Hmm. Interesting. As you've put five, Katniss, I'll restrict myself to the same number, and mine aren't all about sex either.
Visit Graceland.
Visit Rome, Venice, Pompeii and Italy in General.
Learn to fly a plane.
Enjoy a threesome with two women ( I can dream, can't I? )
Own an Aston Martin.
For me its cage diving with great white sharks.
always wanted to do it...and have just priced up for a trip next hopefully one ticked off....
booked our tickets for tomatina in spain next year and very little left on my bucket (pronounced bouquet)list
i have done most of the things i really wanted.
and thats because i wasnt prepared to dream.
i decided to just do it.
If I were to pop off this mortal coil today I can honestly say I've done all I ever wished for.
However if I have the choice there is one little thing I'd love to do; Play football in the park with my great, great grandchildren.
Theres is a hole in my bucket.
I am a selfless person and never ask for things for myself, the only thing on my list would be the hope that everyone I love or have loved will get their wishes and be happy for the rest of their lives
Trip up the Amazon (planned for 2015)
Learn to fly a microlight (starting next summer)
Visit the Exuma Cays and see the swimming pigs
One day hopefully enjoy a xmas with all my family together
There was a thread in another place about an instructor who was looking for students to learn to fly microfrights.
He was going to give his services free towards gaining his instructor ticket but the student would pay the usual costs of hire and fuel etc.
Somewhere here in the limousin IIRC.