So we need to shoot people becuase they are religious fundamentalists.
I find that even more distasteful than shooting people because we want their oil. At least that's based on greed rather than hate.
Going back to the OP. I think the worst thing about the Sun campaign is it justifies this greedy hateful war. It takes attention away from the whys and forces us to pay attention to the set of victims -the soldiers- closest to our hearts.
I think there is a fine line between Imperealism/Colonianism and a robust foreign policy. It is very easy for us in the 'civilised' world to put straight the third world countries who we think need our intervention. We did this a couple of hundred years ago in the name of civilising the world and we think we are doing the same thing today as a way of protecting ourselves from religious fanatasism.
There is a historical comparison in Vietnam when the Americans viewed S vietnam as a war that simply could not be lost because of the potential for the red commie hordes to then sweep right across Asia. As it happens S Vietnam fell and the only legacy was a large number of wasted lives on all sides and the red tide just did not spread across Asia at all.
Having said that the situation in Afghanistan is different because there are people there who want world revolution and an entirely Islamic World and that cause is more important to them than their own life on this earth. That is a tough one to call, before the invasion of Afghanistan the radicals from all over the world hid in the mountains of Afghanistan and plotted their next atrocity so it was a fair call to try and put this right. The propblem now is that attacks continue the world over AND lives are also being lost in Afghanistan as well.
It is a really tough call and much too easy for us in our protected and civilised world typing away with no real worries to grasp the enormity of the situation in places like Afghanistan. We should not blindly agree with our Politicians but the young men and women who serve this country should really get our appreciation because they too may be having this same debate but still have to get up every morning and put their life on the line.
The ''problem'' here as I see it (if it can be called a problem) is that we have had it so good, for so long, in our country that we absolutely take the good things in our life for granted.
The 'wars' that we have been engaged in - continuously - since 1945 have for the most part been in far off places and the effects of war, famine, suffering and tragedy can be avoided by switching the TV off and not reading the papers. Not since 1945 has our country endured extreme hardship and suffering and the more and more'civilised' we become the less and less responsible it seems we become for our own actions.
Ambulance chasing and litigation is not about social development, it is about personal greed. No child these days endures any form of hardship or lessons in life that result in them becoming a responsible adult person. We all collectively want to get out of debt and blame someone else, we all want compensation when things go wrong and this is seemingly the benefit of living in a civislised society?
We can, if we want, take virtual pot shots at other people from the anonymity of a computer without really appreciating the bigger picture and in fact do it with nothing more than mischief making in mind because it is a faceless medium and we won't have to face the responsibility of having our lights punched out for being offensive.
I don't think any of us should blindly accept what any politician tells us anymore but we can all individually do what we think is right to make the world generally a more humanitarian place to live.
Lets take an isolated case for a humanitarian debate about Afghanistan.................
What do we do about the female schoolteacher in Afghanistan who had her eyes gouged out with a metal poker - simply because she was was working? What do we and what can we, as individuals, do about this? Will writing letters to our MP's or newspapers make any difference? Will we examine the very root of the problem and nip down to local mosque to have a word with the 'faithfull' about it just to be sure that this really is extremism? What will we do? What can we do in a lawless, ungovernable and chaotic country like Afghanistan? Perhaps we should just say - 'ah well, tough shit - it is an awful long way away and I have got better things to think about.'
Well, like it or not, and rightly or wrongly, there are young men and women trying in their own way and serving under the flag of our country who are trying to do something - and it is a great deal more than I am doing. Just for this, they have my support and my respect.
kent...I absolutely agree with you that we do need armed forces..getting back to the horiginal OP, and forgetting for a moment the debate about afghanistan and iran ..on which I'm sure we will never truly agree, can we at least agree with the fact that donning an uniform does not make you a hero by default?
there are plenty of cops and soldiers who are bullies in disguise..and on average despicable people (I personally know several of them). prince harry is no hero, I guess you'll agree...nor are the soldiers sadly famous for the abu grahib facts.. nor are other soldiers who simply chose that path because it was the only option for a regular income.(still better than living on the dole, but hardly a display of heroic behaviour, is it not?)
yes we should show understanding appreciation and respect for someone who does a difficult and dangerous job.. but is that not true of people that work in "difficult" schools or neighbourhoods or raise their children working 2-3 jobs? if that is so, then most of us are heroes..and that devalues the concept of heroism per se.
yes I agree it takes courage to go on patrol in afghanistan and not know if you'll return to base unscathed.. but there are loads of people in the army or navy that never go on patrol and never will.. people who are mostly clerks. but by your assumption, they too, should be heroes...
it just does not make sense.
heroes are people we should look up to... people who have led exceptional lives or have displayed exceptional virtues in specific extraordinary circumstances
I'm sure there are a lot of very good people and very brave ones in the army, that do it credit... but I simply will not accept that just because someone wears a uniform he is by default a splendid figure, a knight in shining armour.. a man to model my behaviour and aspirations after...a hero.
I don't believe I can do better than the VC decorated trooper, or that come the moment I could display true heroism in the "military" sense of the word..I might, and I might not.
I DO believe however that I can do better with my life than the average joe who spends his days holed up in a barrack somewhere... that I can give the world/society/my loved ones more than I could by standing guard outside an armory..(not that that's a menial job..someone has to do it and it's perfectly's just a job though..not particularily heroic)
I also believe that come the day my country goes to a war to defend itself from invading forces, I would be amongst the first to sign up, as I DO believe in the values our society and legal system stand for and am prepared to fight for those values not to be diminished
does that make me a hero? I believe not.
I know a man who would have much to say about this but unfortunately he cant right now however i would like to say a little.
