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Governments double standards?

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We have been reading all about the RBS boss, scooping himself a nice fat tasty pension for himself, even though he dragged his company to it's knees.
I do not think any worker is worth the kind of money bounded about, through a pension scheme. I think it is quite obscene.
Now it seems the Government are trying to stop this guy from getting his per year pension.

But are the very people who are now saying this guy should be stopped from having this pension, just as bad?

That is just one example of MP'S and their own expenses. Twenty two grand a year for their second homes?
The boss of RBS whilst a rogue and a arsehole, in my opinion should keep his pension. It was agreed BEFORE the banking scandal came about. If he has to give his pension back, what about the sleazy MP'S who we have all heard, have bankrolled their own pensions for years, and very excessive allowances.
It seems to me the Government are under massive pressure to do something about this greedy banker, but could they also be out in the same bracket, for being greedy?
For millions like myself who struggle most months, with a small pension, which btw is NOT index linked like our own MP'S, I find the whole sorry tale a mess.
In my mind Ministers and MP'S are just as greedy as the bankers. I wish I had a second home with massive expenses, with a nice large salary.
I just think the whole saga is a two faced hypocritical mess, caused by the Government, and if they stop his pension, then theirs should also fall in line with the man or woman on the street.
Gotta agree with Kent on this. A contract is a contract. Its the members of the government and the so called banking 'regulators' that should be fired immediately without pension rights.
It brings a bad taste to the mouth to pay his pension from public money which effectively is what is happening but its a drop in the ocean if it means we finally establish a system of control on the rich using the sweat of the workers to get richer with no sign of regulation at all.
Well, the good and the grate (sic) are enjoying a very nice lunch courtesy of the EU today in Brussels thanks to the generosity of the tax paying public..
No different to Mugabe's birthday party really.. and equally sickening (although they may not be accorded access to Mugabe's 85kg cake!)
Maybe one day, the people will wake up to realise how much these leeches suck and seek to re-take the power themselves..
but then, a few years later, they will need to be ousted too as power corrupts.
It's a vicious circle and will never be defeated.
Come the revolution, I would shoot the capitalists and landlords first whether they are bankers or not. Politicians are relatively harmless in comparison.
Unlike the former we all get to vote the politicians in--so who is to blame if we get the ones we deserve.
Unfortunately a contract is a contract - though the RBS chiefs don't deserve a penny of it.
Everyone has known for years bankers & brokers were overpaid, with massive bonuses and corporate hospitality expense accounts being milked for champagne + caviar parties,golfing holidays and pheasant shooting etc ; the big question is why our prudent chancellor and his "party of the working man"(?!) did'nt do anything about it.
The 1930s labour party manifesto included the nationalisation of banks. With luck we are on our way there.
Back up a min...
If I am correct it was the government that co agreed his pension terms in the first place? dunno
What's more if any laws are introduced to retrospectively claw back pension agreements where would it stop?
The Government is under massive pressure to do something, but what?
This is purely a smoke screen... a 'throw them to the wolves' knee jerk reaction to a set of banking system practices that was predicted to fall like a pack of cards some many many years ago.
I cant see how they would have a leg to stand on if they lay a finger on Sir Fred Goodwin without reigning in the MP's with their snouts in our tax money trough & lets not forget the lazy MEP's who are far worse! mad
The problem now is that we have no major manufactoring. It is all financial now, and now the banks have crashed, it will effect all of us.
We have heard of MP'S who have " employed " family members on vasy salaries, only to find out they have actually done no work at all.
An MP is in a position of trust ( supposedly ), but still they hide behind dodgy rules, made by their own, to protect their own.
IF this banker is allowed to keep his pension, whilst it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, he has a contract which has to be honoured by law.
But stop and think for a minute about all the people on the street, ordinary people, who through no fault of their own have either had their pensions slashed some cases lost the lot.
Sometimes it can be a shit life for some, and as the saying goes " the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer ".
Redpantherman has hit the nail on the head:
The banks have been consistantly pressured by the government to make money, lend money and generally bouy the economy leaving Brown, both as Chancellor and Prime Minister to run a massive Borrow & Spend policy. RBS, HBOS and Northern Rock are symptoms, not the root problem.
Fred the shred has already foregone other things he was entitled to as part of his package - the shares, his years salary, ( apparently), on the tacit agreement from the government that nothing more would be said on the matter. At the end of the day, this is just more Labour distractionism to hide their own appaling performance.
"Nice Bloke" Dave is not tough enough for the job of sorting this country out, it's sad to say, but we will probably need another Thatcher.
Wunderhorse agrees with Kent... :shock:
Things have got sooo twisted that Kent & I are on the same exact feeling on a subject, shows how strange life is going.
The Political class think that they are above the normal population. An example being freedom.
They can talk about how Nations abroad don't give Human Rights to people.
Yet when it's advised that documents around the days leading into the Iraq War should be released what happens...
the same Political class blocks their release confused
Even the opposition agrees with this decision.
After what has happend this week with the above example & that 'RBS Pension Boy'. Am never voting again.
The Conservatives blame Labour for allowing the City to go out of control.
Yet a couple of years ago they never said anything :?:
Now if you are in oppostion, isn't your job to show the nation the short-comings of the Government, perhaps :idea:
So why didn't they inform us, then..
cause they also loved the idea of free markets or
economic liberalism.
Money shall set the world free (tm).
Well who feels free these days.. :?
They are all the same.. in the end they stab you in the back.
People like my Grandad fought the Nazi's in World War 2 for the right to vote & look around you where you.
Are you proud or when the News informs us that Snow has brought London to a standstill on the very same day that the Chinese Leader was having talks with our wonderful leader Gordon Brown in 10 Downing Street.
I bet Mr. Wen Jiabao went back to Bejing laughing at 'British organization'.
It's a shame but nothing will change, it will only get worse. Roll on I.D Cards, 24hr Surveillance,
E-Mail's read, Blacklists...
So we will end up a sort of version like China today.
Maybe a little more freedom but open your mouth about 'the wrong issue' & your in trouble.
Quote by kentswingers777
Sometimes it can be a shit life for some, and as the saying goes " the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer ".

