I wonder who long it will be before you will find shops opening on Good Friday and Easter Sunday due to the fact it might affend some other religion by having the shops closed. Alot of schools dont have christmas concerts, towns dont put up christmas decorations etc because it affends some other religion.
Seems they are just your little opinions Away. Maybe you should actually ask the people who DO work on Sundays eh?
I know of seven people who work Bank holidays and like my Sister who had to work both Easter Sunday and Monday. All of them have no problem at all with working Sundays or Bank Holidays. Seven out of seven have no problem at all, so makes me wonder who is actually sticking up for who on this thread.
She thinks it is just part of what she does in her line of work as a carer. Obviously carers and the Police etc, come under a different set of guidelines to shop workers.
As for shop workers not belonging to a Union, do not know how you would know that?
I said it before and I say it again, why should shop assistants be treated differently to other Sunday workers, the gas men, RAC, Bar staff, Emergency Services, Chemists, Hospital staff, bus drivers, taxi drivers, Lorry drivers, airport staff, dockers, customs and excise and so many more people who need to work on Sundays, should shops have to close on Mondays too so that the fresh foods they need can be delivered on Mondays ready for Tuesday opening negating the need for them to be delivered on Sundays.
I really miss working today!
I do not and never have wanted to work on a Sunday,but if I'm offered overtime I will and do....because I can't afford not to...I'd suggest that most other people who work Sundays (unless contracted to do so) are in a similar situation
And history shows us that "that madman Scargill" was right in almost if not all he said that Thatcher would do to British industry
Yeah that is very true Staggs.