Just 2 ground rules - assume we are keeping it (improving it by getting rid of it is a given) and 'play nice'.
What changes would you introduce that would make our Royal Family a more relevant/useful institution.
My ha'p'orth - get rid of primogeniture (oldest boy is King or oldest girl is Queen if there is no boy) and replace it with some kind of aptitude/willingness test within the children and immediate neices/nephews of the current Monarch.
Trying to improve the monarchy is somewhat like trying to polish a turd.....however you try you're going to end up with something unpleasant and foul smelling
Privatise them so they no longer cost me anything to keep.
I know they bring tourists into London, but Man U bring tourists into Manchester, and the Beatles to Liverpool but we don't pay for them through taxes.
Or, make them subscription only - those of you who like them could then pay, say, a tenner a month by direct debit and those of us who either object or don't care wouldn't have the argument that they are a waste of taxpayers money given that we sort of have a democracy-ish system, now. For your tenner you could get some photo's of your adopted royal or something, and you could have some kind of official membership card entitling you to organise a street party when there is some big royal event happening.
Also, it would be great if they had a sponsor - the crown could have a Nike tick along the side, Charlses suits could have a huge logo on them.
who's this Brenda you keep harpin on about :duuno:
Just for you G .....though I'm sure you know anyway