Ain't it all a fucking shame.... :smoke:
Quote by Wunderhorse
Wunderhorse agrees with Kent... :shock:
Things have got sooo twisted that Kent & I are on the same exact feeling on a subject, shows how strange life is going.
The Political class think that they are above the normal population. An example being freedom.
They can talk about how Nations abroad don't give Human Rights to people.
Yet when it's advised that documents around the days leading into the Iraq War should be released what happens...
the same Political class blocks their release confused
Even the opposition agrees with this decision.
After what has happend this week with the above example & that 'RBS Pension Boy'. Am never voting again.
The Conservatives blame Labour for allowing the City to go out of control.
Yet a couple of years ago they never said anything :?:
Now if you are in oppostion, isn't your job to show the nation the short-comings of the Government, perhaps :idea:
So why didn't they inform us, then..
cause they also loved the idea of free markets or
economic liberalism.
Money shall set the world free (tm).
Well who feels free these days.. :?
They are all the same.. in the end they stab you in the back.
People like my Grandad fought the Nazi's in World War 2 for the right to vote & look around you where you.
Are you proud or when the News informs us that Snow has brought London to a standstill on the very same day that the Chinese Leader was having talks with our wonderful leader Gordon Brown in 10 Downing Street.
I bet Mr. Wen Jiabao went back to Bejing laughing at 'British organization'.
It's a shame but nothing will change, it will only get worse. Roll on I.D Cards, 24hr Surveillance,
E-Mail's read, Blacklists...
So we will end up a sort of version like China today.
Maybe a little more freedom but open your mouth about 'the wrong issue' & your in trouble.

Whats it like to be right then? lol :lol:
It happens soooooooo often with me, I am used to it. wink :wink:
Quote by kentswingers777
Whats it like to be right then? lol :lol:
It happens soooooooo often with me, I am used to it. wink :wink:

actually... there is a school of though that says you mind not be right on this one....
bear with me... this is where it gets complicated...
as the law stands at the moment, has a provision in it that states that the maximum an executive of a "failed" company can get in pension pay of is £27,000
now the bone of contention is going to be if you could count RBS to be a "failed" company since it had to be bailed out before it was sold to/Merged with Lloyds banking group....
that is going to be the bit I bet is tested in court...
Like vince cable has suggested... only pay him that and let him sue for the rest, if his contract is that water-tight he will get the money back....
Quote by fabio
Like vince cable has suggested... only pay him that and let him sue for the rest, if his contract is that water-tight he will get the money back....

