There are more male bums in this thread, than women's in the other thread, so come on all females get your bums in the other thread, we cannot have the male with more bums than us
Quote by kenmoo
You may now all run in fear of my utterly crap cameraphone, and the terrible camerataking skills of my friend.
And if that wasn't enough, you have to look at my ugly arse as well. :P
Tis the makings of a lovely arse kenmoo! ......... now give it a try, but right as the picture is being taken - jump, then yer bum will be square in the picture 8-) :lol2:
Quote by kenmoo
Tis the makings of a lovely arse kenmoo! ......... now give it a try, but right as the picture is being taken - jump, then yer bum will be square in the picture 8-) :lol2:
Quote by PoloLady
Are you entirely sure these mens bums you want posting are for the ladies
Quote by Bloke2005
Are you entirely sure these mens bums you want posting are for the ladies