To my mind there are a few issues here, please bear with me.
Star: At no point has anyone called you a scrounger. You may rant and rave at them all you like, but it's as plain as the nose on your face that no one has called you a scrounger.
The trouble is that there are genuine cases, and some not so genuine. Many people will know of someone working the 16 hours scam whereby they cant work more or they lose benefits, so they don't.
There are generalisations made and advocated by the press- And no one denies that, but those generalisations don't in my opinion stand for all of society.
TH: I agree, the opportunities are there and people must grab them. However I'm afraid that your past naivety has lost you any moral high ground as far as I am concerned when it comes to the welfare state.
Star (again) with a good credit rating there are employment opportunities that are not down to luck, birth, breeding or whatever you want to call it.
TH: Could you offer star a job? Wouldn't that be something?
Methinks this thread is descending rapidly to that happy hunting ground in the SH locked archives.....
oh well....looks like another 800 at honda becoming scroungers......looks like over 1000 from jessops now becoming scroungers....and as over 200 fire stations in london to close after april, I guess soon another 500 or so Firemen becoming scroungers.
99% of people out of work, want to work.....fact is there is very little work out there. I found myself out of work for the first time two years ago. Luckily for me it was only 3 months....but as I have 30 years experiance in what I think most would call a professional field, I did think I would have no problem finding another job. But I was on agency books and nothing there. I was ringing up companies I many said love to take you on....but just nothing there. So many companies now , when someone leaves, they simply re-distribute that job to others already working there, and don't take anyone new on. There are actually very, very few true scroungers out there. When there are an abundance of available jobs, then have a go at the unemployed. Until till....mabe a a dollop of " there but the grace of god go I ", may be worth considering.
Best not to ask as flower says, as a hoof in the nuts often offends :grin:
I personally prefer to understand the spoken word of the people I come into every day, no matter which one of my two jobs I am working. I have always found that personal experience is adamn good leveller, rather than the popular press.