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Osama Bin Laden is dead!

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mmmm, well obama will be reselected and endorsed by the primaries now (god he was at a low ebb) the oil and gas contractors have reached northern pakistan and nead a corridor due south of helmand clearing to the sea. "the grand chessboard". oh, and now osama has used up all nine lives (he has been declared dead from kidney failure nine times in the past ten years by many top international government figures), we need a new percieved threat to continue waging war, controlling natural resources and denying the chinese, indians and russians those resources to maintain our primacy.
quick, roll out anwar alawaki, number 2 or 3 in al qaeder and beat the drums of a retalitory strike, oooh fear, fear. blame the pakistanis and invade on the pretext of securing their nukey weapons that might end up in the hands of "the data base" of the mujahadeen.
oh my god, we have dropped a bollock. we have to change the story again because the majority of dumbed down fat pizza eating coke swigging superbowl idiot americans dont believe our story. but dont worry, there is a small minority that will believe that osama bin laden, member of the wealthy saudi carlton group members and family who led the cia financed, trained and armed mujahadeen to expel the soviets out of afghanistan, changed sides in the late nineties and attacked america with 18 saudi and one syrian led by mohamed atta (passport found at ground zero) with commercial aircraft hijackings while the airforce and missile defence systems of the most powerful nation on earth stood down on the direct orders of richard cheney. (9/11 commission report).
the whole story of the killing of osama bin laden as outlined by the president of the u.s. and the subsequent changes in the story by various state department and congressional members are pure theatre and propagander.
Quote by gulsonroad30664
mmmm, well obama will be reselected and endorsed by the primaries now (god he was at a low ebb) the oil and gas contractors have reached northern pakistan and nead a corridor due south of helmand clearing to the sea. "the grand chessboard". oh, and now osama has used up all nine lives (he has been declared dead from kidney failure nine times in the past ten years by many top international government figures), we need a new percieved threat to continue waging war, controlling natural resources and denying the chinese, indians and russians those resources to maintain our primacy.
quick, roll out anwar alawaki, number 2 or 3 in al qaeder and beat the drums of a retalitory strike, oooh fear, fear. blame the pakistanis and invade on the pretext of securing their nukey weapons that might end up in the hands of "the data base" of the mujahadeen.
oh my god, we have dropped a bollock. we have to change the story again because the majority of dumbed down fat pizza eating coke swigging superbowl idiot americans dont believe our story. but dont worry, there is a small minority that will believe that osama bin laden, member of the wealthy saudi carlton group members and family who led the cia financed, trained and armed mujahadeen to expel the soviets out of afghanistan, changed sides in the late nineties and attacked america with 18 saudi and one syrian led by mohamed atta (passport found at ground zero) with commercial aircraft hijackings while the airforce and missile defence systems of the most powerful nation on earth stood down on the direct orders of richard cheney. (9/11 commission report).
the whole story of the killing of osama bin laden as outlined by the president of the u.s. and the subsequent changes in the story by various state department and congressional members are pure theatre and propagander.

Same old, same old...........................
Quote by Max777
mmmm, well obama will be reselected and endorsed by the primaries now (god he was at a low ebb) the oil and gas contractors have reached northern pakistan and nead a corridor due south of helmand clearing to the sea. "the grand chessboard". oh, and now osama has used up all nine lives (he has been declared dead from kidney failure nine times in the past ten years by many top international government figures), we need a new percieved threat to continue waging war, controlling natural resources and denying the chinese, indians and russians those resources to maintain our primacy.
quick, roll out anwar alawaki, number 2 or 3 in al qaeder and beat the drums of a retalitory strike, oooh fear, fear. blame the pakistanis and invade on the pretext of securing their nukey weapons that might end up in the hands of "the data base" of the mujahadeen.
oh my god, we have dropped a bollock. we have to change the story again because the majority of dumbed down fat pizza eating coke swigging superbowl idiot americans dont believe our story. but dont worry, there is a small minority that will believe that osama bin laden, member of the wealthy saudi carlton group members and family who led the cia financed, trained and armed mujahadeen to expel the soviets out of afghanistan, changed sides in the late nineties and attacked america with 18 saudi and one syrian led by mohamed atta (passport found at ground zero) with commercial aircraft hijackings while the airforce and missile defence systems of the most powerful nation on earth stood down on the direct orders of richard cheney. (9/11 commission report). consistent tho innit max.
the whole story of the killing of osama bin laden as outlined by the president of the u.s. and the subsequent changes in the story by various state department and congressional members are pure theatre and propagander.

