Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
I shall await your evidence that suggests that police are covering up other police officers, to stop them getting arrested and charged with crimes please. Could any claims be a possibility that members of the public sometimes make up allegations against the police? No perish the thought that could ever happen eh?
Jean Charles de Menezes
Lance Corporal Mark Aspinall
Ian Tomlinson
Andrew Mitchell
or may be I made it up
well no I didnt, as I'm not a copper!
Do these officers or the whole of the corrupt officers convicted equate to 1% of the police force Stevie do you reckon?
A few bad apples does not make a diseased apple tree. The police nowadays have to be so politically correct from the people up high in their ivory towers, and some of these people have never even been police officers. I cannot imagine what a police officer would have gone through at the G20 riots, but I can imagine a terrifying experience of being frightened beyond belief by armed thugs out to ' get ' the police. Still I am sure some people would like the police to have feather dusters instead of truncheons. :twisted: