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Today the news is talking about Super Bugs, so many viruses and so much bacteria is becoming immune to all known drugs, 5000 people are dying in the UK each year from things that we used to cure with drugs.
No NEW drug has been found since 1987, drug companies say that they simply have no incentive to develop them, that they could spend $1billion to develop a new drug that will cure something we used to have a cure for but no longer do.
David (is the) Cameron says we MUST incentives drug companies to research and develop new drugs.
Well Mr Drug Company, here is an incentive for you - many of your products are no longer working, I won't buy a vacuum cleaner or car that doesn't work so why should I buy your drugs that don't work.
Those who prescribe drugs should be told to tell patients the truth, that any drugs they prescribe for that particular patients illness will not work so they will NOT prescribe them, be honest with patients, don't give them false hope or relief or cure.
Over the counter drugs that do not work should carry a warning like cigarettes do saying "Warning these drugs are now ineffective against that which they were prescribed for".
It is immoral that they are allowed to sell products which they know no longer work. It is immoral that our government not only allows it to happen but now wants to reward those drug companies with more incentives.
Being unable to sell anything will be a good incentive.
So what was the prediction again?
Quote by Toots
So what was the prediction again?

Mark Austin running around the ITN newsroom waving hia arms in the air while screaming "Fuckin' 'ell... we're all gonna die".
That's what he was like during the bird flu scare, anyway.
Quote by MidsCouple24
Today the news is talking about Super Bugs, so many viruses and so much bacteria is becoming immune to all known drugs, 5000 people are dying in the UK each year from things that we used to cure with drugs.
No NEW drug has been found since 1987, drug companies say that they simply have no incentive to develop them, that they could spend $1billion to develop a new drug that will cure something we used to have a cure for but no longer do.
David (is the) Cameron says we MUST incentives drug companies to research and develop new drugs.
Well Mr Drug Company, here is an incentive for you - many of your products are no longer working, I won't buy a vacuum cleaner or car that doesn't work so why should I buy your drugs that don't work.
Those who prescribe drugs should be told to tell patients the truth, that any drugs they prescribe for that particular patients illness will not work so they will NOT prescribe them, be honest with patients, don't give them false hope or relief or cure.
Over the counter drugs that do not work should carry a warning like cigarettes do saying "Warning these drugs are now ineffective against that which they were prescribed for".
It is immoral that they are allowed to sell products which they know no longer work. It is immoral that our government not only allows it to happen but now wants to reward those drug companies with more incentives.
Being unable to sell anything will be a good incentive.

So the prediction is?.........
You may not like the truth but anti-biotics are a conceptual solution based on the behaviour of spores. It is a somewhat unfortunate fact that DC is simply telling us the way it is. Many bacterial infections have now become immune to antibiotics because of the general over supply and misuse of anti bacterial products. Bacteria follow broadly genetic, evolutionary rules and evolve to survive.
Quote by Too Hot
Today the news is talking about Super Bugs, so many viruses and so much bacteria is becoming immune to all known drugs, 5000 people are dying in the UK each year from things that we used to cure with drugs.
No NEW drug has been found since 1987, drug companies say that they simply have no incentive to develop them, that they could spend $1billion to develop a new drug that will cure something we used to have a cure for but no longer do.
David (is the) Cameron says we MUST incentives drug companies to research and develop new drugs.
Well Mr Drug Company, here is an incentive for you - many of your products are no longer working, I won't buy a vacuum cleaner or car that doesn't work so why should I buy your drugs that don't work.
Those who prescribe drugs should be told to tell patients the truth, that any drugs they prescribe for that particular patients illness will not work so they will NOT prescribe them, be honest with patients, don't give them false hope or relief or cure.
Over the counter drugs that do not work should carry a warning like cigarettes do saying "Warning these drugs are now ineffective against that which they were prescribed for".
It is immoral that they are allowed to sell products which they know no longer work. It is immoral that our government not only allows it to happen but now wants to reward those drug companies with more incentives.
Being unable to sell anything will be a good incentive.

So the prediction is?.........
You may not like the truth but anti-biotics are a conceptual solution based on the behaviour of spores. It is a somewhat unfortunate fact that DC is simply telling us the way it is. Many bacterial infections have now become immune to antibiotics because of the general over supply and misuse of anti bacterial products. Bacteria follow broadly genetic, evolutionary rules and evolve to survive.
Well yes I understand that, I think most people do, Doctors and Politicians and Chemists and even drug producers have been telling us that for years but it is wrong for the drug companies to say they won't research new drugs because there isn't enough money in it, whilst still supplying drugs they know do not work. It has to be one or the other, if you accept your drugs don't work but say it is too expensive to develop new ones that will work then close up shop and stop selling the ones you know do not work, in what other industry would it be acceptable to sell a product that doesn't work, we have a law in this Country that says all products sold have to be "fit for purpose" all products it seems with the exception of legal drugs.
Quote by Toots
So what was the prediction again?

Sorry - my prediction is that the drug companies would soon change their minds about developing new ones if everyone stopped buying the ones that don't work or the Government banned the sale of drugs known to be outdated by evolution.
Extensive tests are carried out, often for years before a drug can be marketed, why can't their suitability be checked after a period of time or when there are a sufficient number of reports submitted by those that are tasked with prescribing them asking for such a check.
Sure it's not a predilection?
It's not correct to say that the current drugs do not work.
They do work in most cases and will successfully treat many ailments, therefore they should continue to be used and the drug companies are not supplying a product that doesn't work.
The problem is that there are some diseases that are resistant to the current antibiotics and the number is gradually increasing, hence the concern voiced by DC and many others.
I predict that the drug companies (who are often heavy political donators and even more often have MP's on the board) will be receiving hefty government tax funded grants to help with development of the drugs we then have to buy at over inflated prescription prices rolleyes
Quote by gustavv
It's not correct to say that the current drugs do not work.
They do work in most cases and will successfully treat many ailments, therefore they should continue to be used and the drug companies are not supplying a product that doesn't work.
The problem is that there are some diseases that are resistant to the current antibiotics and the number is gradually increasing, hence the concern voiced by DC and many others.

I did not say ban drugs, I said ban drugs that do not work, you yourself have stated that this is the case when you say "some diseases have become resistant to the current antibiotics".
Nobody in their right mind would think we should stop using the ones that are still successful in most cases, but there are some that, are not worth the money we pay for them, if it is not cost effective to develop new strains of a drug surely the case for buying drugs that are ineffective is even more apparent ?
The symptoms of both resistant and non resistant infections are the same and the most cost effective way of identifying the strain is still to start an imediate course of antibiotics.
In the vast majority of cases the treatment is still successful and is more desirable than delaying any action until the infection is identified.
I don't believe for a second that the drug complanies have not seen this coming, It is a possibility they have products already in the later stages of development and are seeking funding simply to cover their development costs and publicity to put pressure on regulators for quick approval :dry:
Why then are the Government and Pharmaceutical companies lying to us then, why can't they be upfront and honest and simply say, "as some drugs are losing their ability to combat certain diseases we are developing new strains but this is a very expensive process and we need help in order to keep up with the evolution of disease" now that I could support. but being asked to support people who lie to us and have no respect for us, I find that difficult, it is not like these companies are not making huge profits, these companies have Billions of pounds in turnover and huge profits.
In places like India Pharmaceutical companies make huge profits, might it not be an idea for the British Government to remember the days when the Nation actually owned companies, what if we set up our own drug production and our own drug research facilities paid for from the profits of our own producers, might this not also put funds into our Universities and help them provide better and more facilities too.