First of all the soldiers themselves do not class themselves as heroes they are doing the job they signed up for,with or without the support of the bigotts and loons who only have what the press feed them to go on.
As far as Afghanistan is concerned so much goes on under the radar that is a necessity and does not involve oil or religion but has got a major grip on what happens here and in Europe and can affect and destroy any family white,black and anything in between and that is the heroin that comes out of there the drug which affects and ruins famillies and lives worldwide and not to mention the money from the sales funding terrorism.
I know for fact that our marines and others are out there targeting and destroying opium fields and warehouses full of heroin ready to be shipped here there and everywhere on a daily basis and millions of pounds worth has been destroyed this year alone surely this is a good thing and part of a war that is necessary or do you want your kids to see addicts everywhere and houses being burgled to fund the habit?
Lastly i wonder how many of you would be giving your full support to our troops and calling them heroes if the troubles were in your home country and you were the ones being fought for to protect and remain free, i myself see everyone of the soldiers who fought for us in both world wars as heroes because without those heroes i wonder if you would all be sat at computers with the freedom you have and take for granted debating this matter???
Sometimes the whole picture has to be looked at, its not the soldiers who call themselves heroes it is the opinion of some people who respect and appreciate what our boys and girls are doing for us,who look at the big picture, the world needs heroes cos without them there wont be a world worth living in, heroes come in many shapes sizes and forms and acts of heroism can be small or massive but never trivial.
We all have the capacity to be a hero in some shape or other but how many of us choose to look the other way and not get involved................
So stay safe and comfy all of you happy knowing others are doing something you never would.
Oh and before someone points out my grammer and spelling is poor i know it is and dont need telling.
i think its all gonna end in tears.... :cry: :cry: :cry:
This is exactly the kind of thing some people want nowadays.
Even though I have heard nothing about this for a while, it makes me wonder how left wing people who run a national union, can even think about such a thing.
Yes some newspapers seem to promote war but....there are others that would put up the white hankie at the first sign of the Taliban or others blowing their noses.
These people who run the NUT, are the very same people who despise the armed forces, and would have us with no defence from invaders. Shame on them.
Are these members of the British armed forces heroes, then?
Shame on them.
I believe a distinction should be made between personal motivation/drive and "the plan"...between informed decision and "defending the colours" because it's what is expected.
a soldier that goes to afghanistan should be informed and very well aware that his actions there have the principal purpose of "going to the advantage of his nation" it in protecting the economic wealth of the UK or destroying opium fields.
the "carrying the torch of democracy, civilization and education" thing sounds nice but is a means to an end (a selfish end) and not a "freebie" for the afghan population
we "give them" that because stability is what we need for our own reasons (crimefighting and stable economy)
most soldiers however...but even more worryingly, a lot of their "blind supporters" use the "bringers of democracy" line as their main argument. as if it really was what this is all about.
(by all means, if you have a close relative or friend in the army or even "over there", you have all the right to support them "blindly"... I know I would do the same...
but if that is the case, it's more honest to say "I support the army because my son is in it and I will stand by him whatever he does" than to say "because they're always right and do the right thing by these poor uneducated barbarians)"
I'd much rather have a soldier say "yes, I know we're sent out there to fight for the petrol you stuff in your cars, and I'm ok with it because it also gives me a chance to do something good for those people..and after all it's what I'm paid to do"
I would admire such a person...
mostly though, even on the TV, the soldiers seem to say "we're here to do good and fight for the poor subjected women and children"... which is nice and to some extent true...but smells of propaganda behind which a lot more "down to earth" things are hidden.
my concern is that the soldiers go out there believing in the right things..
informed and educated, so to speak...and my fear is that they not always are. and that this is reflected by the attitude of their "supporters at all costs"
we don't go there to fight muslims..because if that were the case we would be rounding them up in england and putting them in camps..
we are not at war with islam... and the reason is that islam in itself is not a danger.
so, can we please let go of the notion of a islamic plot to rule the world by sharia? it's an idea shared only by a minority of extremists.. and that alone can guarantee it's failure, in the long run.
And still Kentswingers777 is not getting what is being said here.
Yes, I do believe frontline soldiers should get our support, whilst it is true that as they sign up, they accept that they have a good chance of being involved in conflict or war, they are still worthy of our support, especially from the politicians who send them there, then drastically cut defence spending.
But there are a number of people, myself included that feel the support should not be unquestioning, but questions should be asked, not of the man or woman on the frontline, but of the people that send them there, thats where the questionable support is to be directed.
But to criticise those who do not offer unquestionable support, is a very blinkered, jingoistic view, and to me, feels very much like a blinkered view regarding people I have seen on this site, wear a military uniform (irrespective of duty) = instant hero.
Join a swinging site = intstant swinger.
Just because a person is a member of a swinging site does not autmatically make them a swinger , but more imprtantly, just because a person joins the armed forces, that does not make them an instant hero, to be a hero, that person has to perform an act outside of their role or duty, selflessly.
For arguments sake, a storesperson based in a UK barracks loads up pallets to be delivered to RAF Brize Norton, to then be airlifted into theatre, because that storesperson is a member of the armed forces, then you are saying we should instantly consider that person a hero, and anyone who says otherwise is considered treasonous.
Not disputing the sentiment Kentswingers777, but it should be tempered with a little perspective.
I'm afraid I'm taking the ball home...
Locking this thread - some of the comments being made are inflammatory to say the least.
Nola x
The thread is being unlocked so a great debate can carry on. So far I have found myself nodding in agreement with all the posters on one point or another. Lets keep the debate on topic and without getting personal.
If it degenerates into name calling then the thread will be locked........and I for one do not want to see it locked.