Quote by flower411
Without knowing the other comments it's hard to make a reasoned judgement.
However I think the operative words from the AUP are 'towards fellow members'.
Distasteful though it may be, the comment you quoted is not aimed directly towards a fellow member.
Just a guess on my part. Stick in a support ticket and see what comes of it.
Quote by flower411
Certain things I have said on this forum have resulted in complaints being made and threads and/or posts being removed ...
However ....recently somebody said
"I think the Jeremy Clarkson approach should be taken with anyone who drives a 4x4. Shoot em in front of their families."
And it passed without comment ...
I have read and reread the AUP and can`t see anything at all that would constitute removal of my comments .... but the comment above is so clearly in breach of the AUP it`s hard to believe that it is still there .
So ...
Just asking for a bit of clarification .
Quote by flower411
Oh FFS, grow up!
Quote by flower411
Oh FFS, grow up!
Quote by Cubes
It always comes down to the same old thing:
If we allow some freedom of expression and ignore certain comments, we're letting some people take liberties.
If we take action following an official complaint, we're victimising.
The fact of the matter is that 'we' don't have time to read every forum post, or critique them in context with all the previous posts in the thread or, indeed, the entire forum.
The bottom line is that we aim to treat everyone equally, and if anyone has a complaint to lodge against another Site member, or one of their forum posts, there are buttons readily available to report them.
Specific instances will not be, nor should they be, discussed in public.
Quote by deancannock
well...been here long enough to remember when the forum and the chat rooms were ruled with a much more stringent hand.....I for one think the forums are now moderated very fairly.....
and so with all the other forum users can we hold hands..and start singing with me
Quote by Dawnie
well...been here long enough to remember when the forum and the chat rooms were ruled with a much more stringent hand.....I for one think the forums are now moderated very fairly.....
and so with all the other forum users can we hold hands..and start singing with me
Quote by Cubes
It always comes down to the same old thing:
If we allow some freedom of expression and ignore certain comments, we're letting some people take liberties.
If we take action following an official complaint, we're victimising.
The fact of the matter is that 'we' don't have time to read every forum post, or critique them in context with all the previous posts in the thread or, indeed, the entire forum.
The bottom line is that we aim to treat everyone equally, and if anyone has a complaint to lodge against another Site member, or one of their forum posts, there are buttons readily available to report them.
Specific instances will not be, nor should they be, discussed in public.
Quote by deancannock
well...been here long enough to remember when the forum and the chat rooms were ruled with a much more stringent hand.....I for one think the forums are now moderated very fairly.....
Quote by flower411
"I think the Jeremy Clarkson approach should be taken with anyone who drives a 4x4. Shoot em in front of their families."
And it passed without comment ... but the comment above is so clearly in breach of the AUP it`s hard to believe that it is still there .
Quote by In the Admin"]Abusive, aggressive, hateful or racist behaviour towards fellow members, Ops/Mods or Administration staff.
Quote by neilinleeds
Clearly Staggers was not being serious for one, anyone who took it as such, 4x4 driver or no probably needs to have a word with themselves ( though I doubt anyone did, or was properly offended by it ) for two, the only part of the AUP that could even be remotely relevant does not apply for three:
AUP Admin"]Abusive, aggressive, hateful or racist behaviour towards fellow members, Ops/Mods or Administration staff.
Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
Poor Staggers, it was actually Starlightcouple who wrote it Neil.
Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
There certainly is a lot of vitriol in Star's comments, but hey-ho he's a passionate individual, even when he is wrong.
Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
Star has admitted in a previous post in thread that it was aimed at Too Hot, and it was certainly done in such a way as to cause offence and get retaliation.
Quote by Stevie_and_Kitty
Too Hot is the bigger fellow for having ignored it!