..much as I like the gays there is no way on earth I would ever want to spend my holiday surrounded by them exclusively.
So, could it be argued that because of the above, you are being predujiced against the gay community?
i think i no longer have sympathy for some 'minority' groups. having achieved a certain amount of legal support and public consideration, they now seem prepared to go on the attack with as much prejudice and discrimination as they felt has been inflicted on them.
So what's the difference between predujice and preference?
setting aside this situation and others where the word is often misused; prejudice is more to do with having a set of criteria that determines how you make a decision. this can be orders from your boss or peer pressure.
preference is where you have time to consider in your own way how to make a decision.
I assume blue you also apply this thinking to not providing special help to rural areas.
Level playing fields and all that.
I believe you support fuel subsidies for those living in rural areas.
These people are a minority that you feel deserve special treatment.
This view seems to run counter to your belief that we should have a level playing field.
And stag there are laws that encourage positive discrimination indeed all of the legisaltion relating to discrimination by gender/race/sexuality eitehr allows or encourages positive discrimination.
I've always interpreted equal rights to mean equal right to the same opportunities. So, purely for example, 3 unemployed people want to learn bookeeping to get a job, but one is blind, one lives in a rural village with one bus a day in the wrong direction and the other lives quarter of a mile from the college and is fully non-disabled.
My definition of a civilised society won't say, well it's there - that's equal. We'll say, ok, the person living in the village gets reduced petrol, maybe a voucher or something to make it easier to get to college and the blind person gets a braille version of the text and software to convert other books to spoken word. The fit person that lives nearby can manage, if they don't have another reason to ask for assistance, they can manage without our intervention.
Of course, each has to make their own effort to actually turn up, do the work, sort out their own lunch etc. But provision has been made to gove each the same basic opportunity to obtain the learning.
I think that is an entirely different situation to the one about not being discriminated against, in dealings with businesses, because of any perceived fault or difference in the eyes of the business-provider.
Positive discrimination in action, allowed by the law:
We can have the best laws/rules in the world, but the problem is that a human being implements them.........
DOesnt the laour party have a postive discrimination policy when it come to selecting parliamentary candidates?