did they not say all this before
My firend who has breast cancer tried to claim this benefit and was told sorry you arent ill enough to be able to claim it. Shes now having to appeal against their decision, so what do they classed as ill then to be able to claim the benefit.
The thing is the scrotes know exactly what there doing. They go onto the NHS website, find themselves an ailment and go and rhym off the list of symptoms. Funily enough the ailments they pick can't easily be discredited, ie, back injurys etc. So the doctor has to go off the symptoms that the patient is complaining of.
I see it all the time in work. Idle scrotes on the sick but then you'll see them playing football or breakdancing down town! You then go to the MO (medical officer) and all he say's is there's nothing he can do. He's doing it in his own time. Get him back in work and ask him to do a simple task and out comes his sick chit, "I can't do that I'm on the sick"! You fucking little scrote, I saw you fucking break dancing last night!
Even the link says it.....genuine-tough - NEW-tests....perhaps a change of criteria changes those entitled to the benefit....couldn't possibly be that the Mail wants to portray everyone on any kind of benefit as thieving scum..could it ??..surely not
We need to be careful, if we aint a million people will switch from ill health based benefits to unemployment benefits. That will bugger the figures up for Camerons new deal.
your right kenty, them scrounging banksters have taken all our benefit and future benefit money so we cant fiddle a few quid here and there. oh, and politicians do a good job and should get the odd perk here and there. THEY F£$KING earned it giving away billions to those lying, cheating, theiving bastards and they've got us arguing amonst ourselves over a few quid in benefits while they have run off with billions !
hospitals, ambulance stations, fire stations, schools, libraries, museums, swimming baths and citizens rights centres will close, benefits will be cut and many, many more jobs will be lost. must be the fault of them lazy scrounging bastards next door.
Gulson two wrongs don't make a right.
I am fully aware of the bankers/wankers, and the greedy MP's.
I am also aware of the greedy lying long term useless, who can work, but choose through their own choice not too.
I cannot understand why this has not be tackled seriously before. The welfare system was NEVER intended to be a lifestyle choice which it now has become for thousands.
IF someone is genuinely sick and needs the states help they will get 100% support from me, but I know people on the " sick " who have big flat screen tellys, smoke all day long, and run a bloody car.
Hoe the fuck can they do that? People who work cannot afford to run a car and all that it entails.
The system was not designed to let people run bloody cars on it. It was a means of helping people if they were destitute. People ain;t destitute anymore on the benefit gravy train and the sooner these people are tested to see if they are ill or not, the sooner we can get these skivers back into the work market, and getting out of their pits earlier enough to catch a bus to that dreaded word....work.
Though withought doubt people who are defrauding the benefit system are wrong and also we knoww the banking/accounting sectors are also screwing the system, shouldn't there be a proportionate response. In other words if your going to slap the socially criminal least well off for , and i agree that's fair, then there should be a proportionate response to the low life blood sucking money grabbing bastard snot spewing soul destroying fuck monkeys of financiers. Maybe to have them destroyed in the most vile of ways imaginable (and boy do I have an imagination!)
It's all bullshit and rhetoric lets be honest, do things really change? read on...
the Government has said vaguely that it demands restraint on bosses' bonuses as a condition for the credit to the banks; some bank shareholders, in Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley, have lost heavily; a few bank bosses have been pushed into resigning.
But on the whole Government-supported or even Government-owned banks are run in just the same way, by the same sort of people, as the pre-crash privately-owned banks.
Ron Sandler, put in by the Government to run Northern Rock, gets £90,000 per month - £1,080,000 per year - actually higher than the £690,000 basic salary of Northern Rock's previous chief executive, Adam Applegarth.
Sandler's deputy, Ann Godbehere, is on £75,000 a month. Meanwhile, Northern Rock workers lose their jobs and Northern Rock mortgage-holders have their homes repossessed.
In Britain today, one child in three grows up in poverty, in a household with less than half the average income. In 1968, the figure was only one in 10.
A few years ago I was claiming incapacity benefit and staying in homeless accomodation...I decided to go to college at which point my incapacity benefit was stopped so was informed i would have to leave the homeless accommodation..But I had nowhere to live so I was put in a ridiculous situation...Stay on benefit and have a roof or go to college(to better my life) and have no roof.......Now I dont know if the swingers who started this post have had any experience of being in such a dire situation or not...I really cant see that they have tho I may be wrong,the point im making is that in some cases (such as mine),there is little incentive to actually get off benefit especially when you are homeless...That said I do see how it can be easy to be so judgmental whilst living in a comfortable house with not much better to do than raise such important topics whilst missing all the points,points,points..
People claiming benefits when they are not really entitled does my head in!!! .... my auntie is one of them, apparently she has something wrong with her foot but it doesnt show when she's marching around the shops!!! I was glad when someone shopped her, just a bit gutted that they beat me to it!!!
Even before the 'sore foot' she never worked but she always claimed that she would be worse off if she did and I think that is half of the problem .... people on benefits get so much for nothing so why work?
I have 3 young kids, one of which is severely disabled ... my husband and I both work and always have. My auntie recently suggested that we both give up work as we would probably be better off!!! For us it is not just about money, its about personal pride!!! I know that many people's circumstances can stop them from working but I always think that if we can do it ........
Another thing that pisses me off is that when they are old, all of these lifelong professional benefits claimers will be handed a place in a nursing home whereas I will have to sell my house and hand over my pension to get the same care!!
If the government can find me a job that pays £1,500 a month take home pay which will just about cover the mortgage child care costs household bills and food. And if they can offer me some form of respite care for my disabled son who only sleeps 3-4 hours a night then I would happily go back to work.
But I live in a big dream world and know thats not going to happen I will end up working myself into the ground with no sleep and end up back on benefits due to being sacked due to not being fit to do the job.
One or two of my friends claim benefits and they drive new cars have expensive clothes and I often wonder how they can afford it. Oh yes they live in rented houses paid for by the government. I dont I have a mortgage to pay ok the Government pay the interest but I still have to try and pay back the 39 weeks that the government didnt pay any of the interest and then theres the endownments, life insurances etc you have to pay as well. I get disability living allowance for my son and most of that goes on transport costs for his hospital appointments. Anyone whos not had to live on benefits will never understand how hard it can be.
Some of us cant help the situation we are in, others can but as long as there is a benefit system people will always find a way to work around the rules.
everything is relative i suppose..... perhaps all benefits should be stopped, all benefits and lets start again ? the benefit to have your company registered abroad, while you live here, have your salery/dividends paid into an offshore account and pay no tax.
the benefit to squander all your company and shareholders/depositors funds playing in the casino and get bailed out by the said same taxpayers.
the benefit to create inflation, thereby reducing the value of the multitudes purchasing power by increasing the money supply (the right to create money).
the benefit to be able to get elected politicians to create laws in your favour and raise taxes to pay you interest.
the benefit to aquire public assets at a knocked down price so you can sell them on at a profit.
the benefit to start wars so you can lend to both sides till they are exhausted and have to borrow from you again to rebuild at interest.
the benefit to lend to (our) government to get us out of the shit we are now in, blaming each other, that the bastards got us into.....AT INTEREST !
STOP BLAMING THE LITTLE GUY AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PILE while a tiny, tiny minority have got away with £BILLIONS
Yes I did Cherry.
But you see Benny thinks it is ok for everyone to be on the sick, or that everyone who is on the sick is worthy of their money.
Thank God we have taxpayers or otherwise the people on benefits would not get a penny. As a taxpayer I have a right to ask the question, about how scroungers are out there, on a benefit they are NOT entitled too. Benny sees a huge problem with that one, and I just cannot see why.