Hey Lilith, you'd look great on my arm!
You bring the lube and I'll trim my nails! :twisted:
Oh cubes you are so square
Emms why don't I show you some ideas I have for the bedroom while Si' checks out the ceiling?
Laurence Lewellyn Bowen..
Feel free..why don't you fetch your snatch..oh sorry swatch boards along?
Ohhh Lep thas shade of green just so does it for me, get that big lense of yours out and point it this way :rascal:
Care to examine my was-a-double-crown-is-now-becoming-a-bald-spot Nola? You should get a pretty good view if I rest my head just <<< there I think?
( You may need to quote for the <<< to make more sense? ;) )
Edited as I seem to have killed the thread.
Sorry Steve, but that's my prerogative, so fancy being bi for an hour? ;)
Box canyon?
Anyway........when do those legs stop? :Swooooooon: