can't remember now flower, it was ages ago :lol2:
and it's time for bed...
Yes text was removed.....without any doubt.
Now back to the actual topic!!
Benefits are in place for the less well off of our population and those that need help.
Yes some people know how to play the system and how to claim more and receive more cash than they possibly deserve, are they any different to the self employed who know all the tax loops and use them (and openly brag about it) to pay less and line there pockets more.
I am sure someone is sure to say well thats the governments fault for leaving open the loop holes, well like wise with benefits then.
Many people are saying the government are doing the right thing with all the cuts they are proposing and maybe they are, but to means test all benefits claims will cost loads and take an infinite amount of time to do thus costing even more as the tests rumble on.
So say some of you just stop everyone with 4 or more kids claiming, why this is victimisation at its worst.
I am sure that those of you who are all for the cuts and the cancellation of benefits are sat easy in your ivory towers having already received child benefit for the full time they can and now have grown up children and dont care cos they are no longer eligable to receive it, or dont even live in the Uk so again not affected, or are on sizeable wages and again dont see why others should get help.
Not everyone is the same and peoples circumstances can change in a matter of seconds, so go ahead and means test people on benefits, and then when their circumstances change means test them again and on and on it goes costing more and more and taking more and more time and money.
Rose tinted glasses are one thing but having a 5 bedroom detached house in suburbia, with no little foreign people living there and no single parent famillies around spoiling the view through the rose tinted double glazing you had put in as windows is just not reality.
I think that if a post is edited (inc removing text) before anyone else posts on the thread there is no edit notice at the bottom. I've done that many times when i've changed a spelling mistake - but if someone else has posted before you edit THEN you see the 'edited post' thingy.
So is the text was removed before anyone else posted there would be no edited post notice at the end of the post.
Defending an opinion or arguing a point is not attacking a person. Why is it this so often gets labeled schoolyard bullying?
Disagreeing with a point is not bullying. Others disagreeing with the same hysterically made point is still not bullying.
My thoughts are that those who cry about playground meanies should grow up a little and play like adults or step away from the forum.
Mmmm I had the odd chow mein too!