this level of military operation, land sea and air has been months in the planning. we are now aware that the s.a.s. have been on the ground, that a "rebel" fighter was shot down, an american bomber had "mechanical failure" and crashed. its pilots rescued and the rescuing helicopter opened up on civilians, that gadaffi straffing his own was a lie, that journalists being used as human shields was a lie, that gadaffi was on his way to venezuala, on his way to zibawi were lies, that the rebels are supported by al ciaquader. ffs, the first casualty of war is truth. just a note, the tunisian govt forces did open fire on civilians, the police in egypt did, the yemenis and saudis are and so are the bahrainians.
this is not about humanitarian protection of civilians. its about stealing oil and natural resources and imposing another PRO western stooge in control. the chaos in the middle east is a pre cursor to an attack on iran, the prevention of russia, china and india from obtaining those resources and the beginning of world war 111. stop believing everything you read in the papers or see on telivision and start thinking critically. mark these words. this is the one.
A thought entered my head today as I was supping my evening pastis on the terrace watching the sun go down...
and I know I'm going get some grief from this..
but consider this nice little enterprise...
You sell some serious weaponry to a middle eastern dictator. Nice little earner!
You then decide that you're short of a few bob so you then get a few "friends" to give you a bit of backing and you get "legitimacy" to bomb the fuck out of them and destroy all the weaponry you sold them. You then support the new up and coming regime so you can sell them another lot to replace the stuff you sold first time round but "disabled" in the cause for saving civilians.
Does this sound familiar somehow?
Or am I a ... well, you decide
It's simple the modern world this......
Plus riots = 'UN' intervention (those are ironic 's btw) whilst I'm one of the first to call for Buck house to be bombed it would be a tragedy if it was the septics doing the bombing
1: You do I assume understand the concept 'joke' flower ??
2:We bomb it = revolution :smile::smile: they bomb it = invasion :cry::cry:
Now comes the looting, followed by civil war.
it is still part of the UK.
and on that basis the UK had every right to take it back from an agressor regardless of what or what is not under the sea.