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Geography woes

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Swinging Heaven Logo 8 likes

Not a complaint about this site, because it's the same on job and sales sites too - anything that measures your distance for you. 

But it's so bloody annoying that distance is always measured "as the crow flies" regardless of the bloody Bristol Channel! The direct approach might be great for people in the middle of the island, but some of my nearest matches are 4 hour drive away (or more specifically, since I don't drive, an 8hr bus ride or Β£150 train ticket away!) 

Even more irritating than trying to filter Welsh results out of my matches (which breaks my heart, because... well, accents!) is the vast number of people on the other side of the channel who don't seem to notice there's a bloody ocean just south of them and who message "only 25 miles away, meet now?" - Yup! Start swimming, bucko and I'll meet you on the coast! 

I know there's no way of stopping it (neither the way it works nor the stupid!) but I just felt the need to shout into the ether since it bugs me so much. And I now feel better... a problem shared and all that! 

Any other parts of the country have a similar problem with a giant "something you have to drive around" - or is it just a Devon/Wales thing? 

Swinging Heaven Logo 3 likes

Same here with peeps on the Isle of Wight!

I feel your frustration x

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

Is the same in Scotland, the site quotes a distance of 96 miles from me to Aviemore ( not that the woman thinks we'd be a match) , by road it's 80m to Perth and I'm damn sure it's more than 16 to Aviemore from there, grrr. πŸ™„

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

Curiosity got the better of me ; 82miles Perth to Aviemore. No crows were harmed in this exercise. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

Maybe just arrange a flying visit?πŸ˜€

Swinging Heaven Logo 3 likes
Quote by robnew

Maybe just arrange a flying visit?πŸ˜€

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 2 likes

Not to the same level but but the same is true even in the south east. Straight lines often bisect the M25. From me to Milton Keynes in a straight line ignores the fact it requires a drive down the M4, around a quarter of the M25 and up the M1 which practically doubles the time and distance.

Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

That must be even harder to work out in some ways - I can see fairly quickly that all my homepage suggestions are in Wales, but I guess you have to actually know where all the places are.

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 5 likes

Having an interest in maps and still enjoy driving ( in the main, London excepted ) helps in identifying where people are. HothouseSub , I do get your thing about 'as the crow flies ' as to get to Dundee, 36miles, I would have to swim (can't do ) row across the Firth of Forth ; walk through Fife and across the Tay Bridge ( knees are knackered so that's a non starter ) or drive about 100miles. Then you meet her and discover she has used her nieces photo πŸ˜•πŸ™πŸ˜’, 🀣🀣

Swinging Heaven Logo 3 likes

Forget the Firth of Forth. Driving 5 miles on the M25 can take hours. lol

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

Quote by osemlover

Forget the Firth of Forth. Driving 5 miles on the M25 can take hours. lol

I have experienced the M25 on a few occasions and not my favourite patch by a long way.

If there was a load of 'pleasure' at the end of the journey to make it worthwhile then I could tolerate it. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜œ

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

It is certainly the same for me up here on the Southwest coast of Cumbria, might only be 5 miles as the crow flies to my nearest large town, but that is a 45 minute drive around the coast, and the nearest city is 30 miles away but over 90 minutes driving through country lanes, but heho I chose to live here.

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

Couldn't agree more. I live in SE Essex and receive matches in NE Kent. 13 miles as the crow flies but a trip of 80+miles one-way, not to mention the cost of the Dartford crossing. I therefore tend to ignore south of the Thames especially considering the number of jokers who enjoy pulling your leg, but not a lot else... which is a real shame for the genuine members of this site !

Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

Can't beat local pussy/cock, bugger all this flying around, it is nice to be admired but journey times can be a dampener. But for these sites its easier to show as the crow flies. But come the day we have the flying car i going to be cumming everyday.

Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

Quote by Octopuschappy

Having an interest in maps and still enjoy driving ( in the main, London excepted ) helps in identifying where people are. HothouseSub , I do get your thing about 'as the crow flies ' as to get to Dundee, 36miles, I would have to swim (can't do ) row across the Firth of Forth ; walk through Fife and across the Tay Bridge ( knees are knackered so that's a non starter ) or drive about 100miles. Then you meet her and discover she has used her nieces photo πŸ˜•πŸ™πŸ˜’, 🀣🀣

Your description of the journey reminds me of trying to arrange a social get-together with an online (non-sexual!) friend group. One of the group lives on the IOM - we were trying to ascertain the one point our journeys all crossed to meet there. Her app of choice instructed her to first swim to Ireland at which point she could ferry almost directly to the place we were going. 🀣

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

I think that is endemic in the UK with its little villages, rivers, streams and generally poor infrastructure; don't forget there are 2 bridges to Wales now!! lol I feel your pain, I have no car which makes it twice as bad especially since the train drivers have been on holiday the past 5 years!

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

Think the biggest problem is actually getting to meet like minded people on here 😳 trying to arrange time with people seems difficult if they do reply to you then the distance thing on top makes it a lot of time taken up meeting with someone cause the people you would like to meet are never local, my answer was to buy a camper van drive to some where scenic local to your meet and even have some where to meet mine is the white van third on the left lol

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

Hothousesub just looked at your profile and location i can see your problem, but on the plus side i can see lots of places i would like to park my van πŸ˜‹