Same old, same old...........................
watch and listen to the truthful free press and our honest politicians as they talk up retaliation on pakistan and connections with gadaffi and syria. the chinese know full well what britain, america and nato are up to and will mobilise appropriately.
bin laden would have to be resurrected from the grave to be killed again, with or without proof. no such proof will be forthcoming as well i think you know. watch as the downturn continues and austerity abounds. mervyn king has let the cat out of the bag on that score this week.
So this "grand chessboard" is a new thing? Only written by those that know the "truth" in modern politics?
Have a read through history. Those civilizations that flourished were those that controlled the trade routes. This is not new and in a few hundred years time it will be a different commodity that governments will be trying to control. What is happening is governments trying to ensure the survival of their nation and have the resources to give the ability to grow. This is called its good, bad and ugly forms. To eliminate this then we have to remove commodity, go back to self sufficiency, etc, etc.
Somewhere I do not want to go. It is nice sounding in principal but not workable on a worldwide scale. Just ask Pol Pot.
As for keep bringing up CIA trained Mujahadeen..........well once again look at history. We armed and trained lots of different groups throughout our time as Great Britain to fight a common foe. It doesn't make us allies or have the same wants, it just means we have a common foe at that moment in time. After that time has passed, then they are no longer needed by us and lose our support. If they then fight against us then they will be dealt with or not by the government of the day.
This is just history repeating itself since records began
You are stating that we will now go to war with Pakistan and start invading. This is the first thing that you have stated will happen. Good, now can we have a timescale because I wouldn't want you coming back on in 30 years and say, see I told you rotflmao
Quote by gulsonroad30664
mmmm, well obama will be reselected and endorsed by the primaries now (god he was at a low ebb) the oil and gas contractors have reached northern pakistan and nead a corridor due south of helmand clearing to the sea. "the grand chessboard". oh, and now osama has used up all nine lives (he has been declared dead from kidney failure nine times in the past ten years by many top international government figures), we need a new percieved threat to continue waging war, controlling natural resources and denying the chinese, indians and russians those resources to maintain our primacy.
quick, roll out anwar alawaki, number 2 or 3 in al qaeder and beat the drums of a retalitory strike, oooh fear, fear. blame the pakistanis and invade on the pretext of securing their nukey weapons that might end up in the hands of "the data base" of the mujahadeen.
oh my god, we have dropped a bollock. we have to change the story again because the majority of dumbed down fat pizza eating coke swigging superbowl idiot americans dont believe our story. but dont worry, there is a small minority that will believe that osama bin laden, member of the wealthy saudi carlton group members and family who led the cia financed, trained and armed mujahadeen to expel the soviets out of afghanistan, changed sides in the late nineties and attacked america with 18 saudi and one syrian led by mohamed atta (passport found at ground zero) with commercial aircraft hijackings while the airforce and missile defence systems of the most powerful nation on earth stood down on the direct orders of richard cheney. (9/11 commission report). consistent tho innit max.
the whole story of the killing of osama bin laden as outlined by the president of the u.s. and the subsequent changes in the story by various state department and congressional members are pure theatre and propagander.

