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iPhone 5 is here

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Count me in!
Noun. The act of pleasuring oneself through the use of an Apple product.
Quote by Cubes
Noun. The act of pleasuring oneself through the use of an Apple product.

I do that quite often anyway, we're all Mac here iMac, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Macbook, all of them well werf a strum, never get sore either......
iPhone 5 pre-order in just two day (small strum) Like the majority of manthangs, santa is coming early ......... well 2 days time to be precise.
How exciting!

Toot's why wait, when the future is already here:
Don't ban me lol
Pah! What a pile of rubbish that phone looks like, please don't tell me you've got one of those? .... android is just pants, the apps are slow, the phones are naf and they're just for the most part gimmicky (gets me hard hat on)
I have a theory that SH bought in the android app as a beta for the iPhone App, you know, Android users = Guinea pigs and all that, android users have tested it to death in readiness for SH releasing the iPhone App, which will of course run silky smooth, (checks the wording) integrating seamlessly with SH making surfing of SH effortless with the iphone5.
and why not, iPhone users deserve nothing less.
(q trevaunance 'but it's been ageeeeees) hang in their dudes.
Iphone 5, slimmer, larger, faster, thats all I have read so far. The Iphone was at its release innovative! the Iphone 5 seems nothing more than buying a faster version of the same PC dunno
iPhone 5
mmmmm Apple $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Quote by Toots
Pah! What a pile of rubbish that phone looks like, please don't tell me you've got one of those? .... android is just pants, the apps are slow, the phones are naf and they're just for the most part gimmicky (gets me hard hat on)
I have a theory that SH bought in the android app as a beta for the iPhone App, you know, Android users = Guinea pigs and all that, android users have tested it to death in readiness for SH releasing the iPhone App, which will of course run silky smooth, (checks the wording) integrating seamlessly with SH making surfing of SH effortless with the iphone5.
and why not, iPhone users deserve nothing less.
(q trevaunance 'but it's been ageeeeees) hang in their dudes.

I'm Andronic (checks spelling) and Love my HTC lol
Quote by Paddy

Toot's why wait, when the future is already here:

Bugger all use for anyone with an Apple PC- had a HTC for a while but it didn't sync with the mac calendar etc.

Ah Toot's I'm only joking xxx
I will stick with my Babbage.
I was beyond my techno comfort zone when they told me mobiles were going digital.
Far more versatile plus when you need to upgrade you can eat the old un!!!
Quote by Toots
(q trevaunance 'but it's been ageeeeees)

My lips are sealed. :gagged:
Quote by SinSi
Far more versatile plus when you need to upgrade you can eat the old un!!!

:laughabove: Classic!
Quote by Paddy

Toot's why wait, when the future is already here:
Don't ban me lol

I have to agree with Paddy, I had an iphone, gave it away and went back to HTC, they rock lol
Quote by Paddy

Ah Toot's I'm only joking xxx

Padders, you said elsewhere (didn't post there cos didn't want to disrupt the thread)
but you said 'we're all equal'
You own an htc, we'll never ever be equal *smiling* *holds you down*
I could have one but I won't. I think its a waste of money compared with some of the androids about.
Quote by Dawnie
I could have one but I won't. I think its a waste of money compared with some of the androids about.

Have you been watching too much Dr Who Dawnie?! dunno
Quote by Dawnie
I could have one but I won't. I think its a waste of money compared with some of the androids about.

Well I've bought a 32gig one via the pre-order, 3 weeks delivery approx (how inconvenient) the beauty of the iPhone for me is that it works effortlessly with all our other Apple stuff and we share apps at no extra cost.
and now with face time available on the phone network (probably be a bit naf to start) then thats a plus also.
I wish it was three weeks already.
Quote by Toots
I could have one but I won't. I think its a waste of money compared with some of the androids about.

Well I've bought a 32gig one via the pre-order, 3 weeks delivery approx (how inconvenient) the beauty of the iPhone for me is that it works effortlessly with all our other Apple stuff and we share apps at no extra cost.
and now with face time available on the phone network (probably be a bit naf to start) then thats a plus also.
I wish it was three weeks already.
I do share my music between my Samsung and Ipad easy enough. I can facetime on the samsung, although I've only ever used it to have a giggle with the kids so far confused
I was an Iphone user for a long time but now I honestly don't see the point in paying the prices Apple dictate.
I've got a 3GS, and quite frankly I couldn't care less about it. I was much happier when I just had a shitty Sony Ericsson. It worked online, sent texts, made calls, and played games that were much more fun than any app I've downloaded, which are all just there to fleece your money once you start playing.
The biggest coup Apple have achieved, if you set aside their ludicrous pricing strategy, is convincing people that having a laptop in your pocket is a necessity.
Quote by mrmnmrsg

Toot's why wait, when the future is already here:
Don't ban me lol

I have to agree with Paddy, I had an iphone, gave it away and went back to HTC, they rock lol
I had an iphone for 2 day, sent the thing back and awaiting my new ANDROID phone. I will not play along with apple's control freakery.
The screen is tiny too.
I'm with Toots. I have an iPhone and when my contract is due for upgrade, I will get another one!