Are men not aliens?
I thought that were from mars or does that make them martians?
Are martians aliens?
Zev Bellringer the love slave from Lexx
An alien you say.....well my 2nd wife was a good shag.
Well if we're just talking about people playing aliens in films then it has to be Milla Jovovich as LeeLoo in The Fifth Element. :inlove:
But in terms of a real alien then I guess she'd have to be some sort of shape-shifter who could morph bits of her body to suit any need. :twisted:
I was going to say ( Om nom nom nom. :lickface: ) but reading up on it seems she's not an alien at all. She's from earth in the future. Bugger! So, as is my wont I'm gonna go off on a slight tangent and I'm gonna be the alien. One possessed of the kind of DNA a snail has been blessed with ( hermaphroditic ain't they, both sex organs, yer snail ). And tentacles. Lots and lots of tentacles. And a big long tongue. Think that'll do me nicely. Hopefully Jane'll be mightily impressed with it too.
Kaitlyn Leeb, the three breasted martian hooker from "Total Recall"
jodie Marsh....she looks like an alien these days....but hey I still