Just to start a discussion - please, please don't turn it into a slanging match.
What does equality look like to you?
For me - in a more or less ideal world:
Equality is not about treating everyone the same. It is about treating everyone appropriately.
It is about ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to support themselves and their families and then the opportunity to work towards their dreams. It is about giving those that need it a single hand-up to independence or a life-time of support - or something in between, whichever is needed.
Any thoughts?
Equality is a socialist pipedream and a utopian place that can never reached as long as the population of this planet has such a diverse set of ideals. No two countries are alike and millions are crippled with absolute poverty whilst others think they are poor and throw away half of what they can eat away. Politics, religion and entrenched culture differences mean that there will never be equality in our lifetime.
The closest thing to equality is fairness and to achieve that you can only judge people by their standards and not your own.
for me...equality is simple...it means every one has equal opportunities in life.....be they black or white..be they male or female...be they straight or gay...be they rich or poor... and no matter what religion they have.
Maybe utopia...but doesn't mean we can't strive towards it.
above was my fav part of red nose day.....and please listen to the words closely !!!
Is there such a thing as equality. Dont think so, maybe between classes and peer groups perhaps but in life .. no such thing.
for me equality is a fairy tale like the bible .. a dream for left wing socialist who arent doing as well in life as they hoped .. so spout nonsense to make them feel good about it.
Why would any rich person strive towards being equal with the underclasses .. that in a nutshell is why it doesnt exist .. the rich will always be rich and the rest wont .. unequality more like lol
Not everyone who is rich is as selfish as that.
Of course being "rich" has different meanings for different people.
Just to clarify - a few examples of inappropriate but equal.
Free school meals for all children - not necessary (and therefore a waste of our resources) for many as their families can afford to pay for lunch.
Providing sanitary towels in men's toilets - or alternatively refusing to supply them in the ladies cos men don't need them. (Ok silly example but you get the point.)
Not providing signers in schools, workplace learning or in the courts. If you are deaf your access to learning or a fair trial is compromised or removed entirely if a signer cannot be found. Very few deaf people could afford their own so one has to be provided.
Another word for appropriate has already been used - fairness.
I am fully aware that full equality (like so many deals) is not possible or expected. Is that a reason not to strive towards it?
Equality is all about giving people a fair chance and to be treated fairly. It isn't about treating everyone the same as that would be absurd, but equality is all about recognising a persons needs and ensuring those needs are met albeit in different ways.
Equality is about offering the same opportunities to everyone, regardless of any differences. However, that doesn't mean we are all equal.
Equality does not, and never will, exist.