that and the bandwidth available to that website well thats something completely different, overall though I am quite happy with the speed. Looking forward to next year when we double up to 100Mb/sec
Talk Talk, only two faster is b BT and Plussnet, buy only marginally
Rural Dorset