Kenty, GSD's are my dog of choice.
I feel no need to elaborate on how many I've owned, how long for, and similarly don't give a flying fuck whether your surname is Woodhouse, you taught the dog whisperer everything he knew, or you are, in fact, a German Shepherd in a dress.
I took a tiny bit from your post, rather than quoting you in your entirity in order to simply shed a little enlightenment, rather than single you out in a "you're wrong manner." But you, rather than saying, "oh, I never knew that"- or maybe even googling "alsation misnomer" and getting on with it had to attempt one upmanship.
Call them what you like. Hell, call your next bitch Witchy- makes no odds to me.
I too was bought up calling them Alsations. It doesn't alter the fact that it's a misnomer.
Over and out.
Dangerous Dog.
I have a Staffie cross Boxer and she at nearly five is the nicest dog I've ever known and my mom was a dog breeder. Her personality is second to none, she barks a lot but I've seen her run away from cats. And she is more loyal and trustworthy than any Hunan I have ever known. I've had her since she was a puppy and she loves me like I love her. That is how it should be.
with an 'a'... Alsatian.
I am not getting into an arguement over what some people call one breed of dog ffs.
Witchy was just trying to be a bit clever, I realise that one but....I have forgotten more about that breed of dog than most people know about them.
GSD or Alsation.....people know exactly what ya are talking what???
Dave hit the nail on the head. FFS, I even chose not to quote Kent directly to make it clear it wasn't a dig- just a snippet of information.
Two people at least now know something they didn't before, which was my purpose. There's a general misconception that "Alsations" are the short haired type popular when I was little, and that GSD's are the longer haired breed more popular now. A surprising amount of people think they're two different breeds.
I was being helpful- Kenty chose to respond in a condescending manner and tiresome one-upmanship.
PS- I have mayo on my chips too, am I Belgian? :shock:
And back to the point...
I've been trying to find a reference to something I read a while back- but I can't, so this is just conjecture...
Anyone remember a case a while ago when a baby was mauled to death by his grandparents two dogs in Wales? They were a Staffie, and a Jack Russell. The article I read alleged that the post mortem results showed the majority of the wounds on the baby were inflicted by the Jack Russell- not what you'd necessarily expect.
Where temperament is concerned, dog breeds can usually be put into one of two categories based upon how they are likely to react to a stressful situation; "fight or flight." Terriers, for example, are usually fighters. Retrievers will usually run & hide. There are, however, always exceptions to the rule, but it's a useful guide to a dog's natural, instinctive demeanor. As a tot, I had a Jack Russell whos whiskers you could have put in pony tails & he would have just licked you. I've met downright aggressive Golden Retrievers. It's just a rule of thumb, and inevitably a lot of how a dog ends up reacting is down to it's owners.
Dog owners need educating. Every dog is potentially dangerous around small children, it's the extent of the damage that differs.
I can see the sticking point- and am just as unsure. However, with the dogs, the name has been officially changed back to the correct one, so while it may/may not have been a misnomer in 1976, it is now.
Another interesting factoid- the Great Dane isn't Danish, it's German too.
>>craves Schnitzel & Schwarzwaldcreme<<
what a funny thread..........
full of funny people..........:mrgreen:
so can we straighten hair with GSD's or not?
If so, do we really have to use mayonaise?
Anyone want a small to medium cock up their arse? I always get good marks for effort!
:crazy: I am a poodle. :crazy: