Is the chancellor right to withdraw child benefit from those earning £40k or more on higher tax bands?
I think he is right to do so (well, I would, wouldn't I) and those that are whinging about it should take their complaint up with their Labour MP who's governance caused the problem in the first place.
Yep, he's right. I think child benefit should be limited for everyone anyway - it shouldn't be paid for any more than two children.
Yes most definatly right.
Also he needs to stop the same benefit being paid to foreign workers kids still living abroad.
Why the fuck should foreign parents get a benefit when the kids do not even live here ffs??
Yes this benefit should be means tested, and I believe you should not get this benefit if you have more than three kids, as you can obviously afford them if YOU choose to have that many.
Anyone who earns over 35 grand a year and that would be per household, should not get it.
I am sick and tired of seeing this benefit paid to families with a zillion kids.
The benefit being paid to parents whose kids have never even been here, makes me choke on my breakfast....are we fucking nuts in this country, or what??
It is about time the whole welfare system was looked at seriously, which it looks like it is. And it is madness of the highest order to have a system that pays more for people to sit on their arses all day, rather than do a days work.
It cannot come soon enough for me and the scroungers and fakes out there, will be shaking in their boots, wondering if this will now catch up with them, and be forced into looking for work....seriously being forced.
and so George Osborne says, quite rightly, that the whole benefits system culture needs to change.
There will be a limit on the amount of benefits paid to the average amount that would be paid if you are in work (with safeguards for the disabled). Hooo fucking hooooray!!!!!
The shirkers are probably arranging for some enterprising young chaps to break their legs for a few grand so they can stay on benefits....
Moi? a cynic...... non
On the J.V. show today, they were discussing the ending of the Child Benefit for anyone who is a top rate tax payer. Quite a few people rang in who had one of the parents earning that amount while the second parent earned nothing or very little. Hence they would be down a fair amount of cash compared to a family with two workers each earning just under 44K.
One thing J.V. never asked........who did you vote for then ??? Bet a fair few of these "midlle class" voted Tory !!!
It's only the start folks..............
I have to say..excellent idea..all for it.
This is quite obviously a deal to keep liberal democrats on board...for when the other cuts hit the poorer more.
However...he will come under pressure from the rank and file of the tory pary... just watch the rest of the party bleat on about this and throw it out. How much you want a bet it will get thrown out and watered down ??
Fair points Neil.
I personally think they should scrap all the child benefit....why?
Why should the Government pay people because they have kids?
Cannot afford them, then don't have them.
Or pay for the first child but not any more than the first.
I want to see other benefits looked at more closely, like incapacity benefit, or disability living bollocks...too many bad back merchants out there.
People like this fraudster...
24 fecking weeks? It is almost worth it for the amount of money he nicked, plus this is the tip of a massive iceberg.
Once out of prison he should never ever be allowed to claim any benefits ever again.
Harsh? You bet it is. People know that even when caught the law does very little or in most cases nothing at all....get tough Cameron and quick.
I think its a good idea in principle but badly executed, although I do understand the Government's thought process. The tax system works on an individual's income, not the total income of a household and they are trying to align the child benefit to the tax system for simplicity, rather than trying to replicate the horrendous mess that is the tax credit system devised by the last government.
Let me see if ive got this right;
You work hard and do really well and work your way up the ladder, so no child benefit for you.
You sit at home claiming benefits and you get child benefit.
I think that ALL child benefit should be stopped, if you havent got enough money to support your children, don't have any.