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Just a bit of clarification needed

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Without knowing the other comments it's hard to make a reasoned judgement.
However I think the operative words from the AUP are 'towards fellow members'.
Distasteful though it may be, the comment you quoted is not aimed directly towards a fellow member.
Just a guess on my part. Stick in a support ticket and see what comes of it.
Quote by flower411
I`ve mentioned on many occasions that I drive a 4x4 .

I have to be honest I hadn't noticed you posting that. If you feel strongly about it press the report post link.
At least that way you will get some feedback from the Mods and possibly even some satisfaction :twisted:
Quote by flower411
Without knowing the other comments it's hard to make a reasoned judgement.
However I think the operative words from the AUP are 'towards fellow members'.
Distasteful though it may be, the comment you quoted is not aimed directly towards a fellow member.
Just a guess on my part. Stick in a support ticket and see what comes of it.

I`ve mentioned on many occasions that I drive a 4x4 .
i must start reading what others post as i didnt know either redface i know you did start a thread about buying a car but what you purchased i had no idea dunno
Quote by flower411
Certain things I have said on this forum have resulted in complaints being made and threads and/or posts being removed ...
However ....recently somebody said
"I think the Jeremy Clarkson approach should be taken with anyone who drives a 4x4. Shoot em in front of their families."
And it passed without comment ...
I have read and reread the AUP and can`t see anything at all that would constitute removal of my comments .... but the comment above is so clearly in breach of the AUP it`s hard to believe that it is still there .
So ...
Just asking for a bit of clarification .

I'm not sure what your post means, nor will I judge.
I would however like to post the following link ( now if I where braineyyyy enough I'd do the "URL" thingy) lol
Did we not all enjoy the banter, the craic ( not drugs ) wasn't it good to get forumites/newbies together in a chatroom?
Doctors differ, patients die it's a simple fact!
Sometimes what we read in the Forum and think it's funny to us may appear less funny to others!
If you feel you have an issue, there's the opportunity to utilise the Team installed by ADMIN. God know's I have hassled them :lol:
Paddy x
Oh FFS, grow up! rolleyes
Quote by flower411
Oh FFS, grow up! rolleyes

Thanks G ...
Here we have a perfect example .... G is confident that his unpleasant post will pass without comment from mods or admin and that I will reply in kind so that he can then complain about my abuse !
Grabs Flower411 and GnV by the collar >>>>>>>>> this way >>>>> exit to the Forum is the left door!
The door too the right equals >>>> move on, we're all friends here, each and all of us have in differences, let's not air them publicy?
Paddy, always enjoys all your commments.
I also apologise for my spelling! I'm tad annoyed at two nice peeps venting.....
Oh Flo, cmon you've been here long enough to know that the "clarification" you seek will only come from putting in a support ticket.
(wanders off muttering)
Quote by flower411
Oh FFS, grow up! rolleyes

Thanks G ...
Here we have a perfect example .... G is confident that his unpleasant post will pass without comment from mods or admin and that I will reply in kind so that he can then complain about my abuse !
and the gentleman concerned starts a thread about why people don't post anymore dunno
Says it all really :roll:
It always comes down to the same old thing:

If we allow some freedom of expression and ignore certain comments, we're letting some people take liberties.
If we take action following an official complaint, we're victimising.
The fact of the matter is that 'we' don't have time to read every forum post, or critique them in context with all the previous posts in the thread or, indeed, the entire forum.
The bottom line is that we aim to treat everyone equally, and if anyone has a complaint to lodge against another Site member, or one of their forum posts, there are buttons readily available to report them.
Specific instances will not be, nor should they be, discussed in public.
Quote by Cubes
It always comes down to the same old thing:

If we allow some freedom of expression and ignore certain comments, we're letting some people take liberties.
If we take action following an official complaint, we're victimising.
The fact of the matter is that 'we' don't have time to read every forum post, or critique them in context with all the previous posts in the thread or, indeed, the entire forum.
The bottom line is that we aim to treat everyone equally, and if anyone has a complaint to lodge against another Site member, or one of their forum posts, there are buttons readily available to report them.
Specific instances will not be, nor should they be, discussed in public.

Just for the record as some may already know it was myself who wrote those words that this member is complaining about. The difference though is that were not said in a derogatory way at all, and they were not aimed at flower 411 but to Too Hot, as he drives a 4x4.
Now it seems that this member not for the first time has started a thread asking for clarification purely for effect. Obviously if he has any problem with any member, instead of expressing his views openly on the forum ( again ), but to do as I have done and put in a complaint via a support ticket.
Of course Jeremy Clarkson first uttered those words of taking a person out to be shot in front of their families, purely as a joke. Most people realised the joke, but you will always get some who take offense at the slightest of things.
So as this thread is about clarification, I thought I would clarify it. The comment was aimed at Too Hot in the cycling thread. If Too HOT deems that comment offensive then the same advice I have given should apply, put in a support ticket.
I hope the clarification the member wants has been answered in my reply, if not then put in a support ticket, and of course GnV's comment could very well apply here. :notes:
There was me thinking this was an ' adult ' site. rolleyes How silly of me.
well...been here long enough to remember when the forum and the chat rooms were ruled with a much more stringent hand.....I for one think the forums are now moderated very fairly.....
and so with all the other forum users can we hold hands..and start singing with me

