So it's the last Saturday before Christmas. The shops will be heaving, the roads choked up, the pubs full of even more drunks than normal and kids will be bored and trying to sneakily feel there presents under the tree.
I'll probably spend most of the day sat on my arse. I'll have to go for my daily walk later as part of my recovery, but other than that I'm not going anywhere let alone near a shop or the high street. Mrs t gets home from work at 8 and then we will spend the evening in the chatroom with a few drinkies. All in all it will be a stress free day.
So what will you all be up to.
The only thing we're doing is cooking dinner for my daughter and son-in-law later, then having a few birthday drinks for me. All the shopping and wrapping is done :smug:
and at this rate Rob you've already 'lost' nearly 1/2 of the last shopping Saturday.
Chin up Stevie.
We will be having a slothful day in front of the telly.
Neil, took a load of videos, on me facebook if you want a gander.
PM me.
Yup, pretty bloody damp by the looks of things isn't it Stevie. Heavy rain was forecast for tonight again wasn't it, hope things aren't any worse. And ignore my rubbish geography, I'm an idiot. River Yealm's nowhere near the Aveton Gifford tidal road runs along the Avon as your shortcut to St. Ann's Chapel which is where I was thinking of, about 6 or so miles out. All these little mini-estuaries and identical, high-banked mud tracks you guys have down there that you quaintly call 'roads' are easily confused. ;)
We went to the supermarket at 10 last night, no crowds :-)
Then went driving round the lanes in the south hams looking for cars stuck in the flood water then dragging them out!