Correct, point Vince Cable via Fabio.
Let's see if he's got the balls for a battle.
Like the old saying.. you have to earn your money.
Let's see if 'RBS Pension Boy', has got some fight in him.
I think this pension limit that's being bandied about is a moral argument rather than a legal one. I think it applies if the pension scheme goes bust not the employer. Pension schemes dont belong to the employer, they are held in trust for the members.
I am not happy with retrospective legislation.
Morally Mr Goodwin hasn't got a leg to stand on.
Legally he has every right.
I think they ought to refuse to honour the contract and let him sue. Keep it in the papers for a while lest we ever forget the filthy greed of the filthy rich.
Wasn't it within the directors powers to reduce his pension? So it was never a cotractual right. Without the tax payers intervention the bank was insolvent anyway so there were insufficient funds to pay pensions. There is no way this guy should be allowed to benefit so significantly for such incompetence. Believe me we don't know the half of it .
There is very little more nauseating than watching a Government Minister playing to the the Daily Mail mob (a nasty little rag if I ever saw one). If there is ANYTHING more likely to undermine our economy than the banks having a collective lobotomy and lending to people they know can't repay it is for the signal to be sent out that you cannot rely on contract law to be honoured in this country. When this whole fiasco is over who is going to want to do business in this country? Utter utter stupidity.
If I buy something I wish to know if I am going to get my money's worth or make a profit. It is my money, my future.
If a director, or broad make policies to buy loans ect, then it only has to look good in the short term. In an up market, like we have had for a few years now, that is easy. By the time the bottom falls out the directors have retied, moved on or just taken the short term bonuses.
The directors who have been left holding the hot potato are no worse than the directors who started the whole risky trading, that became banking culture.
Perhaps a family run company would take more care than a public company. After all the directors have a stack in the future.
Quote by fabio

Whats it like to be right then? lol :lol:
It happens soooooooo often with me, I am used to it. wink :wink:

actually... there is a school of though that says you mind not be right on this one....
bear with me... this is where it gets complicated...
as the law stands at the moment, has a provision in it that states that the maximum an executive of a "failed" company can get in pension pay of is £27,000
now the bone of contention is going to be if you could count RBS to be a "failed" company since it had to be bailed out before it was sold to/Merged with Lloyds banking group....
that is going to be the bit I bet is tested in court...
Like vince cable has suggested... only pay him that and let him sue for the rest, if his contract is that water-tight he will get the money back....
good point fabio as allways :lol: :lol:
freeze his pension and let him sue
Pension scheme assets don't belong to the employer.
A Company going bust has no direct bearing on the assets of the pension scheme.
The media reporting is a classic example of idiot journalists attempting to understand a very complex subject. The MPs aren't much better. I suspect half the time they simply play the outrage card rather than trying to inform anybody.
The only double standards politicians show are that they are liars and hippocrites! (and even more so when they utter words like...'trust me!'
Will say this for old Bliar he is looking much happier now he is not Prime Minister rolleyes :roll:
Quote by The_third_man
Will say this for old Bliar he is looking much happier now he is not Prime Minister rolleyes :roll:

Lets see....he fucks up the economy, lets in about 5 million people that we cannot substantiate. He leads us into a war with the Yanks, and then of all jobs becomes a peace envoy FFS. A peace envoy. Thats like giving Peter Sutcliff some knives and then give him a butchers job.
He sells his books and makes millions, has about 50 houses. His wife makes zillions from protecting and sticking up for some of the worst scumbags out there.
He dumps being PM just in the nick of time, before the economy and the banks crash. He lets Bottler Brown pick up all the shit for it.
After all that.....would you not be happy? I would think I had stepped in the biggest bucket of shit there is. :roll:
Vote Labour......the party that just loves giving away others money.........roll up, roll up. lol
Quote by kentswingers777
Vote Labour......the party that just loves giving away others money.........roll up, roll up. lol

Ooooo are you one of those tree-hugging, sandal-wearing liberal lefties then? :lol:
Quote by kentswingers777
Will say this for old Bliar he is looking much happier now he is not Prime Minister rolleyes :roll:

Lets see....he fucks up the economy, lets in about 5 million people that we cannot substantiate. He leads us into a war with the Yanks, and then of all jobs becomes a peace envoy FFS. A peace envoy. Thats like giving Peter Sutcliff some knives and then give him a butchers job.
He sells his books and makes millions, has about 50 houses. His wife makes zillions from protecting and sticking up for some of the worst scumbags out there.
He dumps being PM just in the nick of time, before the economy and the banks crash. He lets Bottler Brown pick up all the shit for it.
After all that.....would you not be happy? I would think I had stepped in the biggest bucket of shit there is. :roll:
Vote Labour......the party that just loves giving away others money.........roll up, roll up. lol
Come on Kent, give the woman some due: she's a QC. It's her job.
Quote by noladreams30
Will say this for old Bliar he is looking much happier now he is not Prime Minister rolleyes :roll:

