Quote by flower411
The problem is the question blue....I don't believe in hunting with hounds as I'm sure I've mentioned but if asked the first question I would answer no, because it isn't a good use of police resources...if the hunts look as though they may break the law though it is a necessary use of those resources.
Do I think animal rights activists should be allowed to take the law into their own hands ...no,but I know that sometimes they will and I know that sometimes it will be the right thing to do.
Loaded questions give distorted results...I believe that if the question was "do you believe that the law against hunting with hounds should be repealed"most people in this country would say no....I also believe that if I was careful about where I got my sample from I could get the exact opposite answer.I think you should try to find a less obviously biased poll .....this one proves only that the pollsters knew how to get the answer they wanted
And I think most people couldn`t care less. It`s just a bunch of violent townie agitators with nothing better to do than simply trying to destroy something they don`t understand.
And don`t start spouting about democracy and the law ! You believe there is no democracy in this country and I agree with you, that`s why we have stupid laws that endanger peoples ability to make a living. Imagine the countryside alliance taking the route of the students when they don`t agree with the rules ......there really would be blood on the streets then .....but that won`t happen because the majority of them are law abiding citizens and will stay within the law rather than rampaging through the streets like spoilt little brats.
I think you'll find that I've already stated that I believe in democracy...I also believe in the rule of law....I believe that anyone rioting runs the risk of arrest and prosecution, I have no problem with this (I am not an anarchist) I also believe that sometimes that risk is one worth taking....Given that I believe in democracy and that I also believe that the majority of this country are against hunting with hounds it would seem to me there is no conflict between any of the views I've expressed