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Porn passport

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Not sure if this has been covered already .

The UK government are bringing in a "porn passport". After July if you want to view a porn website you will need a pass code to prove you are over 18yrs. You can get a pass code from a newsagent, showing them ID or from a webpage, you download you ID.

I agree we need to protect miners from accidentally opening a porn webpage. But I am not keen on a website holding my ID data.

What do you think of it?

Will SH be covered by the pass code?

Not too sure how this is going to work, how are they going to block every IP address from accessing porn? Also if you have a so call passport does that mean they will be able to track your porn viewing pleasure? 

You can get free/paid software to change your/Give you new IP/ VPN country address..We are going to give that a try first before handing over any ID information

VPN= Virtual Private Network

IP=Internet Protocol

Quote by MrandMrsBad
You can get free/paid software to change your/Give you new IP/ VPN country address..We are going to give that a try first before handing over any ID information
VPN= Virtual Private Network
IP=Internet Protocol

 I am not happy about handing over my info etc. I like the idea of using a new IP/VPN. I need to look into that.

What a terrific, well thought out idea by HMG. icon_rolleyes

I can't envisage any means by which the ID verification process can and will be abused by some very nasty folks and what a sure fire way of ensuring 'minors' can't access anything naughty just like they can't buy alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, knives, sex services...

As usual, naivety and ineptitude are truly alive and well amongst the inhabitants of Westminster's ivory towers. I wonder how many of the great and the good are sooner or later going to find their ID's exposed. Poetic justice maybe...

Could we have some clarification from the SH management please - if it is possible to get any. This all strikes me as about as possible as knitting with fog.

This might be of interest.

It's been a legislation that they've been delaying for a couple of years now but they've finally confirmed that 15th July is going to be the deadline.  

For those who haven't read into it much or not heard about it yet, it's a new UK law in the Digital Economy Act 2017 which states mandatory age verification controls for all websites showing pornographic content.  The general gist you get is that it's mainly to stop minors 'accidentally' stumbling across porn on the internet.  Rather than control this at ISP level (which would make more sense), they are putting it on each individual website to implement measures.

We are exploring the best ways on how we can implement our age verification controls with everyone's privacy our main priority. 

I seriously thought this was a wind up. I'm not comfortable with the idea of registering or losing my anonymity. 

Surely this will result in a booming trade in circumventing the registration ?

It's a classic example of a thoroughly ill-conceived policy the serious 'unintended consequences' of which are perfectly evident to those of us living in the real world. If anyone needed yet more proof that the lunatics are running the asylum, this is it and it won't be the last harebrained policy our glorious leaders will force upon us.

I wonder how quickly this law will change back when the old pervs in Westminster realise they cant easily access porn to get their jollies off?!

Time to stop watchin and start fuckin then ? or just make your own videos to wank over

worries me to think having to surrender my identity. Worries me more to think this is the beginning of internet wide censorship.

1 month to go and no sites seem to be advising their subscribers what will happen and how. I suspect that HMG havn't got a plan to enforce the legislation and leave the details to sites and ISP's.

Won't be long before we have 'The Great British Firewall' akin to that in repressive states. Unable to freely view foreign sites.

Of course if you have nothing to hide, it won't affect you - will it? :-(

It hasn't been thought through and will almost certainly be delayed again when it dawns on all those privileged MP's and Peers that their surfing habits and ID's won't be quite so anonymous anymore... 

Does anyone else get the feeling that porn, religious/political extremism, climate change, etc etc are being jumped upon and used by our glorious leaders as a means by which to control us more than ever before?  Just a thought...

Oh well, perhaps it is back to contact mags and strange small ads in shop windows e.g. 'large chest for sale' or 'TV for hire'?

Now where is my old copy of Exchange and Mart?

Yes, governments of whatever colour increasingly want to control their plebiscite as they are ever more power hungry. And yes, the porn thing is a way to do that under the guise of protecting youth.

Do I hear the clock striking 13 from my apartment in Victory Mansions. Perhaps they might let me smoke a Victory cigarette along with Winston Smith. Anyone going to Hate week - Big Brother mandates that it will be the biggest rally ever.

Sorry about the 1984 references but I fear for the liberty of our country.

I fear for my sex life!

It's been ditched. See other thread.  smile

Quote by osemlover
It's been ditched. See other thread.  smile

 Not sure about that.. can not find anything on the net saying it has been was origannly meant to start in April, but that was  changed to July..lets hope it has been though..scrapped that is ..

found it

Yet another 'fine mess' from those who don't understand computing and the internet.

Any way it will remain legal to use virtual private networks (VPNs), which can make it seem like a UK-based computer is located elsewhere, to evade the age checks.

I definitely think that the legislators, legal beagles and civil servants take the attitude 'lets ban it and let the techies sort it out for us. It was very interesting to listen to a select committee discussing 5G and security. There were three eminent professors giving straight factual answers to questions but it seemed (to me) to go over the heads of the committee. Then followed a chief of Huawei UK who basically failed to give unequivocal undertakings about security (e.g. backdoors) but simply re-assured the committee that we are a good and proper company. I switched off at that point.