I'm not sure they should be allowed to. If a religion is based on a book that is supposed to be their god's word how can any human decide that one or more bits of it cn be ignored or changed?
I'm not for one second promoting the harming of gay people but the christian book says gay men must be stoned to death. If this is the word of their god then they should still be at least attempting to stone gay men. Picking and choosing the bits they like and ignoring the less savoury instructions is surely wrong by their own definition of what the book is - god's word. Take it all or you can't be of that religion (in this example christian).
Firstly I am no expert, but believe religious book have been written and rewritten over thousands of years, mainly to steer the followers in the direction the writers wished.
Scripture has been removed from the bible many time to suit the writers or leaders
I feel it should be able to evolve, it must evolve or die
Im not religious at all and have had to cope with the effects of a couple of religions and their version of what their book says.. If they didnt have hotlines to take money from you they may be a bit more believable but id love to have the levels of faith some have in something. Just cant take religion seriously here.
Only ever leads to death and carnage by their fundamentalist translation of their book.
If god was around he cant be so busy to stop some of the bad things happening .. and why do the followers only answer he moves in mysterious ways when asked why ?
Only good thing is Xmas lol .. and santa failed me this one too. Most believe because of fear or they are getting near the end.
We are simply the apex predator and got lucky .. we die we turn to compost or ash and thats it ... well i hope so or im proper fooked as ill be on the down escalator to the fiery hell.
Faith id love to evolve in, religion are regressing with less and less flock every week. The harry chrishna mob look fun though .. thats what im talking about but wouldnt pull off the bald head and orange frock ..
If you havent ever followed the big man and done some pretty bad things .. how long would it take after finding god before you had a chance with an angel then?