Quote by Lost
Is it right to call the woman a little old lady
Quote by flower411
So, while soldiers are being murdered on our streets the police are out threatening little old ladies with prosecution over making cheeses !!
I'll sleep better tonight
Quote by Max777
It still didn't take 3. That was inappropriate - did they feel they needed to protect each other from her flying Tai Kwan Do kick?
Quote by flower411
It still didn't take 3. That was inappropriate - did they feel they needed to protect each other from her flying Tai Kwan Do kick?
Quote by flower411
A somewhat different take on the same story!
Quote by foxylady2209
It still didn't take 3. That was inappropriate - did they feel they needed to protect each other from her flying Tai Kwan Do kick?
Quote by Max777
It still didn't take 3. That was inappropriate - did they feel they needed to protect each other from her flying Tai Kwan Do kick?
Quote by foxylady2209
It still didn't take 3. That was inappropriate - did they feel they needed to protect each other from her flying Tai Kwan Do kick?
Quote by Max777
It still didn't take 3. That was inappropriate - did they feel they needed to protect each other from her flying Tai Kwan Do kick?