I have been reading for a while now about the plight of Jade Goody.
I saw her in the Big Brother house the first time around, and found her to be a " gobby bird ", but quite harmless, in a harmless sort of way.
Then I saw her in the " infamous " race row, in celebrity Big Brother. I did not like her then for her aggressive manner in the house towards a very quite female house mate. The row rumbled on and on, and she suffered tremendously over that rant.
But putting all of that aside I cannot help but have enormous sympathy for her battle with cancer. Now we hear it has spread. Her two sons who have had to endure their Mothers pain.
I do not know if she will survive but.....she is a fighter and I hope she pulls through. I send her my wishes of a good recovery.
i feel so sorry for her and her family and i hope she can fight it and win !
Gobby bird she is (takes one to know one!)
Do not know her of course, but I actually feel quite drawn to her, especially now, at this difficult time in her life.
She wears her heart on her sleeve, says what she thinks, gets a lot of stick for it....sounding familiar?!
I wish her well and all those like her, going through the fight of a serious illness.
I read that yesterday too on the eb@y chat boards, and the report said it doesnt look good for her now, with her doctors no longer persuing a cure but fighting to see how long they can prolong her life, which is a dreadful prospect to face at any age, but for one so young its tragic.
such a shame at only 27 and with 2 small children. Cancer cares not for your age, fame, status or anything.
My best wishes and thoughts to her and her family.
I feel very guilty as my first reaction when the story broke that she'd been given the news of her illness on the Indian BB show was that it might be a stunt.
Irrespective of the public persona and whether you like or dislike her, my reaction now is the same as it would be for anyone who finds themselves with this horrible illness ..deep sympathy and praying for her and her family that they get through it.
i think many people at first thought it was a publicity stunt n i have read many reports in the press of people vilifyin her because she has given interveiws about her illness & her treatment etc etc etc.
I have read things like why cant she just shut up about it my mother/sister/aunty went through it with dignity & didnt get all this attention.
At the end of the day whether we like her or not Jade goody is in the public eye & lets be honest ladies if just one person who reads about her thinks omg I havn't had a smear test recently & goes then all the publicity is truly worth it.
best wishes Jade, my thoughts are with you & i've booked my long overdue test
When I first heard of Jade from the first BB I could relate somewhat with her as I lived and grew up within 5 miles of where she did and knew of the area she grew up.
When hearing her story of her youth and what she had to endure I felt even more drawn towards her, not because we had similar upbringings but more the fact I knew of children like her friends of mine, it couldn’t have been easy living where she did, lack of schooling and little input from educated people around her.
But her heart shone through to me, her ability to just take the knocks that were thrown her way and roll with them. She could have just as easily turned to crime and gone down a very slippery slope, as many from that area did.
I know a lot of people would say who is Jade goody anyway?
Isn’t it funny most of us know who she is.
I believe her education started after BB I feel she had a good head on her shoulders and given different circumstances within her childhood might of made more of herself on her own.
Who are we really to judge until we have walked a week in someone else’s shoes.
I like Jade she has made mistakes which since has tried to rectify, I put them down to lack of education then to the person she really is.
I am so sad for a girl that’s real life was just beginning to possibly have it end in such a short space of time it really saddens me.
So I say Jade I feel I know you but I don’t, but glad to have seen a girl like you have come from a little and got so far, I wish you well keep battling girl. xxx
Well said Minxy.
For all the bollocks that is going on around us, it makes me realise the important things in my life.
I have had my own fair share of problems and even am now, but her two sons :cry: .
I was going to put a thread up a while back but, it seemed like she was doing ok. Now I have read that she only possibly has weeks to live. I hope it is not true. But as somebody said, cancer knows no boundaries over age or sex or religion. It kills indiscrimantly and it saddens me to read of people so young, with a young family, going through this.
It is tragic what she is going through but it's not all about her
other folk in similar condition(s) are going through hell & sadly feel the 'look what I'm going through'publicity she generates seems to have a negative impact which in turn is very sad.
My heart does go out to her as a fellow human being as it does to anybody who is facing life trauma.
In one day I saw Sir Alan Sugar in his roller, Rod Stewart driving like a little ole lady in his Ferrari & David Beckham's Bently outside a school waiting for his kids.
That same day I had a giggle with a road sweeper
So who is to say how either of those guys would deal with personal tragedy?
The road sweeper's mother is ill & he & his family are dealing with it the only way they know how.
Sir Alan, David & Rod will deal with any personal tragedy the best way they know how.
Jade is doing the very same thing.
She has her opportunity to deal with her illness in her own way & use the media to make money the same way the media has done with her...
I say fair do's to the girl!
To paraphrase from a recent post... when doctors take the decision to see how long they can prolong anyone's life it will always be a dreadful prospect to face at any age regardless of wealth power status or sex.
I'm not sure what opportunities Jade should have had that would change her circumstances.
She is doing what she does best & unashamedly using the opportunity now to make her money & I wouldn't dare begrudge her for that!
There are other souls holding it together & going thru the wringer right now... but then they don't sell papers do they?
I can honestly say that i feel absolutely nothing for her...cancer or not...i don't know her and i certainly wouldn't want to get to know her...i just can't feel for someone i don't know as a person.
Jade was already making money "the only way I know how" by having a documentary about her life. When the cancer was discovered she decided to carry on being filmed to raise awareness of cancer, the importance of early detection and hopefully to help other people cope with it. She also said she had to carry on working, because she wanted her boys to know that their mother had worked as hard as she could to give them a better life.
She had a terrible childhood - When Jade was five, her mother was injured in a motorbike accident in which she lost an arm, and as a result Jade was left to do most of the cooking and cleaning. By then, her father Andrew, a heroin addict, had left home.
She regularly rolled joints for her mother as a child. On one occasion, aged five, she even took a puff of her mum's 'spliff'. Jackiey took a photograph of the scene for the family album.
Jackiey also used to beat her daughter, once so badly she ended up in care.
Jade's life has been a tragic from an early age... it's so sad to think that after she's survived so much, she might not survive much longer. :cry:
This has been something ive followed, as it is something that is very close to home. My nan died of cervical cancer, and my step mum is currently having treatment for breast cancer. I think Jade is very brave to do this in the public eye, and im sure its something she took along time to think about as to weather it was the right thing to do or not. I wish her all the very very best, and cant help but think about her two little boys at this what can only be discribed as a difficult time x
if one good thing does come out of this, it should be a discussion of the lowering the age of the first curvical cancer pap smears...
in england and wales it is 25....
in scotland it is 20.....
if they had done it earlier then maybe they may have caught it before it got to this stage
I don't begrudge the jade coverage in regards to this... as she has said it not for her, it the money she is earning for the children
my mum went thru cancer... was 12 years in remissionm and it came back... I couldn't imagine going thru it at all....
unless any one of you have actually spoken to her at length and are in her circle of friends then you have no idea what she is saying or doing or feeling.
Leave the woman alone and go and amuse yourselves in your own lives.
You beat me to it Splen..I couldn't post this last night because of the glitches and I lost my patience.
All we really "know" is what the media is feeding us. Unless we know her personally, we know nothing.
You know what really makes me laugh about all this, but before i do i want to point out this is in no way my opinion of her she never really did anything that effected me so she never bothered me one way or another, but what i do know is that she was constantly in the papers and mags being run down, moaned about over and over about her over bearing personality, loud mouth and offensive attitude, noone liked her, noone had a good word to say about her yet now all of a sudden they all being sympathetic and to be honest a little two faced, shes still a offensive gobby cow shes just a offensive gobby cow with cancer now, don't be hypocrites!!