I have no sympathy for OBL, yet I can not help but feel some what uncomfortable with what has happened.
Should this criminal not have been arrested, brought to trial where we could then see he is who they say he is and then evidence of his crimes be brought before the court?
Another thing that does not sit well with me is seeing the celebration's of his death, I was not happy to see celebrations of the death of people in the twin towers and I am equally unhappy with these.
Aye, an eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth...
That doctrine has solved a lot of problems over the years, not...
As for airport checks, I recently remember seeing some coverage showing a 9 year old Caucasian girl being strip searched in security in the States for a local flight...
The security people love it because it keeps them in a high paid low grade job. The travellers tell a different story Max.
It now appears that the only people shooting inside the house were SEAL operatives.
Looks like once again the good old U.S.A. took it upon themselves to be (judge, jury and executioners)
OBL was unarmed and no gun fire was returned by anyone.
Makes them no different than any other organization in my book.
And now the Pakistani authorities are more than miffed with the Americans over this incident.
Can't see that the USA has done anything they need to apologise to anyone about.
Any attacks which may happen would have happened anyway, just the label will be different. Instead of the attack being "because the west is on a crusade against Islam" it will now be "in revenge for the killing of OBL".
well....let me say I think the world is a better place without Bin Laden in it. Those that live by the sword, must be prepared to die by the sword. I have no problem with him been killed. I would not want a long drawn out trial, at a massive cost, where he would have been given the opportunity to speak and spoat his hated, and maybe even use codewords, for certain secret terrorist operations to take place.
However what I do not like is the mis-information. If we had been told they had found him, and shot him dead, Then I would of simply said good. But the first news coming out of the whitehouse, was that the president watched it as it happened; they had a massive gun fight; Bin Laden himself was armed; he used wife and children as shields. All of which we now find to be totally untrue !!
I really do think, the Americans have missed an opportunity here.
instead of simply rejoicing at getting rid of an evil terrorist, we are wondering about what really happened, and giving people the opportunity to question the whole operation.
Personally dont think the killing of Bin Laden will make any difference at all because there will be somebody waiting to step in to his shoes and carry on the evil deeds of Al Qaeda and the killing wont stop. Certainly think there wil be a backlash in America and some sort of attack will happen very soon. Dont think the cheering and gloating all over America helped and holding signs saying "Obama 1 Osama 0". Look at the joy of killing Saddam Hussain and the "we got him" statement by George W Bush yet Iraq is still a country in turmoil and the killings go on daily.