So the NUM has finally after all these years at last given Scargill, what they should have given him back in the 80's..........the boot.
This man helped to destroy the miners and the Union. Yes of course the Tory Government at that time under Thatcher were partly to blame, and of course there will be those that blame Thatcher for it but..........remember the NUM brought down Heaths Government and that was before Thatcher had even come to power.
When the NUM led by mad horse Scragill then decided to use their power once again, they found out they were up against a completely different animal in Thatcher. After months of the NUM's members being out on national strike, with all the intimidation that went with it, they lost. They were humiliated back to work with their tails firmly between their legs, and the NUM were never the same again.
Thatcher smashed them to such a degree that they became powerless and leaderless.
Now the once mighty and powerful NUM have decided that Scargill no longer can be a member of this once great union anymore. Of course he says he will fight the decision, but just like before he will lose.
It is a shame that the NUM did not have the same attitude back in the 80's for if they had then maybe we would still have a mining industry.
I for one did smile when I read this report, as for him this is the ultimate humiliation....even worse than Thatchers defeat of him and his union.
I smiled because Scargill helped to destroy the NUM and it's membership, solely for his own agendas. He thought he was so powerful that nobody or nothing could touch him back wrong he was. Now he is just a pathetic figure just as he was on the day the miners were forced back to work.
I hope we never see the days again of a person holding so much power, that he is untouchable, and helps to destroy thousands of peoples lives, just because of his own altered ego.
A typical miners house...
Not really a lot of difference if you blink quick enough eh?
I wonder what these decent hard working miners would make of it all now?
You can never understand the miners strike unless you come from a mining area ......your take on the history of it is distorted to say the least....have fun back slapping
Same old...........same old.
No hidden agendas there with you then?
IF and I did use the word IF you picketed with Kent miners........don't worry as I do not believe for a second that you did.
My opinion of course.
ooooo memories!! I had an old Post Office Morris Minor van...
I have never seeen such hatred expressed towards a group of human beings in my life based solely on what they end up doing to earn a living.
Were some members of our community scared by the coal man as a child or summat? or is there a wish to get a rise out of other community members?
For our younger readers, I should point out that the mining industry was systematically destroyed by a government with vested interests in its destruction and no concern for the misery caused.
The death of British mining was a tragedy. To dance on its grave is incredibly distasteful. But then like I said one presumes the thread is done for effect.
and is history not repeating itself?
Replace the NUM with Unite in this modern age. It is trying to take on Governments where the NUM and others have systematically failed over the years.
And now, the Unions are dictating to the Labour party who it should elect as their leader on pain of withdrawing its funds and support!!
Once again they are becoming all too big for their boots.
I'm sorry Ben, it's not about the workers; its all about how powerful these bastards can be in the furtherance of their ill gotten personal wealth.
They are worse than the very worst of the former USSR leaders who kept their population in poverty whilst enjoying massive wealth for themselves.
Do union leaders really have this Socialistic dream, or is it as I suspect....every man for himself?