Same old, same old...........................
watch and listen to the truthful free press and our honest politicians as they talk up retaliation on pakistan and connections with gadaffi and syria. the chinese know full well what britain, america and nato are up to and will mobilise appropriately.
bin laden would have to be resurrected from the grave to be killed again, with or without proof. no such proof will be forthcoming as well i think you know. watch as the downturn continues and austerity abounds. mervyn king has let the cat out of the bag on that score this week.
I'm still waiting for your proof that the Bank of England is a private bank.....and also your advice on how to safegauard our salaries and homes in light of the fact that it is now "the big one"..............
Quote by starlightcouple

OBL was unarmed and no gun fire was returned by anyone.

so was over three thousand inocent peeple in the twin towers.
or neither were the london victims either.
i am sure the familys of those who lost loved ones by OBL own hands would be comforted by your words.
Quote by essex34m
Yes, I'd say they have a lot to apologise for.

do you?
in this instance too wrongs do make a right. the americans in my view were more than justified in there actions and as for pakistan i am glad they were not in formed of the americans actions as i am sure if pakistan were aware then i would bet a years money that OBL would not have been there. the pakistanis would have tipped him off.
you say about how Al-Qaida are going to seak revenge, america sought there own revenge by getting OBL. revenge for what? the americans are right in seeking revenge for 9/11. the fish are having a good meel tonight.
Two wrongs can never ever make a right
Quote by Bluefish2009

Then I presume Claus von Stauffenberg was in the wrong when he tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler ??? Which would have shortend WW2 by almost a year and saved countless lives ??
Quote by Geordiecpl2001
Two wrongs can never ever make a right

Then I presume Claus von Stauffenberg was in the wrong when he tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler ??? Which would have shortend WW2 by almost a year and saved countless lives ??
I do not think the two are comparable John, the Americans are not at war with Pakistan, this is a country and Government taking the law into its own hands, some might consider there actions as an act of war, we do not even know for sure that the correct man has been assassinated, will this shorten any war, I think not.
Surly we must be bound by the same laws/morals that we expect others to live by?
Quote by Bluefish2009
Surly we must be bound by the same laws/morals that we expect others to live by?

Isn't this view a lot of the problem? Hasn't the American led coalition pretty much said to other nations "We are going to force democracy and our values/morals on you, we don't care about your heritage and traditions, we just want to control you in a way that fits in with our way of life and thinking"?
Quote by Bluefish2009

OBL was unarmed and no gun fire was returned by anyone.

so was over three thousand inocent peeple in the twin towers.
or neither were the london victims either.
i am sure the familys of those who lost loved ones by OBL own hands would be comforted by your words.
Quote by essex34m
Yes, I'd say they have a lot to apologise for.

do you?
in this instance too wrongs do make a right. the americans in my view were more than justified in there actions and as for pakistan i am glad they were not in formed of the americans actions as i am sure if pakistan were aware then i would bet a years money that OBL would not have been there. the pakistanis would have tipped him off.
you say about how Al-Qaida are going to seak revenge, america sought there own revenge by getting OBL. revenge for what? the americans are right in seeking revenge for 9/11. the fish are having a good meel tonight.
Two wrongs can never ever make a right
Yes they can.
Quote by Max777
mmmm, well obama will be reselected and endorsed by the primaries now (god he was at a low ebb) the oil and gas contractors have reached northern pakistan and nead a corridor due south of helmand clearing to the sea. "the grand chessboard". oh, and now osama has used up all nine lives (he has been declared dead from kidney failure nine times in the past ten years by many top international government figures), we need a new percieved threat to continue waging war, controlling natural resources and denying the chinese, indians and russians those resources to maintain our primacy.
quick, roll out anwar alawaki, number 2 or 3 in al qaeder and beat the drums of a retalitory strike, oooh fear, fear. blame the pakistanis and invade on the pretext of securing their nukey weapons that might end up in the hands of "the data base" of the mujahadeen.
oh my god, we have dropped a bollock. we have to change the story again because the majority of dumbed down fat pizza eating coke swigging superbowl idiot americans dont believe our story. but dont worry, there is a small minority that will believe that osama bin laden, member of the wealthy saudi carlton group members and family who led the cia financed, trained and armed mujahadeen to expel the soviets out of afghanistan, changed sides in the late nineties and attacked america with 18 saudi and one syrian led by mohamed atta (passport found at ground zero) with commercial aircraft hijackings while the airforce and missile defence systems of the most powerful nation on earth stood down on the direct orders of richard cheney. (9/11 commission report). consistent tho innit max.
the whole story of the killing of osama bin laden as outlined by the president of the u.s. and the subsequent changes in the story by various state department and congressional members are pure theatre and propagander.

