Very funny indeed :twisted: I'm not going to say how I voted
:twisted: I do like the way this is shaping up :twisted:
Keep voting - you know you want to!!
Ooh! Ooh!
I go off to mourn the passing of our beloved, British, elegant and bold ambassodor of the skies - the one, the only, the timeless... :cry: Concorde :cry: (Can you tell I'm fond of Concorde..??)... and miss all sorts of wonderous silliness.
I'm not saying how I voted... but can I be the one to scrub them down afterward? :twisted: :twisted:
I'm not saying how I voted either (but I'll bring my camera).
If there was an "all of the above" option, how many votes would it have got?
The way the vote is going, I'd say it's Kit who'll be worthing your while. Is she allowed to ask for assistance?
The Sport's fine with me - it's time they got some new pics, I'm sick of seeing pics of Kylie's bum (now, there's a phrase I never thought I'd say!) :shock:
Sick of seeing Kylie's bum without being in the picture yourself.
How do you send ur vote? We know which way we want it to got but I'm not sure how to vote??
I don't believe this!
Is there really no one out there who wants to see Blue get spanked :shock:
If I could vote (that bloomin Kat used our vote up) I have decided that would be my choice :twisted:
Or are you all waiting to see who wins in the GFZ???
People instinctively know not to choose the spanking option because it would be more than their life is worth if they did :twisted:
Make love, not war.
Is that a better idea? I think it is.
Works for me. Get that strap-on lubed up!
(did I really say that?)