Course it is Rob. Soul destroying to watch someone else rob you of your efforts, I know. In the context of the thread though, I do pretty much think that the father of one of the dead, who even in the turmoil of the immediate aftermath so movingly called for calm despite his loss, knows that the life of his son was worth any number of shops he died trying to protect. Noone will ever be able to convince me that the loss of a human life, let alone three, was in some way a fair and equitable exchange for a parade of fucking shops. I can't make that sum add up, whichever way I spin it. That's all I'm saying.
At the risk of sounding like a bloody Chumbawumba song, when we get knocked down, we get up again, cos the will to continue no matter what is innate in us, and I am absolutely steadfast in my absolute belief that a human life is always more important than things. Risking one for the other just ain't reasonable?
N x x x ;)
And there was me thinking I was having a slow night . . . .
Fucking 'ell Himandher, bet you're a barrel of laughs when you open your post of a morning? Best regards? Yours sincerely? WTF does that mean? Have to say you're the first person I've come across so far that thought that deconstructing my habitual, casual sign off by way of a pleasantry was all that worthy of their time and energy? Still, there's a first time for anything I suppose.
N x x x ;)
I think you're right Missy? It's easier, and way more photo-opportunistic and tele-genic having these little bluddy scrotes parading about in front of a burning shop with their hoodies up, innit? Small picture on a t.v. screen that speaks directly to our inner caveman is always gonna be easier to get a handle on? Moreso than it is trying to get to grips with some kind of amorphous supranational metaphor whose own creators are frank in their statements to eachother that even they don't fully understand the forces they've unleashed any more? They'll keep on trying to piss up our backs and tell us it's raining for a bit just yet, but like all pissing contests, it really is just pissing in the wind. It's not big, and it's not clever, and it all smells the same in the end.
Course, I can already hear the reactionary right screaming that seeking to understand is the same as excuse. No it's not. T'would absolutely be an interesting and worthwhile experiment, trying to get in to the minds of these rioters, because despite what the world and his wife would have us believe going by the daily papers, they are anything but mindless. Be useful to know what was in their minds, and where had it come from, and where they thought they were going with it? Maybe we'd learn something as a society that might help us have less of this in the future? Maybe, as a society we could choose to learn something from it for once, and try and heal some deep hurts? Do something properly fundamental and radical for change, instead of this same-old, same-old that every single rational person in the country, of whatever political stripe, knows has failed. Doesn't mean I still wouldn't lock every last one of 'em up if they deserved it, obviously?
I'll not hold me breath though. We've been here before, and while some good came out of the last few, as a populace we tend not to like having dark mirrors held in front of our faces all that much?
N x x x ;)
If this calm reasoned wisdom is infectious, I hope I get a dose.
I only contribute when I am sharing my experience or seeking to learn from others.
I have a tiny bit of experience in these particular matters.
Your synopsis is quite wrong.