Same old, same old...........................
watch and listen to the truthful free press and our honest politicians as they talk up retaliation on pakistan and connections with gadaffi and syria. the chinese know full well what britain, america and nato are up to and will mobilise appropriately.
bin laden would have to be resurrected from the grave to be killed again, with or without proof. no such proof will be forthcoming as well i think you know. watch as the downturn continues and austerity abounds. mervyn king has let the cat out of the bag on that score this week.
I'm still waiting for your proof that the Bank of England is a private bank.....and also your advice on how to safegauard our salaries and homes in light of the fact that it is now "the big one".............. i dont need to prove anything and you certainly will not find proof or evidence on the bank of englands website. the bank of england, (for your benefit, in my opinion) is a private bank with private shareholders. it has sole rights by royal charter to issue the currency. upon creation of credit (sterling), it lends it to the treasury (government) AT INTEREST. if things are the other way round i.e. the government through it's proxy (the bank of england) creates credit (sterling), then who do the phuck do we (the taxpayer) owe it to ?
as far as "the big one" is concerned, the dramatic collapse has been postponed by the inflationary increase in credit supply being available to banking institutions for market speculation at .5% interest from the bank of england. but the effects in rising energy and commodity prices, increases in taxes (vat), cuts in spending and theft of pensions and rising unemployment are "the big one" to most people.
funny how the guilty get bonuses and the innocent get austerity. the effects of reducing the spending power of the population by wage cuts, unemployment and cuts in government spending will be an increase in the rate of collapse. you dont have to be joseph stigliz or a rocket scientist to work that out.
this bunch of politicians will increase spending on themselves and predatory wars and increase the tax take from those whose services they will cut and it makes no difference whether they be liberal, conservative or labour. these phuckers will take us to the brink and beyond of all out nuclear confrontation whilst driving us into penury.
note the words from the chinese foreign ministry may 19th following the bullshit osama capture/killing. " the world MUST observe pakistans sovreignty " the chinese know full well that america and britain are cutting them off from mineral and energy supply. they are the biggest investor in libyan oil infrastructure in the last five years and know very well that the attack on libya and the rebel alliance is wholly western backed to prevent them from gaining access to libyan oil.
Quote by gulsonroad30664
mmmm, well obama will be reselected and endorsed by the primaries now (god he was at a low ebb) the oil and gas contractors have reached northern pakistan and nead a corridor due south of helmand clearing to the sea. "the grand chessboard". oh, and now osama has used up all nine lives (he has been declared dead from kidney failure nine times in the past ten years by many top international government figures), we need a new percieved threat to continue waging war, controlling natural resources and denying the chinese, indians and russians those resources to maintain our primacy.
quick, roll out anwar alawaki, number 2 or 3 in al qaeder and beat the drums of a retalitory strike, oooh fear, fear. blame the pakistanis and invade on the pretext of securing their nukey weapons that might end up in the hands of "the data base" of the mujahadeen.
oh my god, we have dropped a bollock. we have to change the story again because the majority of dumbed down fat pizza eating coke swigging superbowl idiot americans dont believe our story. but dont worry, there is a small minority that will believe that osama bin laden, member of the wealthy saudi carlton group members and family who led the cia financed, trained and armed mujahadeen to expel the soviets out of afghanistan, changed sides in the late nineties and attacked america with 18 saudi and one syrian led by mohamed atta (passport found at ground zero) with commercial aircraft hijackings while the airforce and missile defence systems of the most powerful nation on earth stood down on the direct orders of richard cheney. (9/11 commission report). consistent tho innit max.
the whole story of the killing of osama bin laden as outlined by the president of the u.s. and the subsequent changes in the story by various state department and congressional members are pure theatre and propagander.

