Quote by starlightcouple
Again, it has to be remembered what this guy's job is before condemning him as heartless.
Heartless GnV? This " guys job " has nothing whatsoever to do with his behaviour, and nobody should be suggesting that because of his job, he should be allowed to verbally slag off a member of the Police. It seems you are making excuses because of his job ???? How disgraceful itself to suggest such a thing.
Quote by GnV
His job is to be a bully. Nice guys don't cut the mustard as Government Chief Whip. They have to have an 'evil' streak if they are to be successful.
Are you being serious???
absolutely serious
Quote by GnV
Mr Mitchell is a bruiser and probably more effective than his predecessor. I doubt he will be replaced on account of this incident.
Certainly not because of this incidence GnV, nor the fact that he shares similar backgrounds to all the other Tory toffs currently in office, or the Lib Dem leader who is also from the elite school of Eton. The old school tie brigade. Is he a bruiser or a bully? A big fat bully in my book.
i think you'll find he's quite fit actually
Quote by GnV
On the Police front, how remarkable is it that an internal report of the incident has been placed in the public domain and for what purpose? We are apparently not dealing with some rookie 'wet behind the ears' constable but a Police Sergeant presumably with sufficient experience to put this sort of thing into context and deal with it in a much calmer manner - perhaps using 'ways and means' a more mature way of bringing something to the notice of those with sufficient influence to deal with the situation quietly and behind the scenes.
Imagine being this police officer GnV. To get to his position within the force he has had to spend many years of training. Many years of striving towards a position of trust, through sheer bloody hard work. This politician like so many others, has been born into privilege. Born into money and position in life. Like so many other politicians, never done a real days hard work in their lives except possibly where going to fancy eateries is required. Why should this police officer have wanted to keep it silent? Why should some self serving politician be allowed to treat a person in authority also with such utter contempt?
I have put myself in his position star. The mature thing to have done would have been to wish the GCW a cheerful 'have a nice day, Sir' and use a bit of intelligence to pursue the matter, not to bundle in with size 15's, wooden top style. Basically, he let the matter get out of hand. His years of training were wasted in my view and he has shown himself not to be worthy of further promotion. It's called the 'Peter Principle'.
The GCW is an elected Member of Parliament. He did not get there as a result of any 'privileged' upbringing unless you are suggesting he paid for his seat in Parliament.
Quote by GnV
I'm convinced there is some hidden agenda here. The Police command are not showing themselves to be in proper control of the situation and if anyone should be removed from office, it should be the officer who would do well to vent his spleen on point duty for a couple of days, not by acting like a silly little school girl with PMT.
What a strange thing to say even for you. Your not possibly stating again about some kind of conspiracy theory again are you? No hidden agenda here at all GnV. The fact is as I have stated above, what gives a silver spooned Tory toff born into money and privilege the right to behave in such a disgusting manner? I tell you what GnV, I would rather have one of those police officers on duty than ten of the Andrew Mitchell's of this world of that you can be sure of.
You can be certain of it star. Let me remind you again of the appalling behaviour of the Police in the aftermath of the Hillsborough disaster, as well as many other well documented occurrences.
Quote by GnV
In my estimation, the officer is wholly unsuited to this type of duty as it requires discretion and a element of humility sadly lacking in this 'jobsworth' individual.
But at least he has got to this position by hard work. The Chief Whips excuse is what exactly???
The GCW got there by hard work too. I'm not making excuses for him but I am saying that the Police Officer concerned displayed an alarming lack of suitability to the assigned post. He doesn't have to be subservient, just display a better aptitude for dealing with difficult people. Policing in the UK is by consent, not by demand. He could have shown the true extent of his training and experience by diffusing the situation and avoiding conflict except that he chose to go about his duty like a bull in a china shop... or as already stated, a silly little school girl throwing a tantrum whilst experiencing her first bout of PMT. Hardly a suitable sort of person to be guarding the seat of Government, no matter what you think of them.