and you wonder why the site....saw fit to bring in the three strikes and your out rule !!!
This is a thread about the equal rights law...and how it might effect clubs....and by end of the third page has once again..slipped into petty, snide, patronizing back biting comments about each other.
I always drink out of a plastic glass these days whilst responding to threads in the CA
Islandcpl, given your constant reference to forum 'idiots', and the forum 'Gestapo' of late, and given that you have less than a month left of a membership that you have already said you do not intend to renew, would it be fair to say that you seem to trying to get some sort of reaction from other members by way of a few parting shots before your deactivation?
Some would call that trolling. Equally, some would say that using words like Gestapo to refer to other forum members comes perilously close to a breach of AUP in itself, which does sort of negate any point you're trying to make about moderation of this website, in a pot-kettle-black kinda way?
N x x x ;)
25 quid ?
I would pay 50 quid for such perfect hosts.