Quote by deancannock
well...been here long enough to remember when the forum and the chat rooms were ruled with a much more stringent hand.....I for one think the forums are now moderated very fairly.....
and so with all the other forum users can we hold hands..and start singing with me


Not heard that in ages, I used to sing it when I was young and I'm shit at singing rotflmao
Quote by Dawnie
well...been here long enough to remember when the forum and the chat rooms were ruled with a much more stringent hand.....I for one think the forums are now moderated very fairly.....
and so with all the other forum users can we hold hands..and start singing with me


Not heard that in ages, I used to sing it when I was young and I'm shit at singing rotflmao
Feckin' humming it now!
Quote by Cubes
It always comes down to the same old thing:

If we allow some freedom of expression and ignore certain comments, we're letting some people take liberties.
If we take action following an official complaint, we're victimising.
The fact of the matter is that 'we' don't have time to read every forum post, or critique them in context with all the previous posts in the thread or, indeed, the entire forum.
The bottom line is that we aim to treat everyone equally, and if anyone has a complaint to lodge against another Site member, or one of their forum posts, there are buttons readily available to report them.
Specific instances will not be, nor should they be, discussed in public.

Fair post Cubes. I understand it's a difficult line to tread, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Think leaving things for adults to sort things out between themselves is very much the way forward. Some of the worst complainers ( Flower, this does not mean you specifically, general comment, take it as such. ;) ) are also among the first to dish it out, which makes their complaint look very childish at times, not to mention hypocritical to the Nth degree. rolleyes
Quote by deancannock
well...been here long enough to remember when the forum and the chat rooms were ruled with a much more stringent hand.....I for one think the forums are now moderated very fairly.....

Agreed Dean. As per above, and I too remember when things were a lot more draconian. ( Draconian possibly wrong choice of word. Stringent is probably better! ;) )
Quote by flower411
"I think the Jeremy Clarkson approach should be taken with anyone who drives a 4x4. Shoot em in front of their families."
And it passed without comment ... but the comment above is so clearly in breach of the AUP it`s hard to believe that it is still there .

In what sense does it breach the AUP Flower? I can't see it. Clearly Staggers was not being serious for one, anyone who took it as such, 4x4 driver or no probably needs to have a word with themselves ( though I doubt anyone did, or was properly offended by it ) for two, the only part of the AUP that could even be remotely relevant does not apply for three:
Quote by In the Admin"]Abusive, aggressive, hateful or racist behaviour towards fellow members, Ops/Mods or Administration staff.

The comment was not directed at anyone in particular, or abusive of them. Some might choose to see it as aggressive if they're an especially sensitive little 4x4 driver but really? Come on. Don't be bloody daft FFS. Get a grip!
Quote by neilinleeds
Clearly Staggers was not being serious for one, anyone who took it as such, 4x4 driver or no probably needs to have a word with themselves ( though I doubt anyone did, or was properly offended by it ) for two, the only part of the AUP that could even be remotely relevant does not apply for three:
AUP Admin"]Abusive, aggressive, hateful or racist behaviour towards fellow members, Ops/Mods or Administration staff.

The comment was not directed at anyone in particular, or abusive of them. Some might choose to see it as aggressive if they're an especially sensitive little 4x4 driver but really? Come on. Don't be bloody daft FFS. Get a grip!
Poor Staggers, it was actually Starlightcouple who wrote it Neil.
There certainly is a lot of vitriol in Star's comments, but hey-ho he's a passionate individual, even when he is wrong.
Star has admitted in a previous post in thread that it was aimed at Too Hot, and it was certainly done in such a way as to cause offence and get retaliation.
Too Hot is the bigger fellow for having ignored it!
Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
Poor Staggers, it was actually Starlightcouple who wrote it Neil.

Neal Really. smackbottom lol
Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
There certainly is a lot of vitriol in Star's comments, but hey-ho he's a passionate individual, even when he is wrong.

Wrong ? :lol: Seriously vitriol? Bitterly abusive or various sulfates of metals??
Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
Star has admitted in a previous post in thread that it was aimed at Too Hot, and it was certainly done in such a way as to cause offence and get retaliation.

I will leave it up to the said member whether he thought it so. If you think that comment was what you describe, then I would........forget it Steve as it really is not even worth the reply trying to explain. I have explained previously and I guess the op got out of it what he intended. Neil's post says everything that needs to be said.
Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
Too Hot is the bigger fellow for having ignored it!

Or maybe just maybe he saw the joke that it was, unlike some others. dunno
As the OP has already stated his question has been answered satisfactorily I see no reason why this discussion needs to carry on.