A London Council have announced that the private landlords are charging so much for property rent that they can no longer afford to put people up in thier properties and have asked a Stoke on Trent Housing Authority to house 500 families to ease thier problem.
There is a waiting list for council houses in Stoke as there is in all areas, we do have many houses for rent by private landlords but many of them will not take on DSS clients so it would be down to the Private Housing Authorities to help out, but why should they, they are here to help needing cases in the area, what about the people looking for work in Stoke on Trent, do they want another 500 families being dumped here to make the job market more competative, what about the DSS payments to those families and the housing benefit paid by the council, why should Stoke have to foot that bill out of it's financial budget.
Why haven't the London Councils addressed the problem and built more houses.
I am sure other councils have been or will be approached by the London Council to help them and if they succeed in passing thier problems on other London Councils will see it as a solution to thier problems and start dumping thier unwanted around the rest of the Country.
What about the families, there must be a reason they are living where they are, no consideration seems to be being given to them about sending them 200 miles from where they want to be.
It is just wrong.
I see no one seems to have mentioned the 150 families that moved last summer from Birmingham to Exeter and East Devon for exactly the same reason?
Or the 50 families that moved from Plymouth and west Cornwall to Exeter in December last year for exactly the same reason?.
I think it's a bit naive not to realise that this is going on a lot more than perhaps you think it may be.
So if there are too few houses, is the other side of the coin that there are too many people ??
Or dare we go there ???
J & S
One important factor seems to have been missed in all the ego pushing, chest puffing and media hype:
Newham Council in East London said it was writing to more than 1,000 housing associations around the country – including one in Stoke-on-Trent 160 miles away – to try to find accommodation for families applying under the new rules.
So nothing is set in stone. Nobody is being forced out of their home, in fact it's likely to be migrants attempting to settle as it applies only to new applicants. Only 1 out of more than 1000 housing associations is in stoke.
Oh, and let's not forget that the one housing association contacted in stoke, Brighter Futures Housing Association, has already said no because it doesn't have the capacity.
Sensationalism at it's finest!
Not enough housing in London, why not, why haven't the councils there built more, they are our leaders, our capital, those to whom we look for inspiration and leadership, why have they used the land to build Olympic facilities instead. this is the place that decides immigration policy, surely they knew that a situation like this was arrising.
Why are we letting people migrate here to recieve housing benefits because they are not working ? an immigrant is someone who wants to come and live in this country, and we are saying yea ok you dont need to work of course we will give you money, dont worry about housing we will get you a house, not sure where yet but dont worry we will sort that out.
This is not Asylum Seeking this is immigration and we can say to applicants, thanks but no thanks you have nothing to offer in return. Here is the government freely admitting that British Subjects cannot be housed because they are allowing immigrants to take houses, can this be real ? Britain the laughing stock of the world and the giver of benefits to anyone who asks.
Are we to have 2 immigration policies now, one to let them in the country but another to refuse them immigration into London ?
Would that work, what is to stop an immigrant shipping out to Devon or Stoke then going back to London, getting a home and claiming housing benefit for it again, I mean if they really want to live in London how can we really stop them under current ruling ?
I'm happy about the housing benifit cap.
So most immigrants want to live in London, fair enough, London hasn't got the space so ship them around the country, fair enough, result ...... more immigrants can arrive in London.
Why should someone be allowed to migrate to the UK .....
Because they are qualified in a trade for which we have a shortage of locally trained applicants
Because they wish to invest in Britain
Because they have been offered a job and accommodation
Because they have an ability to steal and want to steal from British people
Because they think coming here and traffiking some women is a good way to earn money
Because they are experienced in making elicit Vodka and think it would be easier to make it in this country rather than try and import it without customs finding it
Because they dont want to work and we are the only people willing to pay them if they dont
Because they would like a nice house, cant afford one so want us to provide and pay for one for them
Because credit card fraud isnt as profitable in thier own country
So what are the actual rules for entry into this country, being from an EU country and having the right to work anywhere in the EU is a good thing but it should not give people the right to NOT work in any country and to claim the benefits that Country offers.
How to solve the problem, give them less benefits that France does and set up a camp near to the docks, call it sinkgatte or something like that and watch them leave in thier droves.
Why not, during my recent 3 year spell as a migrant worker abroad in europe I was not entitled to any benefits and could only stay in the country as long as I had the money to pay for my own upkeep, if I had lost my job I would have had to return to the UK.
It's how Leeds,Barnsley and Sheffield created Dewsbury