The number of drivers speeding past Oxfordshire's deactivated speed cameras has increased by up to 88%, a road safety partnership claim.
Thames Valley's Safer Road Partnership monitored drivers on two roads in the county for five days.
The cameras were axed at the end of July after the county council withdrew £600,000 in funding due to budget cuts.
Keith Mitchell, leader of Oxfordshire County Council, said the test had only been completed at two sites out of 72 over five days.
- In Cowley, 62 people were clocked speeding, representing a rise of 88%, the partnership revealed.
- In Woodstock 110 drivers were caught doing more than the 30mph limit, which is 18% more than the average for 2010.
As the saying goes lies, damn lies and statistics or should that be the devil is in the detail as the headline 88% increase was from one camera site in Cowley over 5 days