We've been lurking in the background for far too long now, and we have decided that its time to come out of the corner of the room and talk to people, so a big HELLO to everyone.
So, as an opening post . . . ., interested in everyones thoughts on Facebook and adding "friends". Facebook to both of us is about connecting with friends we don't necessarily see or talk to often, and we tend not to add "people that know us" and we see regularly.
Myself & MrsG have had a friend request from someone in the village who you would say hello to in the pub etc. but haven't got much else in common with them. Would you accept their friend request?
well I would add them....because they might get the hump if you don't....then if not interesting in any way...I would delete them a week later. They might spot you not added them,....but they get wouldn't know you deleted them.
Problem can be with facebook....to many nosey parkers !!! I find family are actually the worst !!!
I used to like FB, it was a networking site for people to get to know each other, keep in touch with friends, make new friends and yes mke friends with people at your local in the safety of your own home and avoid that chatting face to face situation when your at the pub.
But now it is just a marketing tool for every Company to advertise their wares on, poke us and we will donate 1p to charity, follow us on FB, play this free game so we can find out personal information that you have showing on there for marketing purposes, it has been stolen from the public and we rarely use it now.
Facebroke is an over rated pile of garbage I think.
People go down the pub with " mates " and spend half the time chatting on FB, what has happened to people's ability to communicate via mouth?
How much has Facebrokes shares collapsed by? But if people get pleasure from it, then that's fine...........isn't it?
Thank you for your responses, everyone with a different opinion.
Foxylady, we sort of know him so we know he isn't the bonkers sort (or sexy) although we know he likes a drink having carried him home from the pub on occasion. Deancannock, we think your approach is best. And Midcouple think you are right. FB has its uses for keeping in touch with the more distant friends but the business side, advertising, spam is a pain.
So taking the Dean approach say hello to everyone, make friends . . . we can always walk away at a later point.
Naive for thinking that a networking site wouldn't actually be a networking site .. perhaps, maybe I should get trading standards to look at how they describe themselves and what they actually are then.
I do know that FB is losing 6 million members a month in the US and 2 million members a month in the UK alone. Those are the numbers closing accounts, no doubt many more are like me who now leave their accounts dormant, never actually visiting the site anymore.
But expecting a CEO to make money out if it, maybe, many sites exist only to encourage advertisers, but most of the businesses advertising on FB do not pay for the priviledge, they simply open user accounts, they could argue that they are merely networking but I think we all know they are not there to make friends and chat or play games.
Perhaps the businesses are welcome on facebook to compensate for the loss of public profiles on there, keeping up the numbers does help with the stock market price of FB and encourages those advertisers who do pay not to take their business elsewhere.
Nah it's not heated just an exchange of views.
I have operated a Guest House exclusively for swingers for 8 years in Darlaston and now have this one in Stoke on Trent, I can hand on heart say that I have never had a guest book with us after seeing anything we have written on SH.
On the other hand we do actively advertise on other swinger sites, these sites have swapped banners with us and we get a high response from them, we did approach SH to offer the same mutual work relationship but never recieved a reply.
Perhaps that is reflected in other ways I have noticed, for example I am currently organising a North Mids Social meet at atlantisEVOLUTION in Stoke, it is advertised on a number of sites, one site has less than 1000 active members and 21 people have confirmed they will be attending on the site message board, this site has over 1 million active members and nobody has signed up for it.