Same old, same old...........................
watch and listen to the truthful free press and our honest politicians as they talk up retaliation on pakistan and connections with gadaffi and syria. the chinese know full well what britain, america and nato are up to and will mobilise appropriately.
bin laden would have to be resurrected from the grave to be killed again, with or without proof. no such proof will be forthcoming as well i think you know. watch as the downturn continues and austerity abounds. mervyn king has let the cat out of the bag on that score this week.
I'm still waiting for your proof that the Bank of England is a private bank.....and also your advice on how to safegauard our salaries and homes in light of the fact that it is now "the big one".............. i dont need to prove anything and you certainly will not find proof or evidence on the bank of englands website. the bank of england, (for your benefit, in my opinion) is a private bank with private shareholders. it has sole rights by royal charter to issue the currency. upon creation of credit (sterling), it lends it to the treasury (government) AT INTEREST. if things are the other way round i.e. the government through it's proxy (the bank of england) creates credit (sterling), then who do the phuck do we (the taxpayer) owe it to ?
as far as "the big one" is concerned, the dramatic collapse has been postponed by the inflationary increase in credit supply being available to banking institutions for market speculation at .5% interest from the bank of england. but the effects in rising energy and commodity prices, increases in taxes (vat), cuts in spending and theft of pensions and rising unemployment are "the big one" to most people.
funny how the guilty get bonuses and the innocent get austerity. the effects of reducing the spending power of the population by wage cuts, unemployment and cuts in government spending will be an increase in the rate of collapse. you dont have to be joseph stigliz or a rocket scientist to work that out.
this bunch of politicians will increase spending on themselves and predatory wars and increase the tax take from those whose services they will cut and it makes no difference whether they be liberal, conservative or labour. these phuckers will take us to the brink and beyond of all out nuclear confrontation whilst driving us into penury.
note the words from the chinese foreign ministry may 19th following the bullshit osama capture/killing. " the world MUST observe pakistans sovreignty " the chinese know full well that america and britain are cutting them off from mineral and energy supply. they are the biggest investor in libyan oil infrastructure in the last five years and know very well that the attack on libya and the rebel alliance is wholly western backed to prevent them from gaining access to libyan oil.
I'm well aware of what your "opinion" of the Bank of England can be found on any number of the conspiracy theory websites you are so obviously fond of ( not to mention the number of times you have repeated it here). Shame it's a total load of bollox
Quote by gulsonroad30664
the chinese know full well that america and britain are cutting them off from mineral and energy supply. they are the biggest investor in libyan oil infrastructure in the last five years and know very well that the attack on libya and the rebel alliance is wholly western backed to prevent them from gaining access to libyan oil.

do ya homework ffs guls
libya produced less than 2 % of the worlds oil most of which is consumed by Italy,Spain and Portugal
you might want to look at the whole Chinese economy thing, it`s slowing as fast as it grew the Chinese have realised that cheap goods are poor quality and quality goods are more expensive to make ,add the export import costs etc is why lots of business is heading else where
Quote by Geordiecpl2001
Two wrongs can never ever make a right

Then I presume Claus von Stauffenberg was in the wrong when he tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler ??? Which would have shortend WW2 by almost a year and saved countless lives ??
Just idle curiosity you understand.....but what makes you think Hitlers death would have shortened the war ??? Is it not also possible that Hitlers death could have lead to a german victory??
It's just no fun round Pagehall anymore knowing Bin Laden is dead ....takes all the fun out of terrorist spotting know you can never get top score now :twisted:
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
It's just no fun round Pagehall anymore knowing Bin Laden is dead ....takes all the fun out of terrorist spotting know you can never get top score now :twisted:

Ever tried playing "stop the terrorist" in the forums?!