Mrs Hot is a big fan of the Atkins diet and she can lose a few pounds very quickly by cutting carbs from her diet. It amazes me to see her tucking into meat and cheese at breakfast and watching the weight drop off her.
There is something in that logic because i think that my biggest success in losing weight was because I just removed bread, root veg and potato's from my diet.
Having said that, i still think it is a complicated way of looking at things and the easiest and simplest is to eat less and exercise more.
I watched my calorie intake and made sure I burned 700 - 1,000 a day at the gym on top of my daily living and it worked for me.
Saying you can eat another 400 calories is about as bad advice as this artical.
Both opposite ends of the weight scale, but still influencial in their remarks all the same.
And the sad thing is...there will be people who will act on either remark.
Can you trust these people?
Press release today suggests that you can safely drink a bottle of wine a day to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
released by the Bordeaux Wine Growers Association
Never trust anything the French say ;-)
Too complicated for me to follow this one.
Most people would just too many cakes and sit on ya arse all day, and you will get fat.
That is a simple logic that even I can understand.
This article makes much more sense to me, as hopefully it will to others.
Cheers John, I think I now understand.
o by the way, here's a link. now i prefer to believe a 75 year old qualified doctor who is also a type 1 diabetic with these qualifications than an amateur internet googler who wants to bully his own ideas.
Pretty sad a debate has had to be reduced to personal insults being thrown.
This thread is one I have been reading because I know nothing about and it looked at one point I was going to get two people with opposing views tell me something that I would find interesting and lead me to do background reading about their views.
Instead I am losing interest quickly because it is getting childish. Shame really.
see it's back to name caling again.
John - why are you being so aggressive?
far from evidence. read it again.
same energy intake, but low carb lost more weight than low fat.
conclussion, low fat lot were lying, sorry, underreporting of food consumption