Is it just me, or do you find that people are trying to fill their lives with so much "stuff" these days that they forget where their priorities used to lie? It has become so easy to pay lip-service to friendship, with the advent of virtual conversation media, that we are neglecting the most important people in our lives. As long as there is an internet/mobile phone service that we can utilise to "communicate" with each other in an almost offhand sort of way we forget that face-to-face human contact is more precious to some folks than a quick "u ok?" message. As has been pointed out numerous times, the written word on a computer or phone screen conveys little in the way of feeling or emotion (unless it becomes extreme) and I feel we are losing sight of the personal element of friendship. How many people boast that they have in excess of 300 "friends" on facebook (other networking sites are available ;)), and yet never make contact with over half of them? I am aware that some of those friends may be too far away to see personally, but most aren't and one or two may be feeling that they are just a statistic on your popularity rating.
On the other hand, do you feel that bothering to send the "u ok" at least shows you are thinking of them when you are too busy to meet up? Come to think of it, why do we feel that our lives have to be so crammed full that we can't spare time to just do nothing? After all, our friends will always be there, in the ether. Won't they?
"Complacency is a state of mind that exists only in retrospective: it has to be shattered before being ascertained." Vladimir Nabokov.