and oh, Jed, don't forget Bury Council who are now going to collect bins (stinking household waste) every THREE weeks...
Now that hardly stacks up as belonging to a Country which can be proud of it's achievements...
Britain really is becoming, if it is not already, and acting like a third world tin pot dictatorship raking in billions in local taxes and diverting funds to other than the common good.
thats where we differ Toots......I do believe there is a need for a change...and I believe we should stand up and be counted and stand up and fight against it.
Look through history.....people stood up and were counted in the Jarrow march...people stood together against the poll tax. If you feel strongly don't walk away...stand up....and make Britain great again.
It doesn't always we can't just stand just give it and take the changes is exactly what they want...they win.
People didn't accept the poll tax.....and it was reversed.
Whilst their is a pulse in my body, I will always stand up for what I believe is right and fair.
LABOUR, CONSERVATIVE, LIBERAL DEMOCRATS, UKIP yes POLITICIANS, despite them we still have a lot to be proud of.
Every Nation has it's problems, every nation has something to be ashamed of
Pakistan is a rapidly developing country and is one of the Next Eleven, the eleven countries that, along with the BRICs, have a high potential to become the world's largest economies in the 21st century.
and yet almost 59 million Pakistanis live BELOW the poverty line, that is almost as many as the entire British Nation yet we help them out with financial aid.
We all know the problems in Africa, people dying from lack of clean water, famine, war, millions in dire straits despite many regions enjoying vast wealth.
Many in the Middle East suffering from ethnic hatred within their own Religion, or stalin style regimes in power, civil war and outdated punishments.
Nations the world over have far less to be proud of than Britain, our history is not always good, at times we have to be ashamed of what we did, but we are changing, we try to provide a safe haven for those who come to us for help, we try to assist nations that need our help, we as a people not as a political party do what we can to help others at home and overseas.
Some Nations have done better, but not many.
For a moment forget the Politicians, Bankers and those who live off the poor and look at the BRIT, the everyday person, and in this time of un-paralleled greed we can still hold our heads pretty high.
The British Isles is a collection of Islands. Hence British Isles. Of these one of them is a lot larger than the others. Hence where most people are is called "Great" Britain. It's like "Manchester" and "Greater Manchester". It doesn't mean those in "Greater Manchester" are better.
Great Britain is just the name for the largest Island in the series. It has nothing to do with our standing. The word "Britain" came from the romans and was revived by the Victorians.
Yes that is the historical, geographical and technical meaning but during our history the title has reflected our place in the World, once in control of so much of the world, this small island comprising 3 Nations had an Empire where the sun never set, it still has a large Empire where we enjoy a relationship with our friends in the commonwealth Nations.
My whole point was that while our Commonwealth and control may have diminished, quite rightly in many cases our influence and respect still has a lot of good standing, there are still many things in the UK to be proud of, our National Health Service is a tribute to us, the number of free public libraries and free museums available to our people, our welfare system though under strain is second to none, which is much of the reason why we are constantly discussing the problems and benefits of so many people wanting to migrate here.
It is far from perfect but in many respects it is still Great.
Sadly at the moment the divide between the poor and the rich seems to be returning to the medieval ages of landowners, barons and those that benefit from having peasants running around but at least those peasants have people thinking about their better interests.
Our laws are flaunted, cheap alcohol subsidised by the UK taxpayers and the right to smoke in public places if your lucky enough to be entitled or invited into the House of Commons or the House of Lords, Bernie Eccleston being able to buy his freedom with a £60million legal bribe to the Government so as not to be tried for bribery seems to be a farce and a show that you can break the law if you can afford it. But history has shown that Governments that rule in such ways do get ousted eventually, the day will come when MPs will be brought to task over their abuse of power.
Just as bad as Politicians we have the super business magnates that the Government refuses to tackle when they blatantly break our laws, rules and even taxes, but no nation is perfect and many have even bigger problems than those.