It's not the dogs.....a chihuahua can be dangerous. It's the bloody owners.
I had a little taster of a 'dangerous dog' which was bought in by the owners after it went for their daughter...a lovely dog, calm before and sweet - they claimed it just turned savage in the blink of an eye.
After the vet examined the dog it turned out the reason it had gone for the girl was clear - a pencil rammed down its ear - a tiny pencil the sort kiddies use - not visible unless on close inspection. I cant imagine the agony the dog was in. Owners can be irresponsible and leave kids unattended with dogs.
On the other hand you do have the mindless morons who but a dog just to appear 'hard' on the street and so mistreat the mutt to make it more viscious. When treated with patience some can be saved but in nearly all cases it is just too late.
Licensing should be re-introduced with compulsory chipping of all dogs and cats linked to the license - maybe then owners who are neglecting their duties will be bought to book..or at least a step in the right direction....
Your mate Gaunty was on Sky News this morning kent doing the paper review.
He had this item on his list.
He suggested that both the dog AND the owner should be licensed.
No compromises. An unchipped dog should be put down immediately. Found in the possession of an unlicensed owner, both the dog and the owner should be put down.
Well, that's what I think he said!
I think he had similar views about Ahmadinejad President of Iran as well :grin:
Licencing I can go with
Banning of a breed I can not
I would bottle it if there was a group of chavs causing grief on a train, i'm not stab proof!
It now transpires this dog was an ILLEGAL breed!
Jail the fecking moron who owned this dog...ten years and no early release!
The thought of that four year old being ripped to pieces by a dog that should never have even been in this country, by an owner who would not know decency if it crawled out of his arse, makes me weep with anger.
RIP little man.
Jail excuses.
Why dangerous dogs? they work at a greater range than a knife and the penalty for ownership is less than that of gun ownership.
I still call German shepherds Alsations it's because when I was a kid that's what they called them habit don't you know...I used to be the proud owner of an Alsation.
I also used to own what would now be called a dangerous loved people when he was out, would fight any dog that came near him,would protect the house from anyone or anything and was the finest animal I've ever had the pleasure to 'd been used as a compound dog in a scrap yard and was "trained"(i.e. beaten and abused) to guard,had we not adopted him he would have been killed denying him 12 years of life and us the pleasure of looking after him.
Yes dogs should be chipped and owners should be checked,also all dogs not belonging to registered breeders should be spayed or I say registered breeders I don't mean the easily purchased kennel club registration but a proper system of policed checks to assure the welfare and the responsible homing of the dogs..This to be funded by the reintroduction of dog licences.
There are no "bad" dogs there are thousands of badly trained poorly treated animals who deserve better.
People are way to fond of banning things they do not like, so called dangerous dogs, the once legal ownership of hand guns, that stopped anyone else getting shot by one didn't it.
Are Black helicopters more dangerous than other colours?
The only reason a dog is ever dangerous is because it's owner shouldn't have ever been given the responsibility of it. I love dogs, always have done, but even I wont introduce an aduld dog to my family home. Nobody knows how the poor animal has been treated as a puppy and that is what shapes the dog. Dogs get put down for biting people, they should look more closely at the bastard that made them bite, probably using cruelty.