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Plastic surgery

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Watching a programme on Channel 4 about anti-ageing.
The plastic surgery looks brutal. :scared:
So, my question is, would you consider plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
Me? I'm not so sure. I'm a wimp. Utter wimp. And I'd be paranoid about complications. But... if I lost lots of weight & had excess skin then I could see how/why someone might choose to do it.
Quote by noladreams
So, my question is, would you consider plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?

Nope. This is me. If someone likes me, great. If not, then I couldn't care less.
I'd only consider Cosmetic surgery if I was badly burnt for example.
Quote by Dlep
I'd only consider Cosmetic surgery if I was badly burnt for example.

I wouldn't trust you with a sparkler on Bonfire Night.
Could this also be akin to defacing yourself with tattoos?
I realise its a lifestyle choice, like so many other choices you have to make in your lifetime but why do people rave so much about tramp stamps and other such 'decorations'?
For purely cosmetic, to "improve" on me now, in a word no.
No improvement is possible. I am absolutely perfect.
But even if I wasn't, no. Still no.
Each to their own, of course, but I just don't think the preened and plucked look looks good. I don't like the flat faced, botoxed look. I just don't see the point. It's all just another gimmick to get people to part with their money.
This is me. I even think that brushing my hair on a regular basis is too much like a cosmetic unnecessary, so hospital procedures for good looks. No. Don't be daft.
I have to admit that the bloke who had his sagging eyes tucked and the woman who had her tummy tucked both looked good afterwards. I can't deny that. I was just really horrified at the brutality of the actual procedures. :scared:
Not sure I could put myself through it, although I am sure I would quite possibly see the benefits!
nope, not cosmetic surgery for me, I'm quite at one with the body I inhabit!
side note regarding tatts...nope don't get these at all, but hey-ho each to their own and all that!
I do know someone who had a load of fat sucked off her belly. Sure, she looked thinner for a while. But she didn't exercise, saw it as an excuse to continue to eat in excess and within a few months she had put all the weight on again.
Yet, still she had to pay off the loan she took out to have the procedure in the first place.
I would go for a tummy tuck as I have a bad case of "mum tum" and after losing a couple of stone cycling it looks worse in my opinion, trouble is as said in another thread I have never had an op or stitches so to volunteer myself for it makes me go :eeek:
I wouldn't touch my face tho coz for a bird who is nearly 50 I don't look too bad :scared:
If money was no object, and it was immediate recovery (ie, no bruising, no soreness, no need to think about how badly my body had been ravaged) then I'd have my eyelids done (I think they're too puffy) and the bottom of my tummy sorted (2 C Sections and more kebabs than I even want to count :lol2smile
But since my conditions are never going to be met, I'll grow old (dis)gracefully in the body I've been given
Admittedly, I do display some vanity behaviours.
I have dyed my hair since I was a teenager. First, to annoy my mother with all sorts of different colours and then from about age 25 onwards cos I went grey young
I don't remember what my real hair colour is. Well, I'm guessing now, it would be mainly grey all over. Actually, when the roots come through, it looks white.
So, I continue to dye my hair every two months, just like the hair colour conscious sheep that I am. That's nothing other than half an hour of cosmetic indulgence.
If I was a normal human, I probably would (should?) have got my nose sorted years ago. It's been broken 3 times and it does get quite blocked, but did I even seek medical attention at any time.... no... behave. Conveniently, the second break sorted out the effects of the first, as it knocked it the other way, but the third fucked it up again. It's OK. We rub along nicely. No point doing owt about it now, it's not getting any worse.
Not a chance. I've just had a bit of a face lift for medical reasons and the recovery was horrendous. Sent home from hospital with no pain relief. Do it for fun? I think not. :scared:
Quote by Happy Cats
Yep, I'd have it all done.

Yeah, but you need it all done
Oooo, that was harsh. Even for me. lol
Quote by bluexxx
Yep, I'd have it all done.

Yeah, but you need it all done
Oooo, that was harsh. Even for me. lol
Harsh but fair :lol:
I wonder if they can suck the fat from your knees, my legs are toning nicely but I still have fat girls knees :doh
Quote by sandybeach1
I wonder if they can suck the fat from your knees, my legs are toning nicely but I still have fat girls knees :doh

I just googled... :shock: Apparently they can! rolleyes
My nan used to have really fat ankles. She had problems getting shoes for this reason
If she were alive, I would ask her if she would want them sorting. I bet she would tell me to behave myself!
No, I wouldn't have plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. What you see is what you get, like it or not, I don't care. I've never even dyed my hair. Going grey gracefully lol
do you think they could make me look like Jhonny Depp...if so....count me in !!!