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Georgeous George?

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i thought i would move the subject of George Galloway away from the post Olympic thread, and try to work out whether this man is a fool or a villain, or just plain smug. lol as the Olympic sport thread has gone off topic, as things usually do on here.
Quote by GnV
And 'gorgeous' George as well as one or two others of some particular political note in the UK

in referance to a comment I made and obviously one or two on here think he is indeed an honest and proper kind of chap, who says things as they are.
Quote by I lovingly
an MP only seems to tell the truth when it suits them to do so, the rest of the 99% of the time they slither under those rocks. I cannot remember a time when an MP actually sat down and told it as it is, without the press forcing him or her to come clean.

Quote by GnV then
George Galloway?

there have been many instances where the said Galloway has infuriated his peers, and in the process made himself look a right wally. To such a degree of being one of only handful of politicains that were actually banned from attending the House of commons, along with others that have had that honour bestowed on them like Dennis Skinner. innocent, but i digress on that Skinner chap.
as a fellow member on here obviously thinks that " gorgeous George " is indeed the man and commented about Galloway " someone who actually did tell it as it actually was ". i wonder if the member in question ( GNV wink ) has anything to add over his latest blunder over the Assange case.

apparently Mr Galloway thinks this was not indeed , but a mere " 'bad sexual etiquette ". on his video podcast, Good Night with George Galloway ( how i wish it was good night ), said he "did not believe the two women who had accused Assange of and sexual assault". I am sure this man courts controversy wherever he goes to try and gain a few extra votes.
for me this man is an odious low life, who is only in politics still for his constant promises to the Muslim community who have kept him as an MP. without them he would have been in the political wilderness years ago and has played his cards very well in his political career.
has this man now over stepped the mark by saying Assange did not commit , without first hearing what the evidence is from the Swedish judiciary? or as usual is he is the judge and jury and executioner as he likes to be?
as some hate the Daily mail articles i thought i would balance that up with a similar piece from the other side of the washing line and use the guardian as well.

so is having sex with a woman when she is asleep or not ?
Newspapers eh? Tomorrow's sausage wrappers (or, based on preference) arse wipers.
You might get a more balanced view by reading Wikipedia :grin:
I thought Britain had free speech star. Is Gorgeous George not allowed to have a view or express it?
Quote by GnV
Newspapers eh? Tomorrow's sausage wrappers (or, based on preference) arse wipers.

of course GNV but people still read them and buy them by the millions every single day, including you with your free subscriptions.
Quote by GnV
You might get a more balanced view by reading Wikipedia :grin:

if every source of news from every different angle, all sing from the same hymn sheet, like they have with this story, then i am inclined to believe it. Did Galloway say these things? yes he did and no interference from any outside sources either. He has always courted outright controversy and it keeps him in the very small spot light that he is accustomed to.
Quote by GnV
I thought Britain had free speech star. Is Gorgeous George not allowed to have a view or express it?

you thought wrong GNV. free speech is only allowed when you do not upset or offend anyone from your comments. but in the UK today it is increasingly difficult to have that so called free speech, as there is always someone whinging about what someone has said. there is no free speech in the UK, only part free speech.
Assange screams for free speech, yet the country he has now committed his soul to, has one of the worst records on human rights and free speech. he is a hypocrite and a potential and sex offender, hiding behind an foreign embassy to escape any form of justice, and Galloway thinks he is this marvel of mankind fighting those nasty horrible Americans. banghead:banghead:
maybe gorgeous George should also be extradited to his beloved Cuba, where I am sure he will get all the free speech he so craves.
Quote by starlightcouple
Newspapers eh? Tomorrow's sausage wrappers (or, based on preference) arse wipers.

of course GNV but people still read them and buy them by the millions every single day, including you with your free subscriptions.
How can I buy it with a free subscription?
Quote by star
You might get a more balanced view by reading Wikipedia :grin:

if every source of news from every different angle, all sing from the same hymn sheet, like they have with this story, then i am inclined to believe it. Did Galloway say these things? yes he did and no interference from any outside sources either. He has always courted outright controversy and it keeps him in the very small spot light that he is accustomed to.
bit like the boss of Ryanair Michael O'Leary. He gets free publicity by announcing outrageous plans such as that he is considering charging passengers €1 for using the toilet. He has no intention of doing so, but he gets £millions free publicity in the process! Good economics. Not much point in him telling the newspapers that grass is green, is there?
Quote by star
I thought Britain had free speech star. Is Gorgeous George not allowed to have a view or express it?

you thought wrong GNV. free speech is only allowed when you do not upset or offend anyone from your comments. but in the UK today it is increasingly difficult to have that so called free speech, as there is always someone whinging about what someone has said. there is no free speech in the UK, only part free speech.
Assange screams for free speech, yet the country he has now committed his soul to, has one of the worst records on human rights and free speech. he is a hypocrite and a potential and sex offender, hiding behind an foreign embassy to escape any form of justice, and Galloway thinks he is this marvel of mankind fighting those nasty horrible Americans. banghead:banghead:
maybe gorgeous George should also be extradited to his beloved Cuba, where I am sure he will get all the free speech he so craves.
How can Assange be a potential , when you have already said he is a ?
And besides, GG just loves cuban cigars! No penalties there me thinks.
Quote by starlightcouple
of course GNV but people still read them and buy them by the millions every single day, including you with your free subscriptions.

Quote by GnV
How can I buy it with a free subscription?

my comment above is two as in 2 different things. read them OR buy them. You read them from a free subscription. how hot is it in France today?:doh:
Quote by GnV
And besides, GG just loves cuban cigars! No penalties there me thinks.

no certainly no penalties. he probably has a batch of them sent to him by a Cuban boat, personally signed for by Fidel himself.
You said "read them and buy them".
Not 'or' them.
Bit like the difference between a condom advert and one for ice cream.
One is to 'buy me and stop one' the other is to 'stop me and buy one'.
What really pisses off newspaper vendors more than anything is people who read them and don't buy them... Mainly in Golders Green I hear :grin:
Nowhere near you I guess star....
Quote by GnV
You said "read them and buy them".
Not 'or' them.
Bit like the difference between a condom advert and one for ice cream.
One is to 'buy me and stop one' the other is to 'stop me and buy one'.

rotflmao:rotflmao: i am glad you do indeed have sense of humour lurking under all that garlic :rascal::rascal:
Quote by GnV
What really pisses off newspaper vendors more than anything is people who read them and don't buy them... Mainly in Golders Green I hear :grin:

no i think that is more relevant up north GNV as they are a bit more tighter up there i hear. :grin::silly:
Quote by GnV
Nowhere near you I guess star....

Golders Green? is that where George Michael done all his cottaging stuff? actually that could have been in the toilets near Hampsted Heath. :eeek::bounce: will have to have a look at one of those links i look at from time to time. blink
Better than sloppy seconds dahn souf then eh?
Free speech?banghead
Nope not anymore. You offend the PC Twaterrati and the witch hunt begins.
It seems very suspicious to me that after Lasagne was interviewed by swedish police who concluded that there was no case to answer, and subsequent to embarrassing revelations on his wicket thingy, they now want to extradite him despite no charges against him.
One has to ask who's pulling the strings here?
Old GG can opine what he wishes, personally I have no time for him.