mmmm, well obama will be reselected and endorsed by the primaries now (god he was at a low ebb) the oil and gas contractors have reached northern pakistan and nead a corridor due south of helmand clearing to the sea. "the grand chessboard". oh, and now osama has used up all nine lives (he has been declared dead from kidney failure nine times in the past ten years by many top international government figures), we need a new percieved threat to continue waging war, controlling natural resources and denying the chinese, indians and russians those resources to maintain our primacy.
quick, roll out anwar alawaki, number 2 or 3 in al qaeder and beat the drums of a retalitory strike, oooh fear, fear. blame the pakistanis and invade on the pretext of securing their nukey weapons that might end up in the hands of "the data base" of the mujahadeen.
oh my god, we have dropped a bollock. we have to change the story again because the majority of dumbed down fat pizza eating coke swigging superbowl idiot americans dont believe our story. but dont worry, there is a small minority that will believe that osama bin laden, member of the wealthy saudi carlton group members and family who led the cia financed, trained and armed mujahadeen to expel the soviets out of afghanistan, changed sides in the late nineties and attacked america with 18 saudi and one syrian led by mohamed atta (passport found at ground zero) with commercial aircraft hijackings while the airforce and missile defence systems of the most powerful nation on earth stood down on the direct orders of richard cheney. (9/11 commission report).
the whole story of the killing of osama bin laden as outlined by the president of the u.s. and the subsequent changes in the story by various state department and congressional members are pure theatre and propagander.