Lets see....he fucks up the economy, lets in about 5 million people that we cannot substantiate. He leads us into a war with the Yanks, and then of all jobs becomes a peace envoy FFS. A peace envoy. Thats like giving Peter Sutcliff some knives and then give him a butchers job.
He sells his books and makes millions, has about 50 houses. His wife makes zillions from protecting and sticking up for some of the worst scumbags out there.
He dumps being PM just in the nick of time, before the economy and the banks crash. He lets Bottler Brown pick up all the shit for it.
After all that.....would you not be happy? I would think I had stepped in the biggest bucket of shit there is. :roll:
Vote Labour......the party that just loves giving away others money.........roll up, roll up. lol
Come on Kent, give the woman some due: she's a QC. It's her job.
She COULD become a prosecuting barrister? But oh no she takes the easy in the bank...lots of it.
Her lovely hubbie brought in the shitty Human rights bolllox, and she sure as hell has made her money from it.
As I have already stated, she defends the worst scumbags out there.
She is THE worst kind of freebie. She and her hubs belong to each other!
Peace envoy.......that is the funniest thing I have
heard and seen in years. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by kentswingers777
Will say this for old Bliar he is looking much happier now he is not Prime Minister rolleyes :roll:

Lets see....he fucks up the economy, lets in about 5 million people that we cannot substantiate. He leads us into a war with the Yanks, and then of all jobs becomes a peace envoy FFS. A peace envoy. Thats like giving Peter Sutcliff some knives and then give him a butchers job.
He sells his books and makes millions, has about 50 houses. His wife makes zillions from protecting and sticking up for some of the worst scumbags out there.
He dumps being PM just in the nick of time, before the economy and the banks crash. He lets Bottler Brown pick up all the shit for it.
After all that.....would you not be happy? I would think I had stepped in the biggest bucket of shit there is. :roll:
Vote Labour......the party that just loves giving away others money.........roll up, roll up. lol
Come on Kent, give the woman some due: she's a QC. It's her job.
She COULD become a prosecuting barrister? But oh no she takes the easy in the bank...lots of it.
Her lovely hubbie brought in the shitty Human rights bolllox, and she sure as hell has made her money from it.
As I have already stated, she defends the worst scumbags out there.
She is THE worst kind of freebie. She and her hubs belong to each other!
Peace envoy.......that is the funniest thing I have
heard and seen in years. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Does she still make any money out of the fact they modelled the Mersey tunnel off her gob?
And her scarce git gobby father ffs? :shock:
Quote by kentswingers777

Come on Kent, give the woman some due: she's a QC. It's her job.

She COULD become a prosecuting barrister? But oh no she takes the easy in the bank...lots of it.
We need defence barristers as well or should they only become prosecuting QCs? That is a one sided legal system
I dont know where you get the idea that being a criminal defence lawyer is a well paid job. It certainly isnt anymore ( even if it ever was)comparatively speaking.
Try googling/ Wikki and do a search under the Lord Carter reforms to the legal aid carter, A labour peer, reviewed the costs system and made it all the more strict and stringent. The law came into effect recently(as such).
Kent, this clearly again shows an ill-informed, biased, outdated, wrong and pathetic view of yours of the system of law and order and the practice of Criminal Justice proffesionals.
The role of a Defence practitioner isnt as easy, well paid, glamorous as you make out..... i should know!!!!
people defend because people need defending... its called natural justice. To slate a highly regarded proffesional as you do is rude and ignorant in the extreme.
But then again, i forgot, you would be part of the lynch mob who would hang people without trial (presuming guilt) because you regard those going through the Justice system as beneath you.
If there was a situation where you were accused of something, I would like to see you survive without one of the dedicated proffessionals who put their bigotry aside and deal with the issue in hand..preserving peoples rights, fairness and equality...and having to put up with the so called "scum of the earth".
you wouldnt last a minute!!!
Quote by DeeCee
I dont know where you get the idea that being a criminal defence lawyer is a well paid job. It certainly isnt anymore ( even if it ever was)comparatively speaking.
Try googling/ Wikki and do a search under the Lord Carter reforms to the legal aid carter, A labour peer, reviewed the costs system and made it all the more strict and stringent. The law came into effect recently(as such).
Kent, this clearly again shows an ill-informed, biased, outdated, wrong and pathetic view of yours of the system of law and order and the practice of Criminal Justice proffesionals.
The role of a Defence practitioner isnt as easy, well paid, glamorous as you make out..... i should know!!!!
people defend because people need defending... its called natural justice. To slate a highly regarded proffesional as you do is rude and ignorant in the extreme.
But then again, i forgot, you would be part of the lynch mob who would hang people without trial (presuming guilt) because you regard those going through the Justice system as beneath you.
If there was a situation where you were accused of something, I would like to see you survive without one of the dedicated proffessionals who put their bigotry aside and deal with the issue in hand..preserving peoples rights, fairness and equality...and having to put up with the so called "scum of the earth".
you wouldnt last a minute!!!

ffs Cherie is a cherry picker... she hardly does it for peanuts does she rolleyes